[E-mail] Commander, Xiaoxiang Yeyu: [435X400] A group of high-powered warriors rushed over, eating up the opposing garrison and occupying the fortress.

[427X399] The second regiment of Spartans will be demolished and overturned here. No matter how many Spartans there are, I will scatter them all. I will disperse the main force on the opposite side and let them garrison.

[422X402] The third group of miscellaneous fish teams cooperated with the demolition and took over this airport. When the time comes, [421X394] can fly directly and cross Yi Bo Yuntian's defense line.

On the Liangzhou Guyuan battlefield, Liangzhou Alliance Yi Bo Yuntian dragged him for nearly a day.

The Bingzhou Han丨Tieqi Wushuang finally began to exert force, and under the command of commander Xiaoxiang Yeyu, they began to attack with all their strength.

Suddenly, Yi Bo Yuntian, who was already sparsely staffed and had few high-level battles, had several lines of defense dismantled one after another.

Liangzhou Yi Bo Yuntian management channel.

Commander Magic Baby: We can't hold it anymore, our main force has been disabled.

Deputy leader Zha Zhalong: Just drag it. Anyway, go to the direction of Yangping Pass and spread the ground with all your strength. If they can, they can climb over.

The leader took the lead: Well, just follow the plan we made.

If you can't defeat them, just let the main force go back and continue to develop, and send the second team and the cavalry to demolish and harass them, just to delay the time.

Commander Magic Baby: Okay, but even so, I guess if we delay today, we will reach our limit.

The leader of the alliance took the lead: That's enough. We won't have anything to do by then. It doesn't matter who wins or loses. ���

[Mail] Commander Baipao: [1312X585] The level has been passed. The main force in the first three rows will wait a moment. The other main force will shoot the defenders at the level and be on standby for demolition.

At 13:11 pm, the battle-free time at Jingyang Wulin Checkpoint ended, and Yangzhou Junlintianxia launched another charge at the checkpoint.

[Mail] Commander Lao Niu Farming: [1312X585] Attention is paid to the main players who have awakened above level 30.

After Yangzhou loses the defenders in seconds, immediately go to the checkpoint to garrison. The garrison team will give priority to archers and infantry, and the main force of cavalry will be the mobile team. You can seize the time to go up for demolition.

As soon as Yangzhou moved, Jingzhou Qunying Pavilion responded immediately. After the first wave of Junlintianxia's main force fell down the defenders in seconds, they immediately rushed to the checkpoint and garrisoned the defense.

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Management Channel.

Officer Glass: The other side is stationed. Boss Ma, please go up and show off.

Official Ma Gongzi: Well, Fa Dao and Shu Bu have already arrived.

Commander in white robe: Sit back and wait for the battle report.

Mr. Ma is a rich second generation. He does not need to take care of the family's property. He spends a lot of money every day while lying down.

This was his first contact with Luteu, and he could be said to be a pure newbie. Before the opening of the 1500 district, he joined the Yangzhou Junlin World Preparation Alliance.

From a newcomer who first joined Luteu and only knew the upper limit of krypton gold withdrawal per day, now he has a good understanding of Luteu Three Kingdoms.

In addition to his own preference for studying, he is also closely related to the well-managed professors in the league.

Sitting in front of the computer, staring at the countdown of the team's march on the screen, he was a little nervous for a moment.

After all, this is his first time fighting, and this feeling is completely different from the previous farming and jungle fighting.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" When the main team, Fa Dao, successfully crashed into the Jingzhou garrison first.

Mr. Ma's heart couldn't help but thump, and then he saw a bunch of battle reports popping up on the game interface.

Before he could click on the battle report, Shu Bu followed closely behind him and once again doubled the number of battle reports.

Jingzhou Qunyingge Alliance Channel.

Meow-chan: [Battle Report] Damn it, the level 40 magic sword is full of red, I feel cold.

