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Chapter 529 The Battle of Huguan

At 2:30 in the morning, after clearing the pass fortress of the Tianmu League in the Huguan War Zone, Fengyurupan immediately swept away the enemy and launched an attack on Huguan with the main force.

Tianmu Liunian is located in the fortress of Huguan, right on the right side of the first row on the right side of the level, so his field of vision can clearly see everything happening on the level.

When he saw Feng Yu Ru Pan's red lines, like light beams, shooting towards them densely, he felt a lot of pressure in his heart. Although they were a full red group, they were not Feng Yu's main force on the other side. If they were singled out as a group, they would definitely be able to do it. Win, but unfortunately this is not a one-on-one battle.

Now that the main force of the Tianmu League has been defeated and it is difficult to organize a large-scale force at this time, their regiment has to face three times the number of enemies.

"Drunk, there are more than 100 people in a branch alliance, and there are just a few lines?" Looking at the left branch alliance, less than 10 teams shot out pitifully, aiming at the checkpoint with the intention of guarding the checkpoint and preventing Stormy Storm from attacking the checkpoint, the sky screen Liunian felt that these people were just trying to comfort themselves.

"There's really no hope at all!" After sighing helplessly, Tianmu Liunian immediately controlled a team of red cavalry and shot at the war-torn place connected to the left pass, and at the same time, he sent a wave of emails.

[Week] Tianmu [E-mail: Group Channel: General of the Suppressing Army] Tianmu丨Long Nian: We can’t count on the branch alliance, we can only rely on ourselves.

Brothers in the front row of fortresses, send out troops now to take over all the war-torn areas at Huguan Pass and the several fortresses at the League Pass.

The main force of the infantry and all the teams that can be demolished are ready. I will wait for my mail to gather fire at the checkpoint to grab the dragon, and the other main force will be finished and stationed at the checkpoint.

[Week] Sky Curtain [Wolf Riding Group Frequency].

Wolf Cavalry丨Shaohua: I’m not going to brag or be slanderous. Ever since the alliance leader arranged for us to come here, I knew that I couldn’t count on those salty brothers [picking their noses] to split the alliance.

Tianmu丨Coffee: Haha! Then I'm better than you. I've already anticipated this situation from the moment I knew about the arrangement of dividing alliances to defend Huguan [smile].

Wolf Rider丨Dadao: Okay, let me tell you, if you are bragging, then I will be in high spirits [picking my nose].

Wolf Rider丨Wushan: Let’s fight seriously. It’s not a good late-night snack today. Maybe we will burst into [cold sweat].

Wolf Rider丨Shaohua: It doesn’t matter, a flowing alliance, an iron-clad Wolf Rider [smile].

Tianmu丨Coffee: Am I not allowed to speak [picking my nose].

Wolf Rider丨Dadao: I can speak, but after changing my name, I only have the right to speak, not the right to speak [glares].

Tianmu丨Coffee: I suspect you have something to say [slanted eyeliner].

Tianmu丨Long Nian: Don’t accidentally hurt the masses. Besides, I am making sacrifices for the group [picking my nose] in order to break into the group.

Wolf Cavalry | Wushan: Stop bragging, the first wave on the opposite side is in place.


At 2:40 in the morning, after a wave of stuck-second marches, the stormy fire team finally collided with Huguan.

The pitiful 10-odd teams stationed in the Tianmu League were instantly defeated. The goddesses scattered like flowers and scattered back. At the same time, the defenders at Huguan were also cleared out in an instant. A few seconds later, the main force of the Stormy Storm finished the first wave. When the fire was concentrated, Huguan's durability dropped by more than half, leaving only 46%.

"Forty-six percent, then it will be basically stable after a wave of fire." After glancing at the durability of the pot, Fengyu Baiyi immediately sent an email order.

[You] Stormy [Email: Commander] Stormy Baiyi: 20 minutes to focus the fire, all the main infantry and infantry demolition will be triggered on time at 3:01, the cavalry demolition and the fast archer main force are on standby.

Pay attention to the time when stuck. There is a full red ball in the sky on the opposite side, which will definitely try to grab the baron, so don't shoot it and just ignore it. Keep an eye on the spot and adjust it at any time according to the email.

[You] Stormy weather, alliance management channel.

[Commander] Feng Yu丨Bai Yi: I don’t know how many people are online in the regiment on the opposite side of the sky.

[Leader] Bandit: Today I specially collected a wave of information about Tianmu. Most of the people with the name opposite are wolf riders. They are one of the only full-red groups in Tianmu, and they are also the strongest group.

I saw in the recording post of their last script that this wolf cavalry group is very lively. Some people even said that they share internal accounts and have a full complement of battles at any time.

[Official] The Endless War: I have heard of this group before, but it didn’t seem to be in the sky at that time.

