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Chapter 483 The drama begins

In Fengxi Valley, the largest independent alliance of Jingzhou Loose People, the impact of the alliance leader being beheaded late at night came and went as quickly as a summer thunderstorm. Except for the players who were online at that very early morning, they were surprised for a moment. No more waves were made.

Even many players in other major states don’t know about this matter, and those who do know have no impression. The members of the big alliance only pay attention to the alliance situation at the same level, and the individual people and tourists only pay attention to the movements of a few protagonists. As for disappearing from the season script Is it necessary to pay attention to the Sanren Alliance in history? .

No, because they are destined to be ineffective and have no ability to make trouble.

However, others did not pay attention, but Zheng Wuwei must pay attention, because all the management of Zhengzhan Tianxia knew very well that this wave of Bloody Dragon Slaying operations was foreshadowing why they started the war.

[Sui] Conquer the world and manage the channel through alliances.

[Prime Minister] Battle丨A Shu: Bloody Mist broke through Yuzhou at noon yesterday, and their branch alliance in Jingzhou became the largest independent alliance in Jingzhou last night. Then I took a look just now, and the Yujing Pass at Bowang is already full of people. Entering the bloody misty red land, as expected, the opponent will enter Jingzhou from Yuzhou at noon.

Then fly to our checkpoint in Yizhou through the airport arranged by the branch alliance.

[Taiwei] Battle丨Xiao San: The opponent's pace is a bit fast. To be honest, we are already a step behind. The Jingzhou Jiuzhou Regiment must move, and we must also decide the time to enter Jingzhou.

[Monarch] Conquest | Wuwei: I communicated with Jiuzhou when I got online in the morning, and they are already building a fortress towards Bowang.

[Prime Minister] Conquest丨A Shu: Although Kyushu is developing well, there are not enough people after all. It's okay to go with the bloody Zhan Longgang, but I'm afraid it won't be possible to block the road in Bowang.

[Monarch] Conquest | Fearless: I know, so the task I gave them is to find the Dragon Slayer airport, be the first to defeat it, and then occupy the favorable terrain to buy time.

The paving crew we have arranged has passed through the war zone and has paved the road to the Youjiang Checkpoint. Brothers and sisters, please set up a fortress. The time to clear the checkpoint is set at 18:00 in the evening.

[Taiwei] Battle丨Xiao San: The time is almost the same, but even if we take the initiative to enter Jingzhou, Bloody may not be on the same line with us.

Of course there is no problem in lining up with us in Jingzhou, but if they want to achieve quick results, I think they will look for weak points and enclave to attack. After all, they cannot afford to delay the situation in the north.

[Monarch] Conquest丨Fearless: Of course I know this, so in order not to be carried away by the opponent's rhythm, we must have a little initiative.

The Jiuzhou Regiment has arranged an airport here in Youjiang. After we enter Jingzhou, we can fly directly to the vicinity of Bowang. This not only supports the Jiuzhou Regiment, but also makes it clear that the carriage's target is Yuzhou. Do they still want to ignore it? .

Don’t forget, next to Bowang Pass is Xuchang County and Hulao Pass. Not to mention that Yuzhou is their territory. Aren’t they afraid that we will block Hulao after we enter Yuzhou? .

If it were just a one-on-one fight between our two families, they would indeed have time to slowly confront us, but the situation in the north has determined that Bloody will not take such a risk unless they are crazy.

[Taiwei] Battle丨Xiao San: OK.


"After passing the war zone, we reached Youjiang Pass." Jiang Liuhuai pulled the map, checked several checkpoints in Yizhou, and smiled softly.

At this time, as the zone is about to enter the 5th day, the main players of the first team of T1-level alliance players have generally reached level 40. The level of the main players of the first team is even Already close to level 45.

The level 7 level was now no longer a threat, so when he saw that Zhan Zhantian had spent time going around in a circle just to avoid missing a level 7 level, Jiang Liu immediately felt that the opponent was too weak.

How can a confident alliance play such a roundabout way? It can just be tough. With the strength of the main alliance in the world currently close to three full red groups, what can it mean to play this kind of trick if the structure is too small and there is no confidence? .

[Tang] Bloody Mist, alliance management channel.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: Notify my good brothers in advance and save resources and copper coins. After the game starts at noon, except for the unformed main force who can stay at home and level up, all other teams must be in place.

After growing steadily for so long, if the resources still cannot keep up with the consumption, then go and stay in the sub-alliance, and don't stay in the main alliance to occupy space.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: Yeah.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Over here at Jingzhou Bowang, I saw that the Jiuzhou regiment was red in the battle for the world, and I guess they are here to stop us.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: One step at a time, one step at a time, what do they think our blood color is? To break through two level 5 levels, do we need to set a time and give them a chance to wait for them to fortify and play an offensive and defensive battle? .

Romance makes good statistics. The level 5 level is not difficult. You can start the demolition as long as you have enough. There is no need to wait for everyone to arrive.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: Good.

[General Zhenguo] Bloody Duke: The battle is in Youjiang. If nothing happens, we will enter Jingzhou today. Do we want to fight with them in Jingzhou? .

