Game copper coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 504 Just rely on your ability to make a living

After the Qinglin Regiment had an airport in Linzi, they naturally no longer had to stay in the corner of Xinchang Pass and waste time with the Qingzhou Desolate League. Their purpose was to eliminate each other as quickly and neatly as possible.

Ning Xiu followed the coordinates attached to the email and redirected the game screen to Linzi, then clicked on the map to check it out.

"The location is okay. Linzi, the capital of Qingzhou, is across a river to the east. It's less than 30 blocks away in total." Ning Xiu was very satisfied with the airport arranged by the Qinglin Group. This operation of the other party directly saved them money. A lot of time.

Of course, he was even happier because he felt that his choice was right. Seeing how competent this thug was, he didn't even know how to arrange tasks by himself, so he was prepared in advance. This time, Ning Xiu felt that he had to give the other party 5 stars.

In a good mood, he also felt that it was necessary to reward the other party. If you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse, not to mention the horse that will kneel down and wait for you to sit on before getting up.

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: Please increase my prestige.


When Chang Qing saw this email, he didn't react at first. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized that the boss was trying to add some extra food to his side, otherwise there would be no need to add prestige.

He quickly increased Ning Xiu's prestige. Before he could type his first sentence after announcing his home, Chang Qing saw Ning Xiu transferring money to him.

With a 1 in front and four 0s in the back, ten thousand yuan can be transferred simply and directly. This made even Chang Qing a wealthy man himself, but he really didn't think he could learn this kind of operation.

With his net worth of tens of millions, if you want to spend money on yourself to play games and travel in style, then of course there is no problem with spending money.

Even if you occasionally send benefits to your brothers, you can accept some big packages, but the operation of transferring money directly without saying much, especially in a game, is a bit shocking.


Ning Xiu: You can use this money to give red envelopes to the brothers in the regiment, especially the brothers who are paving roads and attacking the city. Give them all privately.

Changqing: How about I, Mr. Ning, join the group and you can post it? .

Ning Xiu: No, you can just ship it on my behalf this time. I’ll go there next time.

Seeing this sentence, Chang Qing suddenly smiled in his heart. The boss they chose this time was really generous. As soon as they got the benefits, they started talking about the next time.

It's nothing like the previous employers who didn't say anything when negotiating the price. After confirming the cooperation, they were treated like cattle and they did all the dirty work.

Although he used money to help others eliminate disasters, he was afraid of comparisons. Compared with his previous employer, Mr. Ning, who has been through thick and thin this time, is completely different.

Chang Qing: Okay, when my airport is in Linzi, I will send you the coordinates, and you can fly here.

Ning Xiu: Well, go over to the main force. We are here for the time being, and don’t be overturned by the people around the Desolate League over there. After finishing Qingzhou, your alliance can join our country, so that everyone can join us in the future. Chat in a channel, you will tell our Prime Minister Liuyuan about the details later.

Changqing: Yeah.


In the national system of the Three Kingdoms, a national alliance is established in the same large state. After completely occupying all the cities in a county, other alliances in the same large state can be invited to join. The number of alliances invited to join is 3.

To put it simply, a country can accommodate 4 alliances, one leader and three auxiliaries. Although these alliances cannot enjoy the world's general trend of the country's main alliance, settlement rewards and other benefits, they can enjoy benefits such as national technology and resource bonuses. At the same time, Internal communication can also be carried out through exclusive national channels.

Of course, relative to these benefits, joining a country's alliance also requires sacrifices, such as attacking a city to calculate the power value of the country.

Similarly, the national monarch can set up a gathering place on the land of the main alliance members, so that the alliance that joins the country can directly assist in the attack or defense. Generally speaking, it is a mutually beneficial relationship between the two parties.

The Qinglin Group currently gives Ning Xiu a very good sense. In addition, it is just a hiring group, and it only takes money to do things. Unlike other alliances in the script, after inviting them to join the country, various disputes may arise.

It is precisely because of the simple interest relationship that Ning Xiu chose to invite the other party to join their country. Otherwise, he would rather treat it as a game without this function.

After returning to the game, Ning Xiu immediately sent the coordinates to the management channel, and then asked Taiwei Chulian to prepare manpower. Once the Qinglin regiment airport was in place, they would immediately fly to Linzi.


It was impossible for him not to know that his city had been overthrown and desolate, but it was only when he saw the system announcement that he suddenly realized that Dong Chaoyang, their level 4 city in Pingyuan County, had been stolen by the Qinglin Regiment.

Because this level 4 city was taken relatively late, only three people were there at that time. Apart from the fortress of these few people, there were no other people.

What makes him more angry is that although there are not many people, there is a fortress here. It is understandable that you said you didn't notice when people were laying the ground secretly.

When the forts were raised to mobilize troops, I believe that because the forts on both sides were not in the same direction of the city, no warning alert was received.

But when we attack the city, we can't have received the warning sound, right? , even if it’s too late to stop it at that time, you can still send an email to notify the management so that you can be mentally prepared in advance.

But the result was that all the management, including Huangwu, were confused.

A small city, no one would really care about it in normal times, but when they face the ups and downs and fight a defensive war in their own homeland, it would be a bit fatal for the city to be taken away.

The capture of the city means that they have the ability to recruit people in this state. Although Qingzhou is the base of the Wild League, how can it be possible that there are no singles and alts? .

Once these people join their alliance, they will become a living airport, a movable one. Are you afraid of it? This is undoubtedly a patch of fire for the Desolate Alliance, which has just been hammered and its morale has collapsed, and it also sprinkles some salt.

[Cheng] Huang丨The sun and moon are in the sky, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Prime Minister] Huang丨Tiandao: I have sent emails to several people, but they have not replied to me. They are probably not online [Ghost].

[Monarch] Desolation: Don't worry about these things for now, quickly search to see where the Qinglin League's land appears in other places, and find people who join the Qinglin League, and they will fall quickly.

[Taiwei] Huang丨Tianxin: Send an email and let people in the alliance look for it together.

[Monarch] Desolation: Don't send it. Morale is already low. Give them a break. Then send them an email directly to let everyone enclave. I believe it will be better than making people panic.

[Taiwei] Huang丨Tianxin: That’s not the case [Cold Sweat].

[Monarch] Desolation: In the game, there are many glass hearts, because there is no need to pretend.


Compared with the Qingzhou Huangmen League, which had low morale, the Qinglin League at this time was completely in sharp contrast with it. Especially after the management sent an email to notify a large number of people to receive red envelopes, it only added fuel to the fire and exploded.

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