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Chapter 552: Adjustment of the balance of tactics?

Ning Xiu could finally take a breather after finishing the two-day weekend of copycat farming. However, after replenishing the team's strength, he immediately transferred the main players of the first three teams, Grandpa Team, Shuqi and Dudu Team, to Duyang. Pass the fortress built in advance.

The remaining 4th team will be leveling up through city skins, while the future generals of the 5th team will be training in high-level areas to improve their levels. When their resources can keep up, their levels will be almost enough to leave the mountains and go to the battlefield.

At this time, Ning Xiu's team level may not be as high as some Gan Emperors, but the average team level is definitely NO1 in the region.

Because apart from not having to participate in time-consuming activities like city fighting, he does not consume much resources when he is not fighting, so it is completely affordable for the main players of multiple teams to go hand in hand.

Unlike other high-level battles in major leagues, where one team's main force fights three waves on average, one team's main force will fight 3 waves per day. According to the conventional calculation of two main teams' main force, even if the national strategy is turned on and there is an endless supply of troops, the battle will definitely take place for a week because of recruitment issues. And distressed.

From this point alone, Ning Xiu still admires Bloody Mist. After all, it has been about a week since the start of the war, and cross-state operations are more expensive.

But even under such conditions, it can still fight all over the world, which was able to suppress local operations before. This is enough to show how powerful it is.

Of course, there is also the reason why its branch alliance cooperates with the main alliance to sweep the city, so that its resource output has been steadily increasing, and it can be maintained until now.

Unlike Yizhou's Conquest of the World, due to local operations, not only did the city not increase but a lot of cities were lost, the land was also lost to several counties, causing the development of the entire alliance to almost completely stop, except for a few high-level battles that stole development in the middle of the night. , if ordinary members don’t burst into laughter, they will naturally not be able to keep up with the rhythm.

In fact, from Ning Xiu's point of view, the game of the Three Kingdoms is development. Once the development is out of control, it will definitely collapse, because your opponent will only plunder your city and your land will become stronger and stronger.

And you will end up in the embarrassing situation of not having the resources to recruit troops. Without the resources to recruit troops, even if you are full of red, it will be completely useless and you can only stare.

"It seems that Guangmu is stable today."

After the troop deployment was completed, Ning Xiu clicked on the map and moved to the Guangmu level. Seeing that there were still 20 minutes left before the defenders could recover, but they still had more than 20,000 durability points, they immediately knew that the wave was stable.

According to the alliance battle report, he is very clear that Tianmu is now in Guangmu and has no ability to organize another wave of attacks. And after a night of night fighting, he also believes that his Chixiao Regiment, in the situation of Guangmu, will only be able to organize another wave of attacks tomorrow. will be better.

[Ning] We have been together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: Well done, please notify the brothers in your group and I will go to your group to distribute red envelopes later.


After receiving Ning Xiu's email, Jizuo Huogong had a smile on his face. At this time, he also knew that this wave was basically stable, and the Guangmu level was finally defended, although their Chixiao regiment had paid a lot for this. At least half of the people in the group, the main team went from a full strength of more than 20,000 to a Spartan force of a few thousand or even a few hundred, but it was all worth it.

"Finally, I'm showing off. Fortunately, I didn't get slapped in the face." After glancing at Ning Xiu's email, Jizuo Huogong remembered the email he just received and said immediately: "Okay, by the way, boss, look at the update email just now. without?".

"Update email?"

Ning Xiu was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately knew that what he was talking about was the weekly routine maintenance update notice of the Three Kingdoms. However, he had played the game for so long and never looked at this thing. He basically clicked red. Click without even looking at it.

[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: I didn’t read it. What’s wrong? Isn’t it just a routine update? Does it mention any new scripts or new generals [question mark face].

[E-mail] Extreme Left Fire Attack: You will understand if you take a closer look at it. According to my estimation, this wave of updates will definitely cause quite a stir [dumbfounded].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: You are still trying to hide your secrets. I will go and see [picking your nose] when I find out.


After closing the email, Ning Xiu searched around, clicked on the update notification and looked at it carefully. There was basically nothing to pay attention to at the top, it was just some scraps of feed to strengthen the generals.

The only thing that caught Ning Xiu's attention was the last piece of content, which took up nearly a third of the update. The title was "Balancing Adjustments to Tactics."

When he saw this title and thought about the ultra-left fire attack just now, Ning Xiu's first reaction was that this wave of weakened tactics must be the hottest and most popular tactics, because if it were not popular, there would be no need for the official to specialize it. This set.

"It can't be a rock formation, right?" Considering that because of the 5-star combat method, the stone formation has led the three countries to have a name of stone shore, Ning Xiu immediately thought of it.

"Damn! Sure enough, the city knows how to play, and the planning is excellent." After taking some time to read the update notification carefully, even though Ning Xiu was prepared, he couldn't help but want to rant about the so-called tactics this time. Balanced proposer.

This wave of so-called strategy balance adjustments did not weaken the popular 5-star strategy Stone Attack as he had guessed, but Ning Xiu believed that any veteran player of the Three Kingdoms would know who this update was aimed at.

As we all know, the composition of the team of the Three Kingdoms is determined by the camp, arms, tactics and titles, so there are several major systems, such as the Divine Weapon Award System, the First Plan Muddy Water System, etc.

Among the Three Kingdoms, the most popular system in the season of conquest is the counterattack system formed by attacking with stone and strong soldiers. Its representative team is the Grandpa Team, which is known as the first-tier team to open up wasteland and fight in the city.

Currently, Team Grandpa is undoubtedly the most popular team in the Three Kingdoms. You can see how popular it is just from the fact that many leagues recruit people to ask for this team.

"I'm really good at playing. I don't dare to cut the 5-star Huangfu Song openly, and I don't use the magic barrier stone, so I just focus on counterattack. It's really good." Thinking of the good intentions of this wave of planning, Ning Xiu was really speechless. .

The reason why Grandpa's team is strong is that it can resist and fight. The previous counterattack mechanism was that no matter how the general's tactics on the opposite side control me, as long as you hit me, I can counterattack and cause damage to you.

After this wave of updates, once controlled and affected, they can only stand and be beaten passively. According to Ning Xiu's understanding, after this wave of updates, Team Grandpa can still play, but its intensity will plummet.

Moreover, this wave of adjustments to counterattack tactics not only affects Grandpa's team, but also civilian tactics combinations such as returning from an empty city, and even many generals who rely on counterattacks for output.

"If the update is really carried out like this, it seems that the situation of Grandpa's team is coming to an end. This way, at least other teams can have room to survive."

As an alliance leader, Ning Xiu is of course very aware of the influence of the weakening of the hot and powerful teams on an alliance. If nothing else, let’s just say that those alliances that are basically the first team to open up wasteland and transform into Grandpa’s team will definitely be confused. force.

Thinking of this, he was a little lucky. Fortunately, the team he bought was relatively mixed. If they were all Grandpa's team, the impact would be huge.

"Before, I was envious of the Bloody Mist and the all-uniform Grandpa Team, but now I just feel that it smells so good." Ning Xiu chuckled, and now wanted to see the expression of Jiang Liu, the leader of the Blood Alliance.

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