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: Jingzhou is not their homeland, so what’s the use of attacking them in this wave? There’s no need to waste time. I’ve asked Zhan Long to arrange the airport. After setting up a position in Bowang, I’ll fly to Beijing. Pass, then broke through the Han Xingguan, entered Yongchang, and penetrated directly into their capital Yunnan.

Since we have the advantage and the initiative, there is no need to waste time with them. It is a complete pipe dream for them to start a fight with us in Jingzhou.

The expedition team chose Youjiang as the checkpoint to enter Jingzhou. In addition to being close to their resource state, the remaining purpose must be Bowang Pass.

But as long as we establish a good position in Bowang, there is no need to stay here and waste time with them. We tell them clearly that we are going to enter Yizhou, their base camp. If you have the ability, don't come.

If they want to come and take Bowang, we can send our troops over at any time. As long as we hold them back in a stalemate, that's fine.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: Yeah, yeah.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: That’s it. If nothing happens, we will go according to the plan. In addition, Old Mao, please inform Tianmu to keep an eye on the dragon and don’t let them disrupt the situation.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Uh, okay.


System: Congratulations to [Tang] Bloody Mist for successfully clearing Fanchang, the level 5 level of Yujing for the first time.

The first attack to kill the enemy: Blood丨KT丨The first attack to attack the city: Milk Candy.

System: Congratulations to [Tang] Bloody Mist for successfully clearing Yujing level 5 level Bowang for the first time.

The first achievement of killing the enemy: Blood丨Marquis丨The first achievement of attacking the city: I am Liu Xiu.

Before 12 noon, less than an hour apart, Bloody Mist sent troops directly from Yuzhou, easily cleared the two checkpoints connecting Yujing, and successfully entered Jingzhou. The speed was staggering.

Although Zhengzhan Tianxia had taken precautions in advance to prevent them from breaking through and even made plans, Bloody acted quickly and did not give them a chance at all. They entered Jingzhou before the local Jiuzhou Regiment fortress was formed.


"Were you caught off guard?"

Ning Xiu stared at the red ground of all parties in Jingzhou, and after analyzing the current situation, he came to such a conclusion.

It was obvious that Bloody Mist knew its advantages very well. They arranged everything in one night and then took action directly in the morning. Even if Zhan Zhantianxia discovered their purpose, due to time reasons, they could not intervene and could only stare.

"The bloody branch alliance has become the largest alliance of the scattered people in Jingzhou. Jingzhou is now dotted with their airports, and it can also become an airport of bloody fog.

The battle is now in the Youjiang checkpoint enclave, but if I were in the Bloody Mist, there would be no need to face them. In that case, the two sides would become a positional battle across a checkpoint, wasting the original advantage.

So if my guess is correct, Bloody will use the airport to attack other levels in Yizhou. When the enclave is successful, even if Yizhou reacts, it will still take time to build the fortress from the enclave.

In this way, if the speed is fast enough, they can take over the checkpoints on the Jingzhou side and enter the war zone first. After that, they only need to break through a line of defense to enter the Yizhou mainland.

The purpose of entering the Yizhou mainland is to quickly solve the war in the world. If you want to directly and brutally attack an alliance, its capital and prefectures are naturally the primary targets. Then there are only two checkpoints near Yongchang and Yizhou. "

After simply analyzing the current situation of Wave of Blood and Zheng Zhan in his mind, Ning Xiu felt that although Blood Mist had taken the initiative, Zheng Zhan Tianxia was a T1 old alliance and would not lose so easily.

What's more, next to it is the Liangzhou Dragon League. Once the situation is unfavorable, the Dragon League can come from Liangzhou through Ziyuan State to help.

Bingzhou Tianmu might act as a hindrance to contain the Dragon Alliance, but under the eyes of Youzhou, Jizhou, and others who have been together through thick and thin, how dare he and his whole family go out to Yongzhou Ziyuan State to help? Don’t you want it anymore in your hometown? .

"Once the Bloody and Zhengzhan war begins, it will probably not be able to stop without a clear winner, and Long and Tianmu will gradually be dragged into the quagmire of war. This period is our development period. Well, by the way, I'm afraid we will still be in the war. Defeat Qingzhou’s Desolate Alliance.”

After having played against each other once, Ning Xiu had a thorough look at the strength of Huang Meng. To be honest, he felt that the opponent was not as powerful as last season's opponent Ye Meng.

With such strength, it is completely an international joke to shoulder the burden of containing them, not to mention that they still have thugs from the Qinglin League? The front may be just right, but it can cause trouble and distract their troops. It won't be a problem, right? .

Under such circumstances, we can enter the ultra-high-speed development period, and then find the right opportunity to go out and play a sweep. This is Ning Xiu's current plan.

Of course, plans cannot keep up with changes, and Sutu's tricks will always be beyond your imagination, but it's better to rest than to panic. To forge iron, you need to be hard-working. If you are strong, you will never be passive.

"To practice leveling, set a small goal first, and try to have a few more teams with level 50 main players before the next game starts."

When I think about the fact that others are fighting in full swing, but my own team is growing up, and when everything starts to start, we will pull out all the main players who are all level 50 and red, and I ask you, are you afraid of those teams that are only in their early level 40s? .

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