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Chapter 558 National Policy: Strengthen the Wall and Clear the Country

System: Congratulations to Qingzhou Huang丨The sun and the moon are in the sky for successfully clearing the level 7 level of Qingxu War Zone.

Time passed, and at 22:40 in the evening, when the distance was not far away, after Qingzhou Huangmeng spread to the war zone level, he shot directly from the high density and long range. It took 40 minutes to finally win another level in Qingxu war zone and entered. Xuzhou territory.

"There were still too many people paddling. Fortunately, we took it down, otherwise it would have been embarrassing."

At this stage, it takes 40 minutes to win a level 7 level, which is really too slow for a T2 level alliance. Even if the long-range march takes more time, it is still too slow.

You know, the level 7 defenders at this time are just a number to the team of players who have developed together. The main force of a team of red bosses can defeat 5 teams if they are conservative. So more In fact, the first wave of main force is equivalent to demolition.

But even so, it still took the Wild League 40 minutes, and its overall combat effectiveness was even the same as the previous Qinglin Regiment's long-distance shot from Jizhou to break the level 7 level.

After breaking through the border and entering Xuzhou from the direction of Gaomi, Qingzhou Huangmeng directly stepped into the boundary of Xuzhou and Linyi. They only needed to pass through Linyi and reach Xiapi County to reach the Yangzhou Pass.

The deserted airport is a Gao Zhan developed in Xuzhou not far from the checkpoint. For such land-farming bosses, it is very common to own their land all over Xuzhou, so as long as they fall to the other side, they can Flying directly to the boundary of Xiapi County, at most paving the way, you can touch the front of Yangzhou Pass.

After setting up the alliance logo and notifying the two eunuch cars that had been prepared in advance to quickly pave the way to the airport, Huangwu quickly opened the alliance management channel.

【Green】Desolate丨The sun and moon are in the sky, the alliance manages the channel.

[Leader] Desolate: [1148X1108] Our airdrop point is here, on the east side of Gaoyou, a level 4 city in Xiapi County, Xuzhou.

It's almost 23:00, and it will probably be early morning by the time we land at the airport and start enclave. Counting the few hours of marching, it will be almost 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning when we land.

After all is done, Tiandao, you can send an email to mobilize the brothers, so that everyone can work hard at night. When you are in the enclave, set an alarm clock according to your own time, and launch a wave of fortresses online in the middle of the night.

[Deputy Leader] Huang丨Tiandao: Yes, this request is no problem for brothers who are still active.

[Official] Favorite dumplings: Calculating this, it will be at least tomorrow morning when our team gathers in Gaoyou. I just glanced at the Yangzhou checkpoint and visually saw that the fortress of their alliance has already risen.

I'm afraid that we haven't touched the level yet tomorrow, and they have taken the two levels in the war zone first. If we then play the level attack and defense battle, it will be a waste of time.

Our role is to contain the main force of Yangzhou Blood Mist, not to form an alliance with them to play push-pull games, so can we contact the airport and ask him to help spread the pavement forward? .

[Leader] Desolate: This is no problem. It’s just a matter of adding some money. But the problem is that he will definitely be slow to spread the word alone. Even if he spreads it until midnight, it will probably be midnight. At this time, I am not sure that the people in the alliance will get up and enclave. Then wait for landing and garrison the fortress.

[Deputy Leader] Huang丨Tiandao: Our execution ability is too low now. We should first establish a foothold in the fortress in Gaoyou before talking about anything else. We can directly fly to the level to block the fortress. If the garrison cannot keep up, it will be destroyed by the opponent. If you push it aside, it will only delay things.

[Commander] Huang丨Wuxin: I’m not going to brag about it. If it’s just the bloody sub-alliance, it won’t be difficult at all. Those who have developed and become active in their sub-alliance have been sucked into the main alliance, and the rest are close to each other. No. 100 people, I guess most of them are lying dead.

Although there are many fortresses now, there will definitely not be too many people who really come to fight. Although our strength is not as strong as before, the ones who are still moving are elites, so it is not difficult to defeat them.

I'm just afraid that the main group from the bloody mist will be sent over when the time comes. They don't need to come in large numbers, just a full red group. At this stage, they can firmly block us with the help of checkpoints.

[Leader] Desolate: Indeed, we can think of nothing that the Scarlet management could not have thought of, and no one knows the strength of their alliance better than themselves.

[Commander] Huang丨Wuxin: So, in order to prevent the situation I just mentioned from happening and delaying time, we can contact a wave of Qinglin Regiment, and after they come in, we can attack separately.

They have the ability to open level 7 alone and attack from another level, which can effectively help share the blood's attention, and our pressure will be much less.

[Leader] Desolate: Okay, I'll talk to Qinglin.

In fact, needless to say, the Qinglin League was originally prepared to do this. They had already customized their own strategic direction from the day the Wild League agreed to backstab, so the two sides hit it off immediately. After the Qinglin League landed, they were responsible for In the direction of Yangzhou Wujin Pass, Huangmeng is responsible for the direction of Huai'an Pass.