[Commander] Feng Yu丨Baiyi: Moman, you guys said that, and I suddenly felt a little stressed [Cold Sweat].

[Official] Emperor Zun: No need. You need to know that whether he calls a wolf or a dog, we will beat them to death. Just go ahead and stay.

[Leader] Gangster: Great [Cold Sweat].

[Official] Emperor Zun: What I said is true. If we are all a blank slate team, then even if there are more than three groups, it will definitely be the same as giving away meat.

But although there are not many full reds on our side, there are as many high reds as dogs and low reds walking around. They are all the same team’s best tactics. How can we kill them with a 3-on-1 counterattack? .

Just talking about face-to-face, our chances are three times theirs. With this advantage, why should we worry? That's it.

[Official] The war never ends: Yes, it’s that simple and crude.


"No movement?"

Tianmu Liunian, who was always paying attention to the movement of the level, saw that his opponent fired the first wave like a storm, and wiped out more than 40% of the level's durability, but no arrows were fired to attack again. After being stunned, he suddenly thought of A possibility.

"It seems that this storm has not used all the strength, so are you waiting for time to accumulate strength and prepare a wave of concentrated fire to kill all the remaining durability to prevent being robbed by the dragon?"

Using the mouse, he glanced at the stormy land and the fortress that were beyond the field of vision and could not see anything. Tianmu Liunian felt that if this was really the case, then they must do something here, otherwise they would really be attacked. Wipe away the remaining durability, and without the level as a barrier, they will feel even more uncomfortable.

[Week] Sky Screen [Mail: Group Frequency: General of the Army] Sky Screen丨Fleeing Time: All the cavalry and the demolition within 5 minutes will be demolished in two waves until the opposite offensive red line appears in the field of vision, or my email is stopped. In addition, remember to save a wave of stamina while riding.

As Tianmu Liunian's email was sent, the members of the Wolf Riding Group, who had been preparing for the attack, immediately controlled the team to shoot towards Huguan.

"The average speed of a single trip is 1 minute for cavalry and 3 minutes for archers." After taking a look at the team that shot out, Tian Mu's fleeting eyes switched between the countdown of his team's march and the stormy fortress group on the opposite side.

"One wave is almost 3,000 durable, okay."

Three minutes later, when the team he shot out successfully reached the level, Tianmu Liunian glanced at the pot level and saw that it had changed from 46% to 38%, and immediately calculated the wave. The approximate durability value after disassembly.

As for the members of the Wolf Riding Group, seeing that their boss did not send an email and that the other team did not appear in their field of vision, they immediately returned to the team without saying a word and continued to shoot.


As a commander, Feng Yubaiyi will of course check the level from time to time, especially when he knows that the opponent still has a full red group at the level, the frequency is doubled.

So when I clicked on the pot level again and suddenly found that the level's durability had dropped by 8%, I instantly understood that the other party was trying to remove the durability.

"It's really annoying to have no vision."

Although the stormy fortress in the war zone is within ten blocks of Huguan, the vision mechanism of the Three Kingdoms determines that even if their land borders Huguan, it is still a blind spot and cannot see the movements on the other side.

On the contrary, because the fortress of the Wolf Cavalry Group is close to Huguan, when the stormy team approaches Huguan 2 squares, the members of the Wolf Cavalry Group can see their every move.

Of course, players like Tianmu Liuyun who have set the building beacon to level 3 will be able to discover the opponent's movements 720 seconds in advance, which is 12 minutes.

"Damn! Eight percent is gone again."

A few minutes later, when he saw that the durability value had dropped by another 8%, and now only 30% was left, Fengyu Baiyi was immediately stressed.

Although at this time, their fire-focusing team had less than 15 minutes left to clear the touch level, but for such a long time, according to the opponent's pace, it was obvious that something would go wrong.

[You] Stormy Storm [Email: Commander] Stormy Baiyi: All teams with equipment and speed that can reach the level within 10 minutes are ready and waiting for my email.


"Hmm, no reaction yet?"

Seeing that his side had been demolished twice, and the Stormy Storm team on the opposite side had not yet appeared, Tianmu was a little confused in the blink of an eye, but his confusion did not last long.


When the piercing warning sound reached my ears and I saw the stormy marching team finally appeared in my field of vision, the sky was inexplicably relieved. The unknown was the most confusing and tormenting thing.

After a while, Tianmu Liunian glanced at more and more red lines that appeared in his field of vision. After seeing that the opponent was still 12 minutes away from the level, he instantly decided to fight.

[Week] Tianmu [E-mail: Group Frequency: General of the Suppressing Army] Tianmu丨Fleeing Time: All teams, regardless of the main demolition, all shoot the level. There are still 12 minutes before the opponent reaches the level. We strive to win the level within 12 minutes and let them Running short.