Chen Dada: [Battle Report] I am also disappointed. Although I am also a magic sword, my skill level is still red, and I am directly squeezed. This young master is too red.

Francis: [Battle Report] Stop talking, I, Han Gong, just tickled 11 Hong Shu Bu.

Salted Egg Superman: [Battle Report] Well, I did take off a little bit of skin.

[E-mail] Commander Lao Niu Geng Di: I read the battle report. Mr. Ma is indeed strong, but we in Jingzhou are not weak either.

At least in this wave, both his teams were disabled. We have more than 100 people. How many can he wear? , Come on, I believe in the brothers from Jingzhou. ���

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Alliance Channel.

Wu Zhuangyuan: Haha, Boss Ma is so awesome that he defeated more than a dozen teams in one wave.

Sucha Harcan: I'm on board too. It's time to let the scumbags in Jingzhou know how powerful we are in Yangzhou.

Lantern Illuminating the Mountains and Rivers: Alas, there were so many archers in the first season that my Wei Dynasty was crippled after just a few troops.

Glass: Don't criticize me, the Great Wei Cavalry. It's obvious that your tactics are not perfect.

[Email] Commander Baipao: [1312X585] There are more than 50 teams on the opposite side of the main force. Anyone who wants to eat meat should hurry up.

Later, when the main force on the opposite side is gone, all the main players in the alliance will lead the demolition themselves to beat the seconds.

Before going up, the big boss in the alliance shouted to the alliance how soon his team would reach the barrier, and asked the demolition cooperation to follow behind, trying to break through the barrier quickly and rush into Jingzhou. ���

Yangzhou has been leading the entire region since the opening of the district. Whether it is the number of alliances or the number of high-level battles, it is completely ahead of Jingzhou Qunying Pavilion.

In addition, several Yangzhou local tycoons headed by Ma Gongzi attacked the enemy.

In less than half an hour, all the dozens of teams stationed in Jingzhou were exhausted, and then in less than 20 minutes, two waves of Yangzhou troops were taken over directly.

System: Congratulations to Yangzhou for conquering the world and successfully occupying Jingyang level 5 level Wulin.

"It was indeed taken back."

Due to the lack of vision, Ning Xiu moved the map to Wulin Pass and could not see the battle situation. However, based on his estimate of Yangzhou's strength, he knew very well that Jingzhou would not be able to resist for long.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: Come and manage the channel.

Yizhou stays together through thick and thin management channel.

Governor Liuyuan: Just now, Mo Xiaoyao sent me a screenshot of the team of big guys in Yangzhou, headed by the powerful Mr. Ma. I will send it to the management group in a moment, so you can take a look.

First Love: Have you seen it? What configuration?

Governor Liuyuan: Hey! It's similar to our boss Ning, so don't be afraid.

Gangster: Tsk! By then, the two of them will probably have a fight.

Wei Wuxian: Why do we have to face each other? Fighting relies on brains, not one-on-one. If it were like this, the Three Kingdoms would not be so popular.

Ning Gongzi: What else does he want to ask you for? Could it be a screenshot of the configuration of the opponent's high battle?

Governor Liuyuan: Well, he also hopes that we can solve Liangzhou as soon as possible and support them.

Mr. Ning: Liangzhou has basically collapsed. The counterattack they organized today has no effect. When the cool-down period ends in the evening, the Liangzhou people who went to the wild last night will be able to join the alliance.

Governor Liuyuan: Well, after Liangzhou is finished tomorrow, Bingzhou will be left to the Ermeng Baiyi Crossing the River and Liangzhou Yibo Yuntian to drag it. Let's break the barrier and help Jing. ���

At 20 o'clock in the evening, Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia, ​​who pushed back the Jingzhou Qunyingge Pass Fortress Group, sent deputy leader Dugu to start a recruitment plan for Jingzhou.

All this caught the management of Ningxiu and Yizhou Fengyu, who had just decided to support Jingzhou, unexpectedly.

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