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Chapter 562 What can I do?

What to do if you touch the level before dawn? Of course it's broken.

It has to be said that tonight's night battle gave Chu Lian a lot of confidence. Before fighting against the Bloody Mist, he was actually a little unsure. He didn't know how many people in a big alliance like the T1 Bloody Mist would have in a night battle. and execution capabilities.

If it is still as powerful as it was during the day, it is obvious that Du Yangguan has been exhausted, and a protracted battle is necessary. If you want to break the game, you can only wait quietly for the Desolate League and the Qinglin Regiment to open from the Yangxu War Zone. gap.

But at the moment, it seems that the battle situation is unexpectedly good. The members of the Bloody Mist Night Fighter are indeed more powerful and have more people than the alliances Fengyu has encountered before, but there is no comparison with them.

According to Chu Lian's statistics, the opponent's number of active night combat personnel was only a little more than one regiment. Many of the personnel's teams were reduced to Spartan remnants by their concentrated fire in the first wave. In this case, even if they were human, Now, it's completely useless without a team.

Although the email sent by Chu Lian asked the Night War members to push forward quickly and set up fortresses along the way to try to reach the checkpoints, the goal in his mind was to win another checkpoint before morning and completely hold the war zone in his hands.

Up to now, except for the defenders at level 9, which can cause some resistance to players, level 7 can be completely ignored, and level 5 levels like this that connect to the war zone are just a matter of concentrated fire.

[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Taiwei] First love: Can your regiment handle it, old horse? I want the main force of Fengyu and the two number control regiments to take turns to replenish troops. At dawn, they will attack and win the level. During the replenishment period, they can only use demolition and Spartan.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: While he is sick, his blood is indeed thinner at night. If we can touch the checkpoint, we can really make a wave. Once we get the checkpoint, we can advance and retreat freely with our strength, and take the initiative.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: No problem. Although our group can't stay up all night like the two groups you have, it's still okay to come here occasionally.

Bloody's side has been almost exhausted by you. If you don't have enough troops, you don't have enough physical strength. The main force on our side is gnawing bones. You just keep up with the demolition and Sparta.

[Lieutenant] Chu Ling: OK, then I will make arrangements. According to the current cleaning speed and the time to set up the fortress, we will set it at 7 a.m. for the time being.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Is 7 o'clock a little late? After all, many people got up at that point.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: No, there are only a few people who can get excited at that point. Most of them are office workers or students. They basically log in to see the situation, recruit troops for garrison or farm operations, and then get off.

As long as we turn their garrison into a Spartan one tonight, not to mention in the morning, it will be at noon. If the Bloody Rebellion and other regiments come to support, they will definitely be defeated here, because they only have 3 regiments here, except for The ones who are extremely energetic in night battles can operate and replenish their troops in time. Others wait until tomorrow morning to start replenishing their troops, and the day lily is already cold before they are mobilized.

[Taiwei] Chu Lian: Well, to put it simply, we are taking advantage of the active situation on both sides of our side so that the people here will have no team available when they get up tomorrow morning. With a time difference, I believe that as long as nothing happens, they will be able to enter during the day. Yuzhou.

As for how to break through the defense line set up by the bloody mist in Yuzhou after entering Yuzhou, let's talk about it then.


[Tang] Bloody Mist [E-mail: Taiwei] Bloody Romance: Brothers in night battles should be smarter. When the opponent gathers fire, retreat and resist hard. Our task is to delay time and delay progress. It’s no problem to lose a red land and a fortress. Just don’t kill the main force.

Sparta and the small demolitions started to move, and the Kashuang gathered fire and dispersed their main force to let them garrison. My eyes stood up. Wherever I saw a fortress, Sparta would focus fire on me and consume them. The main force is stationed.

In the case where hard power cannot take advantage, the situation of Bloody Mist with a numerical disadvantage is not optimistic. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to see the full and lossless online main force.

Seeing that the people in the same boat began to advance rapidly, heading towards the checkpoint with a clear goal, the management of Bloody Mist could only stare anxiously because there was no team available.

[Tang] Bloody Mist, alliance management channel.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: There is too much difference in the number of live people online. The offensive of Fengyu on the other side is the same as during the day. We can't handle it at all. Can you contact us and let the garrisoned teams move? Get up, it's useless to pile them up there. People's wind and rain won't touch the present at all.

[Prime Minister] Scarlet丨Old Cat: Can I contact some of the group leaders? .

[General Zhenguo] Scarlet丨Duke: In our group, basically everyone who can be online and can control the account is there, and the rest can’t do anything.

[Attendant] Bloody Feihu: Same, not everyone is willing to let others play their own number.