But be careful, brothers in the front row and those with riding equipment, please save your energy twice to prevent unexpected situations. Everyone knows how to [smile].


"Sir, the resources are empty."

Feng Yubaiyi, who was originally farming with peace of mind, did not put Beacon Tower as a priority upgrade option because he was not fighting. But now that the opponent has blocked the vision show operation, of course he can only bite the bullet and directly use Beacon Tower.

After passing the Level 3 Beacon Tower, I was finally able to use the gate to connect to the ground and see the situation on the level. But after seeing it, my heart sank immediately.

"With so many red lines, the most worrying thing has happened." Feng Yubaiyi sighed in his heart. He knew that according to their current marching speed, it was obvious that they would not be able to make it in time. They could only let the prepared cavalry dismantle and those within 10 minutes. Team, go up and try your luck.

[You] Fengyurupan [Email: Commander] Fengyu丨白衣: The other side is in the process of closing the gate, and the large forces may not be able to catch up. All brothers who can get there in 10 minutes, please click on your own. Brothers who can't catch up, go to the front row. Guard at the pass to prevent counterattacks from the other side.

[You] Stormy weather, alliance management channel.

[Commander] Fengyu丨白衣: There is no other way. There is a fortress next to the checkpoint on the opposite side. It is too late to gather fire, so we can only go up and try our luck. After all, the durability is only about 10,000 [laughing and laughing].

[Leader] Gangster: It doesn’t matter. They have taken the level. We will blast them and take the level back. However, this wave of fortresses in the front row close to the level must keep up. We cannot suffer losses twice in a row.

[Commander] Fengyu丨白衣: Yeah.

[Official] Qing Yi: It is indeed Tianmu’s signature group. In this regard, its execution and operation are indeed something [picking one’s nose].

[Official] Emperor Zun: There are quite a lot of teams on the opposite side. At the current speed, I feel that except for the cavalry and demolition teams on our side, which can catch up, the other teams will be left behind [Cold Sweat].

[Official] The war never ends: Yes.


[Week] Tianmu [E-mail: Group Channel: General of the Suppressing Army] Tianmu丨Fleeing Time: All reply in seconds, no need to save jade for me. After finishing the battle, the speed is high, the opponent has a hand left, and shoots over.

Tianmu Liunian really didn't expect that the commander of the opposite party, Stormy Storm, would have a hand in his side. According to the team shooting over from the opposite side, it was obviously a cavalry demolition and rapid demolition team. This made him not 100% sure of seizing the tiger's mouth. , lowered to another level.


As the wolf cavalry group exerted force, Huguan's durability value decreased rapidly. After 5 minutes, the durability value dropped from 30% to 18%.

Then every few seconds, as the Wolf Cavalry team arrives, changes will occur, especially when the durability drops to 10%, the people from the three sides of Huguan, the Tianmu Alliance online, and the Wolf Cavalry team, As well as the stormy people, all focused their attention here.

Tianmu Sima, who came after hearing the news, was also staring closely at the movements at the Huguan level, with a serious look on his face and an extremely nervous heart.

He really didn't expect that the Huguan side would be so passionate and exciting in the middle of the night. Compared with the elderly care situation in their Guangmu War Zone, it was as if this side was the main battlefield.

"Standing in the same boat through thick and thin is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. It's so difficult to deal with the Youzhou League. There are so many people online in the middle of the night. I'm so drunk." After glancing at the stormy red line shooting from the Huguan war zone towards the level, Tianmu Sima I sincerely hope that this wave of levels will not be taken by the opponent.

Otherwise, once Youzhou Storm enters their Bingzhou, they will definitely focus their main attention on Huguan, and then there will be no talk of containing the storm.

In addition to this point, it is obvious that their Tianmu will follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, the Huangmen League, and become the second laughing stock. After all, in the eyes of others, the war you initiated on your own initiative first showed your intention to attack the Jizhou Pass. .

Now that we are here, not only have we not been beaten in, we have been beaten back to our home. Isn't this a typical example of pretending to be X but not being a rebel?


Seeing that the durability had dropped to the last 3%, the wave closest to him had ten teams, while the wave closest to Fengyu Rupan only had two teams. They were obviously cavalry, and they were even slower than them. Within seconds, Tianmu Sima let out a sigh of relief, knowing that the wave was stable.

But then, when he saw that the moment his team successfully reached the level, the draw effect of swords and swords appeared on the level, he was dumbfounded.

At the same time, Tianmu Liunian, Wolf Cavalry Group, Tianmu Alliance and the people of Feng Rupan were also dumbfounded. No one expected that such a farce would happen at the last moment.

Especially after the two stormy rides collided into the level, the system announcement flashed across the top of the game interface.


System: Congratulations to Youzhou Fengrupan for successfully occupying Huguan, the level 7 level of Youzhou.

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