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Chapter 490 Beacon Fire VS Blood Mist

At 22:13 in the evening, when the two pieces of land in the front row of the bloody fog near the Jingzhou border on the east side of the war zone passed, the dense red lines immediately hit the two pieces of land.

The red lines on the two pieces of land were condensed into pillars of light, covering them in an instant. It was impossible to see the specific situation without adjusting the zoom of the screen.

The one responsible for the main attack this time is one of the main Manhong group of Blood Mist. As the main Manhong group of a T1-level alliance, there is no doubt about the personal abilities of the members in the group.

For veteran players who lead the Three Kingdoms, they can basically tell at a glance whether an alliance can fight and whether its members can play.

For members of this T1-level alliance, it is a basic operation to orderly block several of their teams within the same second.

Even a mature team will often subconsciously move closer to the farthest member in the team when attacking in order to achieve the purpose of focusing the fire. This wave of attacks in the world has this effect.

Two pieces of exempted land, using a regiment of men to focus fire, in the eyes of ordinary melon-eating people, is completely exaggerated, but for the Great Alliance at the same level, any gap in their own defense line is impossible. Throwing it away easily can affect the whole body. It is not just a matter of words.


Zheng Tianxia can see the breakthrough point of Blood Mist. It is impossible for Blood Mist not to know this point. Otherwise, if you can't even see this point, then there is no need to play at the T1 level.

Therefore, at the moment when the mobile group fighting in the world gathered together, Bloody Mist also sent up the mobile group reserved by itself, and directly on board was Bloody Mist's strongest main group, the Bloody Mist Group.

[Tang] Bloody Mist, alliance management channel.

[Prime Minister] Scarlet丨Old Cat: The battle is indeed coming, and the romantic wave is quite predictable [呲呲].

[Lieutenant] Bloody Romance: Don’t be too gay, this time it still depends on the Duke and his friends [picking their nose].

[General of the Kingdom] Scarlet丨Duke: It doesn't matter. If a group comes to fight, they may not be able to get much advantage, but with this beacon group, it won't be a problem to attack them.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: With the help of the first move, we hit the doorstep of Yizhou directly. It was inevitable to conquer the world and hold our breath. In addition, they were the first to break through the levels and occupied more than half of the two levels. The morale was high. , seeing that our side has passed the exemption, there is no reason not to pave the way [呲ya].

Zhengtianxia is famous for being stable in the T1 circle. This is their advantage, but it is also a shortcoming. Just like now, they clearly take the initiative, but they use the strongest Zhanzhan group for defense and send a beacon group. Let’s fight. If we take this opportunity to trick them, we would be very sorry to the audience [呲ya].

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: There is something, romance is indeed the number one old coin in our alliance [thumb].

[Captain] Scarlet丨Romantic: No prizes, no prizes, mainly because the cards in hand are strong enough. After this round of deception, their mobile regiment will be basically half useless, and the initiative will be on our side again [picking nose] shit】.


The Manhong team, which is the most arrogant and powerful group, may seem to ordinary players to be completely indistinguishable. They are all first-line teams and they are all Manhong.

But one is to lead the top 3 teams of the mainstream teams to be full of red, and the other is to have all the generals to be full of red or the top 5 teams to be full of red, which represents the depth of the card pool that only full-red players can understand.

The players in the first three teams who are all red must be rich. After all, leading the land is a money-eating game. If the generals of the mainstream teams can be all red, there will definitely be no shortage of krypton.

But in the same way, only having 3 red teams, it means that the player's card pool is not deep enough. In the early stage, he will spend a lot of money, but in the later stage, he will have monthly cards or a set to maintain his life.

Such a team of players must be a full-red first-line team. There are definitely not many that can form a super first-line team, such as the most common team of full-red governors.

His explosive power and invincible appearance are definitely at the top of his game in the Conquest Season, but compared with the Manhong Grandpa team, they are a bit unsatisfactory.

One can be used to open up wasteland, and it can be used to attack cities and fights, but one cannot be used to open up wasteland. The damage in fighting against cities is high, the fighting is unstable, and the bad face is directly the background board.

To put it simply, a red boss with a deep enough card pool will draw the strongest team and the strongest combat strategy in the early stage. Players who do not have enough card pool will have no choice if they want to gather a full red team. You have to pick, as long as you can get a first-line red team.

The Blood Mist Group is the trump card of the Blood Mist. It is necessary to have 5 teams with full red. There are also many big bosses with all the cards in the Blood Mist. It can be called the strongest sharp knife of the Blood Mist.

As the leader of the Blood Mist Regiment, the Scarlet Duke placed the fortress group of his Blood Mist Regiment next to the Jingzhou border at the bottom of the level when the alliance enclave was started, in order to be able to move faster and more quickly when the battle started. Launch attacks against opponents in the war zone across the border.

When the beacon fire regiment that was conquering the world came to shoot from a distance, he did not rush to call the members to go up and garrison, because at this time, the management of the opposite side would definitely pay attention to this place. Once it was revealed that their regiment was stationed, the other side might withdraw its troops. .

After waiting for 3 minutes with peace of mind, the Scarlet Duke sent a garrison email to the Blood Mist Group through the group frequency. In fact, there was a border between them and the land that needed to be garrisoned.

The speed was so fast that the nearest team went over to garrison, and it didn't even take a minute. However, seeing that the time to retreat had passed, and it no longer affected anything, the Scarlet Duke wanted to see how ugly Zheng Tianxia was after seeing them garrisoned. face.


When the Blood Mist Regiment took the lead in taking the garrison, Zhanzhan Tianxia discovered it immediately, but the Bloody Duke's idea was completely overthinking.

As Blood's trump card, the Blood Mist Group certainly has a good reputation, but as a T1-level alliance, Conquering the World is not exaggerated to the point of being timid and regretting it even before it starts.

This is especially true for the members of the Beacon Fire Group. Many of them can't wait to touch each other.

In the game world, no one is afraid of anyone. Unless it affects their own interests, most players will just do it if they don't accept it. It doesn't matter who you are or how strong you are, just finish it first.

If you can't beat them, you have to fight. If you lose, go back and try again slowly. They are all red teams. In this face-based game, whiteboard teams, mixed 4-star and 5-star teams can all be red, not to mention all first-line full red teams. What about the red team? .


As time passed, when the distance between the two teams became closer and closer, not only the members of both sides, but also the people watching the live broadcast became a little nervous. Ning Xiu was also full of expectations.

In fact, in Ning Xiu's view, the essence of the Three Kingdoms of Lute, in addition to getting cores for free at half price, is that when the team goes out for the expedition, the march countdown above is counting down. This stage is definitely the most anticipated and nervous stage for all Lute players. one.

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