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Chapter 502 Sweeping Qingzhou [4]

As the Long-Shot Group Army, which stood together through thick and thin, got closer and closer, the Wild League players stationed at several assembly points on the front line also received warning prompts, and then exploded instantly.

[Into] Huang丨The sun and the moon are in the sky alliance channel.

The fat fish head: [509X1412] I have a damn big plane in my mouth. How come we are in the same boat through thick and thin? [Question mark face].

Huang丨Tianya: So many! ! My garrison here may not be able to withstand [cold sweat].

Huang丨Shengzi: Do you want to withdraw a wave and let them run away [picking their noses].

I have a problem: If I withdraw the garrison, what if the Qinglin regiment on the opposite side seizes the opportunity to turn back? The fortress behind me is still quite far away from the front.

It would be easy to operate if Fengyu's fire jams were all at one point, but the cards are stuck in waves. Even if you want to hide out and withdraw, you can't play, unless you no longer want the fortress and the land.


Whether to withdraw or not, whether to avoid its sharp edge and avoid the wave of attacks by the same boat through thick and thin, really makes the management of Huangmeng a bit difficult to make a decision.

Under normal circumstances, when you know that you are no match for the enemy through thick and thin, it is the wisest choice to withdraw as soon as possible and give up the land and fortresses in the front row that are within its strike range.

But to be honest, no matter what excuse you use, retreating without firing a shot is really embarrassing, especially since this is the host's hegemony zone server.

Although today is the first week since the district opened, many of the melon-eating people in the district server have withdrawn after the fresh period. However, the number of spectators outside has not only not decreased, but has increased due to the war and the bloody war.

Under such circumstances, facing the same situation again, will they still run around in their own Qingzhou territory as dejectedly as they did in Jizhou last time? .

If that's the case, even if this wave of attacks is defused and the strength is preserved, how can the members of the Desolate League continue to fight against each other with no morale and enthusiasm? They can't just retreat and run away when they see others.

The players were deserted, looking at the strangely silent management channel, knowing that it was now time for him, the leader of the alliance, to stand up and make a decision.

Then if the result is acceptable, everyone is naturally happy. If the result is unacceptable, he will continue to take the blame. He is too familiar with this routine.

[Cheng] Huang丨The sun and moon are in the sky, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Desolation: The main force should be piled up to resist. We can talk about other things after the fight.

[Yushi Dafu] Aragami: That’s it, just do it. I really don’t like you being so hesitant when playing a game.

[Prime Minister] Huang丨Tiandao: Well, just then.

[Yushi Dafu] Aragami: Let me send an email.


[Cheng] Huang丨The sun and the moon are in the sky [E-mail: Yushi Dafu] Huang Shen: Brothers, the whole family, press forward, stationed at the focus of the storm, and fight with them [Fist].

After Aragami sent the email and overwhelmed all the teams in his fortress to the front row garrison point, he felt somewhat excited.

As a game expert and a powerful player, the most important reason why he is interested in the card strategy game of Three Kingdoms is the passion in group fights.

In fact, in his opinion, Feng Yu is indeed strong, but it is far from being as exaggerated as other managers in the league say. Yes, Feng Yu grows quickly, but can growth 100% represent combat effectiveness? .

The Desolate Alliance may not be as good as Wealth and Wind, but it is definitely not as disastrous as being defeated in one blow. This is the first time that the two sides have fought against each other in the true sense.

In addition, although Aragami holds a management position, he does not regard himself as a manager from the bottom of his heart, nor does he care about him. He only cares about his own game experience. As long as he is happy, other people will die with him. Mao relationship.

After sitting up straight on the soft chair and lighting a cigarette, Aragami put his head close to the computer interface and stared at the marching countdown of the vanguard coming from a distance, counting down silently in his heart.


As the initiator of this concentrated fire plan, Ning Xiu's team was of course also in the first wave of attacks. Seeing that there was less than 2 minutes left before crashing into the Desolate Alliance's garrison, he sat up straight.

Now, in addition to looking forward to the performance of his next few teams' main players, he is worried about the opponent running away and leaving them empty-handed.

Although this is the first time the two sides have clashed, and the chance of this happening under normal circumstances is very small, Ningxiu is still afraid that the commander of the Desolate League is a master of stability.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Simply speaking, Ning Xiu was obviously more worried. When he followed the first wave of Feng Tuan and rushed into the garrison group of the Desolate League, a bunch of battle reports popped up directly at the bottom of Ning Xiu's game interface.

Instead of immediately calling back the tied teams, Ning Xiu first counted the number of battle reports that popped up on his game interface, and there were 12 of them.

"No, so many?"

After confirming the number of battle reports, Ning Xiu himself couldn't believe it. After all, 12 battle reports meant that he had played against at least 12 teams.

Even if all the four main teams he went on the expedition were wiped out, minus these battle reports, it would mean that he had defeated 8 teams in the Desolate League. Unless the opponent was demolishing, otherwise with such a number, after entering the Conquest Season, Ning Xiu would probably be dead. The highest record achieved by a concentrated fire.

"It feels like Season S. I hope I don't encounter the demolition Spartans who are just pretending to be numbers." After muttering in his heart, he clicked on the battle report to look at the results of this wave of battles.


[Into] Huang丨The sun and moon are in the sky, alliance channel.

Everyone is sick: [Battle Report] What the hell, the level 50 Manhong Grandpa team? [Say hello].

Fatty Fish Head: Stop talking, I was killed by this team. The first team I transformed was only level 43 [dumbfounded].

General Lou Lan: I was also killed by their lord, Mr. Ning. Not to mention that he was full of red tops and had good fighting skills, and that his troops were suppressed. The level difference was almost 10 levels. How could I fight? It’s totally a Wuxun baby, okay? [Ghost].

I am sick: Alas! When I was in Jizhou, I was harassed and my development was slow. Then I just recovered after wandering around. Before I could level up, they started fighting again and the team couldn't get up [speechless].

Aragami Holy Son: [Battle Report] Don’t talk about us, even the Aragami boss has been educated [can’t laugh or cry].


When many people are in a miserable situation, they will immediately find someone who is recognized by many people, and use the reason that they are also miserable to stabilize themselves and express that it is not that they are not good, but that the opponent is too strong, and everyone is the same.

Aragami's face was already ugly, and he found out that his battle report was beaten to death by his allies on the alliance channel. When he was already deeply shocked, he was stabbed in the heart again, and his heart suddenly dropped.

His team is indeed strong, and his tactics with full red tops are definitely the best, but also because of the encounter in Jizhou, even if he recovers faster than ordinary players, it is not much faster.

For a team with a maximum level of 45, when a team with the same lineup is in the same boat, unless the odds are on his side, it will definitely be more expensive.

Because in addition to the gap in team level between the two sides, there is also the gap in the main city building. All kinds of factors add up, and it is normal to lose.

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