[Captain] Bloody Romance: The war zone is over, and I see Feng Yu’s posture. It is very likely that he will push it below the level and then rush through it. If the last level is gone, he will be caught unexpectedly. Our base camp is in Yuzhou.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: It’s difficult to deal with. The Jiuxiao Regiment on the opposite side has just arrived to support us. They have a lot of physical strength and sufficient troops. In addition, they are very brave, so there is really no good way.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: If that doesn't work, let the Shence Regiment come over. Let them return to the Yuzhou base camp instantly and come to support.

[Prime Minister] Scarlet丨Old Cat: Even if we let them come to support, it will be morning before they are in place. Today they just finished conquering the world in Yizhou, and there are not many online at this point.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: Don’t worry, since we have been together through thick and thin, just give them the war zone. It’s not like you can’t get it back if you lose it.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Lao Jiang, you haven’t slept yet, I thought you weren’t here.

【Monarch】Jiang Liu: Get up and pee, come up and have a look.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: We were careless this time. Our ability to fight at night through thick and thin is really amazing. I originally thought that with a group of people, we could maintain a stalemate until daytime, but now it seems that I overthink it, and it’s my fault.

Since we can't hold it anymore, don't waste time, because it is the most disadvantageous for our main force to fight them here. Let the brothers online return to the fortress in the pass to replenish troops. Use Spartan and Demolition in the war zone. Just flip the land card without dragging the rhythm.

When I'm done, I'll give you the number in the main city where the checkpoint blocks the road. You can open it in advance and stick to it according to the situation. In this way, even if you win the checkpoint early in the morning or in the morning, it won't make much sense.

Old cat, please inform the Shence Regiment and ask them to come directly to Duyang when they come online in the morning. Then we will focus on defense in the morning and resume the integration of several regiments. In the afternoon, we will gather the effective strength of four regiments and directly push back. go back.

I still don’t believe it, our four groups can’t beat their three groups who have stood together through thick and thin.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Bloody Marquis: We have three regiments today, haven’t we beaten two other regiments? [Cover your mouth].

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: That's because they are not familiar with the opponent's routines and are slowed down. If they win the level, they will definitely have to defend it. If they wait for them to garrison, isn't it equivalent to being passively beaten? , so it’s not necessarily a bad thing if the level is taken.

What's more, we have deployed so many lines of defense in Yuzhou. A war zone and a level are not as important as imagined. Luteu is a push-push turn-based game. You are all experienced players, so your mentality must be stable.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Yes, but we will also bring back the last Shence Group from Yizhou to see if Zheng Tianxia will counterattack.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: No, today I boarded Zhulong's account and looked at the situation in Yizhou. I found that there are only about 3 regiments available for the expedition, and the execution ability has also dropped significantly.

They airborne in the Dragon League and did not rush in before the fortress group rose up. This is enough to show that the frontal force is no longer a match for the Dragon League. After all, there are more than 100 people behind them.

[Prime Minister] Scarlet丨Old Cat: Okay, then leave the Yizhou side to the Longmeng. Let’s concentrate on dealing with the situation. This side is the most difficult to deal with visually.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: Well, by the way, Marquis, that deputy from the Desolate League hasn’t responded to your message yet? .

[General of the Suppressing Army] Bloody Marquis: Well, I’m probably not here this evening. I should be back in the morning.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: To be honest, I think the situation is cool, but you should just follow and see. If you can succeed, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t succeed, it doesn’t matter. I will beat them to death with a group of stinky brothers.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Lao Jiang, go to bed quickly to calm down the anger [I don’t know whether to laugh or cry].


Jiang Liu is indeed a little angry in his heart, but he can't find a place to vent it. What can he do because the night battle is not enough? The benefits he can give are also given. What can he do with such a small number of people? He can't sell it. If you own your own house, give a 648 to each person who fights at night.

"Fortunately, it's coming to an end in Yizhou, otherwise I really don't know what to do." Jiang Liu breathed out a sigh of relief. Jiang Liu, who was lying on the bed, was actually a little puzzled. He didn't know what went wrong. As a result, the situation that was originally good suddenly turned bad.

"Desolate Alliance, Qinglin Regiment, together with someone who has stood by us through thick and thin, it's going to be difficult." After calculating the opponents they would face next in Bloody Mist, Jiang Liu had a headache.

It was easy to say that the Desolate League was easy to say. Even if they could regroup and pull out a group of people, he believed that they would definitely be a bunch of paddlers who only knew how to fight with the wind, but the following Wind and Rain Together and the Qinglin Group would be tough with thorns.

Especially for Jiang Liu, who has experienced the strength of night battles in this wave, he doesn't know how to deal with this when the two sides face off next time.

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Liu said in a low voice: "At present, it seems that we can only work on two aspects. The first is to let the sky curtain exert its power and how many main forces can contain the wind and rain. The second is to make it rain during the day. Strong medicine, amplifying the results."

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