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Chapter 533 The Bloody Beidou Regiment

Beidou, a red-colored group in the fog of blood, was formerly the T2-level Star Alliance, a group that was formed over time after being integrated.

In terms of strength alone, apart from the Blood Mist Group, they can be said to be the most powerful group in the Blood Mist. All members are based on Beidou. At the same time, the group also has its own welfare assessment system.

Beidou Yaoguang is one of the core members of the Beidou Regiment. Basically, if the leader Beidou Tianquan and the deputy Beidou Tianxuan are not around, he will be the temporary commander of the Beidou Regiment.

After receiving the email notification from the alliance management, he immediately transferred the three main forces that had just finished the recruitment to Duyangguan Fortress after he had finished recruiting people in the group. At the same time, he skillfully began to operate several groups within the group. My friend’s account, help me control it.

His main city is near the northern part of Qiaocheng, the capital of Yuzhou. When he first entered Yuzhou from Yangzhou, he was tested because he would have to fight with the north in the future, so he moved his main city here.

It is very convenient to enter Xuzhou, Qingzhou or Yanzhou from here. Even for cross-state operations, the straight-line distance is not far. When the time comes, recruits can go back to their hometown to recruit soldiers in seconds, reducing all kinds of resource support.

So it only took 40 minutes for Beidou Yaoguang's team to arrive at the Duyangguan frontline fortress, and they were the first group of Blood Mist members to arrive from the main team.

Considering that they were two full-red signature groups who were in the same boat through thick and thin, Beidou Fluctlight didn't immediately rush up to make a wave.

Although with the quality of his account, he didn't suffer any loss when he went up, but since the other party was stationed and so close to him, why should he go up recklessly? Find out the garrison lineup, wouldn't it be nice to go up and take on a few teams? .

Moreover, he is still a little curious about this alliance that is currently performing strongly, so it is completely necessary to operate a wave to find out the bottom. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle.

Many ordinary players feel that in a fight with a red boss, he will definitely shoot without saying a word. This situation is not unheard of, but that is the operation when facing the Wuxun Baby Alliance.

When faced with evenly matched or even difficult-to-gnaw hard bones, these red bosses will not only frequently use various exploration teams to check the garrison situation, but will even play various tricks to try to maximize the restraint of the troops and get rid of you. of vitality.

Three Kingdoms is a strategy game. Except for a few people, those who can spend so much money on this game also have a deep research on the game's mechanics.

This is why when an ordinary whiteboard player encounters a red player, he is suppressed in all aspects. After all, the quality of their team is higher than yours, they are better at playing than you and they are even more aggressive. Why do you want to have a gaming experience? .



Because the fortress is in the second row, only 3 blocks away from the checkpoint, Beidou Yaoguang's pathfinding team was in place in a moment.

I clicked on the pop-up battle report of Pathfinder and glanced at it. I saw that it was a group of Manhong Conspiracy Commanders. Beidou Yaoguang directly controlled his Manhong Wei Zhi to hit the front station. Manhong Zhang Lu Lingfa's sword was behind the pad, and he shot it out instantly.

Known as the goalkeeper of the first team, the Metropolitan Team seems to be looked down upon by players, but the actual situation is that currently in the Conquest Season, its appearance rate has always been high, especially among the top three teams in the home city of top league players. , it definitely has its place.

If it was so unbearable, how could the Dadu team have such a high attendance rate? After all, his performance is still unstable, but if it is stable, how can he be called a reckless governor? .

However, as long as it performs normally, the full-red top-matched Commander-in-Chief of All-Conspiracy can still steal the air in seconds. Even all kinds of melee-stepping and melee-knife teams are often directly penetrated by its rapid blast.

But Wei Zhi, who also has a title bonus, has always performed well against the Governor. After all, Da Guo Jia, who has learned the 5-star strategy, is not afraid of his double seal at the beginning and the control of Zuo Guimou. , can interrupt its output.

After learning the tactics of regrouping or using troops to seek victory, and having a smooth mind, coupled with Wei Jiaxu's proactive tactics to ensure output, Beidou Yaoguang's team has always made nothing but losses against the Governor.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the Three Kingdoms. In addition to various hardware and software conditions, fighting between teams of the same level still depends on luck and appearance.

So just in case, he added a team of magic swords at the back, so that even if the situation went wrong, he could replace the opponent's team without losing anything.


The members of the Fengyu and Fengyu regiments who had been online were naturally aware of Beidou's operation of the fluctuating light. No matter whether it was the first to explore the path or the two teams that shot at it immediately, they had no reaction.

Yu丨10, who was stationed at the top, was completely indifferent. He didn't say anything about withdrawing his team to avoid the opponent's obviously targeted attack, because it was completely unnecessary.

On their side, there are currently more than 200 teams stationed there. Even if they are to compete one-on-one with the opponent, the opponent still needs at least the same number of teams.

For the sake of just two teams, it would be better to withdraw and get stuck in the opponent's rhythm and waste energy. As long as this team of activists is consumed, wouldn't they be able to live in peace? .


"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Because the two sides were very close, in just 3 minutes, Beidou Yaoguang received a pop-up email battle report, and at the same time, a draw effect appeared on the level.

"Depend on!."

Clicking on the first battle report, Beidou Yaoguang complained a little disappointedly when he saw the battle report of his Wei Zhi and his chief governor.

In this wave of confrontation with the opponent's chief governor, he indeed won and successfully destroyed the opponent, but his own forward and middle troops were also directly killed. Only Xun Yu in the camp still had less than 5,000 troops.

And these 5,000 troops then met the second team of the Manhong Grandpa Team, and they were immediately GG. They didn't even kill a single soldier. The French Sword Team that followed closely hit the Grandpa Team.

Although they did not directly destroy GG in a group, they killed more than 10,000 troops of others, but they themselves lost 20,000 troops in the battle, leaving less than 10,000 remaining troops.

"Ma Dan, these guys are so high-level."

The two teams were immediately eliminated, and Beidou was too angry. After all, in this wave of proactive attacks, he planned to attack them early while the time was still available, and get to know the situation of the opponent's team by doing some martial arts.

Looking at it now, the quality of Feng Yu's two main full-red teams is indeed very high, but there is no comparison between them in this regard. The most important thing is that he found that the team levels of these guys are very high.

Compared with their team, which is generally level 45, the two teams he encountered were both at full level 50. If this was just an isolated situation, it would be fine, but if this was the case for both groups, it would not be possible. So easy.

"Mom, this face is actually not bad. At least I didn't lose much despite the level disadvantage." After feeling a wave of emotion, Beidou Yaoguang said in a low voice: "But if the level of the team that stays together through thick and thin is generally around this level. If so, it would be really difficult to fight.

Not to mention simple level suppression, there are some teams that are not at full level, and the combat effectiveness they exert is completely at two levels, which is a headache. "

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