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Chapter 537: You bring screenshots and I’ll pay you

After both parties hit it off, Ning Xiu sent another email to Captain Qinglin, and then set his sights on Du Yangguan again.

Chang Qing, who received the email, did not expect that Mr. Ning, who he thought was still thinking about the matter, actually contacted the Desolate League directly and finalized the matter.

"Ma Dan, it's so annoying to compare people to each other, it's really heartbreaking!".


[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: That's probably it. Over there in Qingzhou, you can spend more energy and go there for six dollars.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Yeah.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Be careful, the Bloody side prefers to play tricks, don't end up being stabbed in the back by the Qingzhou Wild Alliance [picking your nose].

[Sikong] Erotic as God: How is it possible? Xuehe directly poached the financial backers of the Desolate Alliance. Can the Qiuhuang Alliance endure this? .

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Who knows, are there many people with weird and abnormal brain circuits in this game? Moreover, the financial backer of the Huangmeng was poached. Could it be that we are not the culprits?

If we don't attack Qingzhou and don't become someone else's financial backer, how could that financial backer run away directly? We have to think about the worst in everything, so that we can save a hand and not be too passive if something really happens.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: It’s okay, old horse, but it’s getting darker and darker now.

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: This is called maturity, nothing dark or dark [picking your nose].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: No more nonsense, tell me, when can your group arrive at Duyangguan? .

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Well, I have already called the brothers in the regiment to enclave directly from Mount Tai in Yanzhou to Xuzhou.

However, if you set up a fortress in an enclave and make a transit, then move troops to fly to the front line and build a fortress again, it won't be possible for most of the day. I guess it will be evening at the earliest, and maybe I will have to pick my nose tomorrow morning.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: So long? .

After frowning, Ning Xiu glanced at the fortresses piled up in the bloody mist behind Duyang Pass in the direction of Yuzhou, and said directly: "I'll mention it if I can improve the speed. I'm afraid that the Taiyang will collapse in Yizhou's expedition to the world." Hurry, once the main force of Yizhou Blood Mist is liberated, we will be passive."

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Yeah, I'll try my best.


After turning off the management channel, Mr. Ma quickly opened the email and sent an email to the ultra-left fire attacker who was diving in the management channel just now: "You should have seen what happened just now, right? Hurry, are your team ready? ".

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: General of the Upper Army] Ultra-Left Fire Attack: I am ready, but are we really going to do this? Xuzhou Duyang's side is the most important. Just hold on to Liyang's side. There is no need to fight [Ghost].

[E-mail] Mr. Ma: Didn’t I just say that it takes most of the day to defend the fortress from the enclave? Could it be that the main force of our regiment will stay here during this time? .

Instead of doing this, let's practice our skills and push out a wave of Tianmu's garrison directly from Liyang Pass. If we can capture their Guangmu Pass and rush into Bingzhou, wouldn't it be exciting? .

And what does it mean to be meaningless? .

Indeed, as long as we hold on, it will be fine, but what about the alliance? .

Now on Tianmu's side, two regiments have been transferred from Guangmu to support Huguan. Although our branch alliance is not weak, Tianmu Branch has joined the main alliance with two regiments, and Manhong Dangdao. , with a numerical advantage and a local advantage, how could the life of the divided alliance be easy? .

Therefore, while our regiment is still there and the defense on the other side of the sky is lax, it is most correct to launch a surprise attack to capture Guangmu. By then, Guangmu will have the entire Bingzhou under our noses. I don’t believe it. Tianmu still dares to drag their main force around.

[E-mail] Ultra-Left Fire Attack: It's easy to say, there are so many checkpoints here, and there is also a blocked road in the main city, how can there be a [ghost] that can break in so easily.

[E-mail] Mr. Ma: Doesn’t it take time to hold on? The preparation time is 3 hours. If we are prepared, if we can't defeat the two regiments of Tianmu, plus a level 7 level, it will be a fool's errand.

Other alliances can arbitrarily fail under the pressure of the Tianmu Alliance and a full red group, but we can't? Can you please say it again [picking nose].

[E-mail] Ultra-Left Fire Attack: OK, OK, we have no problem here, let’s send an email within the group and get started.

[Email] Mr. Ma: OK.


Tianmu Sima really didn't expect that the two Manchu regiments who were in the same boat at Liyang Pass would suddenly launch an attack on Guangmu Pass where their main alliance was stationed.

After all, he knew very well that when the battle was going on in Duyangguan and the bloody mist was in the same boat, how could they, a little shrimp, be taken seriously? .

So he went offline and went to bed with peace of mind. As a result, Prime Minister Tianmu Liuyun was a little caught off guard when he discovered that the Manhong Regiment, which was in Liyang Pass and had been gathering fire on his own frontline troops stationed in the war zone, was in the same boat.

[Zhou] Tianmu [E-mail: Prime Minister] Tianmu Liuyun: The team of Guangmu Fortress quickly stationed in the front row and attacked through thick and thin.

"Damn! Didn't I say that the opponent would never fight at this time? I was really tricked."

After sending the email, Tianmu Liuyun was speechless and irritable. He did not expect to encounter such a thing just after taking over. More importantly, in the absence of Tianmu Sima, he did not know the current situation and whether he should be recalled to go. Huguan, two regiments came and went to support.

"Wait, let's wait and see. At least there is a fortress checkpoint and a road-blocking main city here. The Huguan side has been invaded. We can't let the flowers bloom on the other side." After pondering for a moment, Tianmu Liuyun thought in his heart After making the decision, he quickly notified the two main cities blocking the road to speed up and hold on.


The Jiuxiao and Chixiao regiments staying in Liyang can be said to include almost all the old members since the founding of the Wind and Rain Together. The members of this group are impeccable in terms of execution and enthusiasm. It can even be said that their combat effectiveness in a short period of time is better than The two number control groups are even stronger.

Because unlike Fengyu, which has two empty accounts, and has five accounts controlled by manpower, the members of Jiuxiao and Chixiao groups have a full red account leased from the alliance.

Under such circumstances, during the fight, both in terms of energy and operation, you will be more delicate, and you will also play more tricks. You will not just read a wave of battle reports, and then focus on the fire according to the email instructions.

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Group Channel: General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: I won’t say anything more. This time, I will gather fire with the Chixiao Regiment and sweep away the garrison in the front row of the sky curtain. , let me rush towards the Guangmu Pass at the fastest speed.

We only have 3 hours. After 3 hours, once the main city blocked by the road is opened and held, it will be cool, so we must capture Guangmu within 3 hours, cough cough! In the end, they had to block their war zone in the main city of Guangmu and lose it.

This wave of brothers must give me some face, otherwise Old Ning will ridicule me again. Of course, I won't let my brothers' efforts go in vain.

After defeating the main city in the war zone and blocking the road, I distributed big packages to the group. After winning Guangmu Pass, I continued to distribute large packages. If the final blow to win the pass was a brother of our group, please bring the screenshot and I will give it to you. 648 is that simple, let’s start it [Fist].

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