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Chapter 510 If you can’t defeat it, then take it in

If you can't beat them, then buy the opponent's leader's account and recruit them. This is not a rare thing in the Three Kingdoms. Although the probability of it happening is not everywhere, it is definitely quite a lot.

The playability of Three Kingdoms is a great test of the game environment the player is in. If you follow an alliance with good welfare benefits and strong fighting skills, you can have fun every season, and of course you will not be able to stop and want to play.

But if every season, he is either beaten into isolation or reduced to a box and lies dead, no one can bear it unless he is a masochist.

For gamers, after experiencing all the content of a game and starting to experience repeated content, the appeal of the game is actually not that great.

The reason why we can continue to persevere is simply because of the friendship and emotion in the game world as the driving force, but this kind of thing is also very fragile, because in the end it is just a game world.

As the leader of the Dragon League, Zhulong has been exposed to this game for nearly 4 years if we count from the earliest internal beta.

How much game content can a strategy card mobile game have? The reason why Zhulong is still playing Shutu is not only because he is used to it, but also because these brothers in the alliance follow him.

However, as the so-called iron-forged alliance has its soldiers, the Dragon Alliance is an alliance that has been around for almost as long as the leader. Not to mention the ordinary members, even the management has changed many times. Zhulong is not the first wave of management. .

As we all know, being a manager in a game is very time-consuming, especially in a game like Leading the Three Kingdoms, where every troop deployment starts by the hour. This is even more exaggerated.

T-level alliances, especially T1 and ceiling alliances, why many players are eliminated is because it consumes too much time, takes up more time than going to work, and is more tiring than going to work.

Of course, Dragon as a T2 level is not that exaggerated, but as the leader of the alliance, the time Zhulong spends in the game every day is definitely more than 10 hours, of course, the garbage time in the later part of the season does not count.

This situation may not have had any impact on Zhulong in the past, because he was still in college at that time and could have as much fun as he wanted, but now he has graduated long ago, especially now that he is married. Such a long game time has already It became a burden to him.


"You ran to Bajun. Do you have the idea of ​​​​entering Ziyuan State?" Zhulong stared at the map of Yizhou and glanced at the small battles near Bajun County, frowning.

The current situation of Yizhou Zhanxiao, the leader, is not optimistic. Although there are no signs of collapse, on the entire Yizhou battlefield, facing the bloody fog, the overall disadvantage is undoubtedly very passive.

Moreover, compared to before, the whole of Yizhou now feels like fighting everywhere. In addition to the main meat grinder battlefield of both sides in Yunnan, there are also several small battles in other places, and the results are almost one-sided.

As an ally, Zhulong certainly knows that the banner of Conquering the World cannot fall, at least not now, because once Conquering the World becomes cold, they will at least be semi-cold.

With such a close distance to Yiyong, it is certain that the bloody mist will enter the Ziyuan State to hammer them. The reason why it is said to be semi-liang is because Yongzhou is not their base camp, and they have been together through thick and thin to attract firepower. There is a chance that the bloody mist will catch up with Liangzhou and hammer them. Very little, at least not at this stage.

But once they and Zhengzhan Tianxia are defeated, even if Feng Yu Tong Ao is so strong now, he doesn't think they can withstand the siege of the bloody camp.

As for whether to support the expedition to the world, there have been several discussions within the Dragon League recently. The reason why no conclusion has been made yet is entirely because Qingzhou's side in the same boat has performed well and Yizhou can also withstand the expedition.

The outcome they most expected was naturally to defeat the Qingzhou Desolate Alliance through thick and thin, and force the Bloody Mist to retreat after approaching Xuzhou.

Otherwise, once Zhengzhan Tianxia is really going to collapse, they will have to support it no matter what. In that case, the current results of Yongzhou will definitely be in vain.

The overall strength of the Dragon League is stronger than Tianmu, but it is not much stronger, otherwise it would not be on the same level. Although they currently have the advantage in Yongzhou, the overall situation is still two sides playing push and pull to contain each other.

"In the final analysis, Bloody's pace is too fast, otherwise the battle would not be so passive. If the battlefield were in Jingzhou, the current situation would not be like this." After sighing, Zhulong also knew that the one who has the ability to break the situation is We've been together through thick and thin.

"According to the current speed of the wind and rain, the wilderness will almost collapse in one day, right?"

After turning off the big map and going through the current situation of the competition in his mind, he withdrew his thoughts and focused on the game interface, Zhulong discovered that there were two more emails.

For a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, he never allows red dots to appear on his game interface. Whether it is an alliance chat red dot or an email red dot, he must kill it as soon as he finds it.


Quickly clicking on the email, when he saw that the person who sent him the email was Jiang Liu, the leader of the bloody mist alliance, Zhulong was stunned. The first reaction in his heart was that the other party was going to cause trouble, because as an old alliance leader, this kind of thing He's been through too much.

[Tang Dynasty] Bloody Mist [Email: Monarch] Jiang Liu: Brother is here? -

Aragami's words were like opening Pandora's box. Jiang Liu's mind was filled with thoughts about the Dragon Alliance and what benefits he would get if he could instigate rebellion against the Dragon Alliance or even incorporate it.

Bloody Mist is a highly integrated alliance. The current management within the alliance, whether it is him as the monarch or other managers, has been very eager to build the alliance into a new ceiling of leadership and break the situation of the three major overlords.

But no matter how eager and confident they are, if they ask themselves, Jiang Liu also knows that although they stand at the top of the T1 level, there is still a gap between them and the three major overlords, and the gap is not small.

This gap, in addition to the most basic Manhong account difference of more than one group, is issues such as the alliance system and personnel quality.

To put it simply, there is a lack of military spending, a lack of big sponsors, and elite full-red players with high execution capabilities, or trumpeters.

The same full-red account, given to an ordinary veteran driver, and to a high-level player have obvious effects.

At present, the DL groups generally recognized by players in the Three Kingdoms are all from the three overlord alliances. This alone is enough to make people scary.

Compared with other alliances, a certain alliance is good at development, and a certain alliance is good at defense or offense. The three major overlord ceiling alliances are all good at it.

It is completely one-sided for those gossips to say that a certain ceiling alliance has no merit other than knocking out opponents, because it also depends on who you are fighting. There are several opponents, and you let ordinary alliances try to challenge them one-on-one.

Originally, Jiang Liu felt that the conditions were not yet mature for their blood to upgrade to the fourth overlord-level alliance of Lute at this stage, but with the arrival of the Aragami, his heart became active again.

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