Compared to Xuzhou, which was very quiet, the fighting in the remaining states was in full swing at this time. Especially the Duyangguan battlefield, it completely turned into a meat grinder, which was a good demonstration of what it means to fight for every inch of land.

[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Group Channel: Wind and Rain] First Love: The fortress is close, so don’t hold on for the sake of the martial arts garrison. If you have the physical strength, just give me a second to recover and fight again. Rotate the garrison to avoid serious injuries.

Our task is to defend the fortress group. Even if we cannot hold it, we must delay it to avoid being rushed to the checkpoint. The brothers from the Jiuxiao Regiment who came to support have already begun to mobilize troops. We will hold on until the early morning and we push back.

The two number control regiments that stood together through thick and thin were indeed strong. Relying on their high activity and execution ability, they managed to defend the fortress group in the Duyangguan war zone despite the bloody fog and the indiscriminate bombardment of three red regiments.

As the leader of the group, Chu Lian knew very well that they were not in a hurry now, as long as they guarded the war zone fortress and Duyang Pass. They could delay and wait, but the bloody mist could not wait.

The Wild Alliance has entered Xuzhou and will be able to reach the Yangzhou checkpoint at the latest tomorrow night. When the homeland is threatened, Yangzhou will gradually fall into passivity. It is obviously impossible to spread the troops to fight as it is now.


[Tang] Bloody Mist [Email: Monarch] Jiang Liu: What's going on? Our team is of higher quality and has more people than our opponent. We've been playing for 2 hours now. How many spaces have we advanced? .

Blood Mist, Beidou and Feihu, before 12 o'clock in the morning, if your martial arts skills are not up to standard, I will ask you for battle reports. If you don't have martial arts skills, I will go to the field and blacklist you directly.

The battle situation in Duyangguan was indeed a bit beyond Jiang Liu's expectations. In his original expectation, even if we were together through thick and thin with strong strength and high execution ability, when the number of people and the quality of the team were better than those of the opponent, even if they could not push it evenly, it would still be a draw. It should have a clear advantage, right? .

He didn't expect that in a few hours, he could directly push away the opponent and get back to Duyang Pass, but you must at least touch the level, right? .

But now? , the entire front line was only pushed forward a few squares, and it was still a buffer zone between the two sides. He didn't even touch the fortress group, let alone the checkpoint. How could he accept this? .

[Tang] Bloody Mist, alliance management channel.

[Lieutenant] Bloody Romance: I glanced at the battle report. Our team suffered a loss in terms of level. Many teams that could be restrained according to reason had a meal report instead. The Shu Cavalry could not cut Shu Bu, but instead suffered low losses. It only comes once or twice, but the large number is our problem.

[Prime Minister] Scarlet丨Old Cat: In fact, the main reason is that the fortresses are too close. Judging from the battle report, Shubu is stationed. When the cavalry goes up, it becomes the archers and magic swords. It seems that when the magic swords go up, it becomes the grandfather team.

The opposite side is close to the fortress for defense. If you have enough physical strength, you can frequently change the garrison team. Of course, our attacking side will suffer.

[General of the Kingdom] Scarlet丨Duke: It's a loss. Wherever we focus the fire, we can quickly gather and garrison on the opposite side. It's obvious that we are stalling, but visually there is nothing we can do [Ghost].

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: The Wild Alliance has come in. Breaking through Duyang is our last chance tonight. Otherwise, once the main force is sent back to Yangzhou to defend tomorrow, it will be difficult for this side to push back.

[General of the Zhenguo] Bloody Duke: It’s not easy to fight tonight. The fortress coming to support from the opposite side has already risen, and the troops will definitely be mobilized at this time.

The stalemate here is inevitable. If we want to break the situation, we can only work hard on Yizhou. As long as Yizhou completely collapses, our people will be completely liberated, and Longmeng can also disperse some manpower to help Bingzhou.


During the stalemate at the Yangguan battlefield in Henan and Xudu, the same stalemate at the Cayang battlefield in Yizhou was broken because of the arrival of the Shence Regiment and the team that stayed in Yizhou in the bloody mist.

Originally, they were fighting for the world, and with the advantage of first move, they successfully broke in and demolished many of the fortress groups under construction by the Dragon Alliance. However, with the successful completion of the Dragon Alliance fortress group, the Dragon Alliance, which had a superior number of people, gradually stabilized the situation.

The relationship between the two sides has gradually turned into a war of attrition. The team that competes in the world is red enough and strong enough. As long as it performs normally, except for the teams with the same level of redness, it can basically achieve 1-2-2, but there are many people in the Dragon Alliance.

Every additional person is equivalent to 2 to 3 more main teams. At this time, the number difference between the two sides is close to 3 groups. Without the geographical advantage, the result can be imagined.

And when the situation was gradually becoming unfavorable, the Shence team, which had been protected on the right side, arrived. A full force of Manchu troops joined the battlefield, which undoubtedly had the final say.

[Sui] Conquest the world [Email: Monarch] Conquest丨Wuwei: Everyone, with Caiyang Ferry as the center, I have occupied all the land along the road, and then the main force can go home to recruit and rest. Follow-up actions are waiting for my email .

System: [Sui] Conquer the world and launch national policy to strengthen the walls and clear the country.

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