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Chapter 570 Fighting Thousands of Miles Away

"Damn! We're being guarded again."

On the Yangguan battlefield in Hexu Dudu, Jiang Liu suddenly became very irritated when he saw several waves of charges coming down. The number of soldiers stationed at the checkpoint had always maintained a balance of 200 teams.

There are many reasons for his irritation, including his own knowledge that with the current number of teams, it is impossible to break through unless the defending Flying Fox group is brought together to attack and focus the fire.

But after experiencing the strength and execution of the same boat through thick and thin, he still dared to play tricks as confidently and boldly as he did against Zheng Zhanxia in Yizhou.

Judging from the battles in the past few days, not to mention taking away all the members of the defending Flying Fox Regiment, even taking away some of them. Once discovered by Feng Yutong Ao, who has the vision of the level, he will definitely attack them without hesitation.

But the Flying Fox Regiment, which does not pull the defense, simply relies on the strength of the three regiments now, and there is no way to break through. They can only push and push through the wind and rain here.

"Now it seems that we can only choose between two old paths. Either stay in a stalemate and wear out Feng Yu, or add more troops or find external forces to distract Feng Yu's power."


Jiang Liu's words silenced the Bloody Mist management channel for a while. In fact, even after gathering strength, they failed to break through the defense line of the same people through thick and thin. The impact on the Bloody Mist members, including the management, was still great.

After all, before encountering the storm, they had a smooth journey. They directly defeated the favorites who were at the same level as them and who were the favorites before the start of the district. Now they have encountered difficulties one after another in the same boat. Although they are not at a much disadvantage. But the psychological gap has unknowingly affected the morale of the entire alliance and the mentality of its members.

[Tang] Bloody Mist, alliance management channel.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: It's almost 23 o'clock. When this wave is over, we should arrange for personnel to defend. We can't take it down today. We must arrange the garrison in advance to prevent the opponent's counterattack at night.

[General Zhenguo] Scarlet丨Duke: It is indeed impossible to defeat the three regiments. The number of people on the opposite side is about the same as ours, but their execution activity is higher than ours. In addition, they are well developed. To be honest, if it were not for the defense of the Flying Fox Regiment. , I am afraid that I will be beaten in.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: If we want to break through, we need more people to come over, but our hands are too painful to attack now, so we can only wait.

[General of the Kingdom] Scarlet丨Duke: Although there was a wave of chaos in the Desolate League, they still rushed through a wave of checkpoints just now. With them here, the members of the branch cannot move, and it is of no use if they can move.

On the Shadow Thorn side, the Qinglin regiment has now taken the checkpoint and entered the war zone. They also need to use martial arts to defend. Both sides are highly active and full of red regiments. I guess it is better to push and push.

Therefore, we cannot spare any manpower for the time being and can only rely on external forces to defeat the Storm Alliance. I think Dragon Alliance is good.

The campaign has basically collapsed now. After the national policy of strengthening the walls and clearing the country was launched, not many people were seen. Even if they could still organize resistance, the Dragon Alliance could just send a few regiments to contain them. They couldn't afford to make a big splash anyway.

Then we can completely divide a group of people and enter Bingzhou from Yongzhou to help Tianmu deal with the storm in Youzhou, or attack Jizhou from other directions. No matter how severe the storm is, the shadow clone will be destroyed, and Jizhou will be in a tight situation. All current situations will collapse on their own.

[Prime Minister] Scarlet丨Old Cat: Yes, the Dragon Alliance can indeed move. Just leave some people in Yizhou to contain the battle and don't let them stop alive.

Jiang Liu's idea actually coincided with his own management. Seeing that they were in a stalemate through thick and thin, he also set his sights on Longmeng.

Although he was still somewhat afraid of the resurgence of the Conquest World, he could not care about anything else at this time. Anyway, in the conquest scripts he had experienced, he had never seen an alliance recover after the collapse. At most, it was rare. Some die-hards are still carrying on.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: That's it. Old cat, you should pay more attention to the Yangzhou side of the country. Duke, you will arrange the defense here. I will go to the Dragon League to communicate with them and try to get them to take action as soon as possible to break the situation.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: OK.


[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: Feng Tuan Yu Tuan, continue to take turns to replenish the main force, and at the same time, stop moving if the opponent does not focus on fire to conserve physical strength. When withdrawing the main force, it is still the same old rule, replenish a team of Spar Go up there.

The rest of the Red Sky Regiment, as long as they are not half-disabled Spartans, will be the main force for me to press forward. If I want to replenish my troops, I will wait until the early morning.

Ever since he made the plan to have the two number control regiments in his hands, they would stay at Yangguan in Hexu Dudu during the day and return to Jizhou at night to help the Jiuxiao regiment attack Bingzhou Tianmu from Liyang. Chu Lian has been keeping an eye on the status of the two regiments. .

At this time, seeing that the time was about to reach 23 o'clock, the offensive of the bloody mist on the opposite side gradually slowed down, and it was immediately understood that this was the last wave of offensive on the opposite side today.

Without the pressure of concentrated fire, the remaining sporadic scattering poses no threat at all, and according to his estimation, the opponent suffered from their night battle last night and will definitely focus on defense today.

This was confirmed by Chu Lian's sight through the checkpoint, and he saw that the number of garrison troops in the main city blocking the road began to increase rapidly, so he began to notify the two regiments in his hands to prepare.

[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Taiwei] First Love: What time does Lao Ma go to bed? Email me then and I will come over and keep an eye on this place.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Stay up tonight. After all, it is our regiment’s defensive mission. As the regiment leader, I must take the lead [Ghost].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: I have a high level of consciousness, it’s okay [Biya].

[Taiwei] First Love: Okay, but I guess it won’t be a big deal.

[General of the Upper Army] Extreme Left Fire Attack: Our regiment has been informed. When will you come over? .

[Taiwei] First Love: Return to the main city in seconds when the time comes. The longest distance to move troops to the fortress is only 2 hours. The main thing is to waste some time to replenish troops. By the way, when is the main city on the other side that is blocked by the road usually opened? .

[General of the Upper Army] Extreme left fire attack: around 12 o'clock, ending around 5 o'clock.

[Taiwei] First Love: That’s plenty of time. At 5 o’clock, there just aren’t many people around except for night owls.

[General of the Upper Army] Extreme Left Fire Attack: There are two regiments on the opposite side. At almost 5 o'clock, except for the garrison, they are all dead. You help us rush in and directly destroy their main force, and then we can return here.

[Taiwei] Chu Lian: Well, it’s not a big problem. We have enough time. If we really have two groups, the battle damage won’t be too high. It won’t affect anything.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Don’t come back in a hurry. Please help us push. Bloody’s side will definitely not be able to organize a large-scale attack early in the morning. At least it’s close to noon. You just need to come back before noon.

The first time we do this kind of operation, we are unprepared, but once we do it, people will know it, so the first time is the easiest, so we must expand the results to be able to sweep away all the fortress land and the main city around the level. , don’t leave even one behind.

Even if you come back after this, you must leave the demolition and Spartan over there. The checkpoints here are of little use for defense. Go over there and help dig up the ground and demolish the fortress.

[Taiwei] First love: I understand.

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