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Chapter 582: Destruction of the Country [Seven]

Overnight, the battlefield underwent earth-shaking changes. This wave of night attacks by the same boat directly shattered Tianmu Sima's last bit of luck. After falling, he finally understood that no matter how fancy his preparations were, , even in the face of Feng Yu's absolute strength, he is no match.

The Dragon Alliance, which originally gave him some courage, also made him understand that the mountains he relied on would fall, and everyone would run away, and no one could be relied on, so he had to make a choice, abandon the Huguan battlefield, and gather the strength of the entire alliance to protect himself.

[Week] Tianmu [E-mail: Zhenguo General] Tianmu丨Fleeting Time: [497X572] The speed is very fast. Many of their fortresses are long-range shots, and they are stuck in time to eat them.

[499X575] Set fire at 7:50, rush in and knock out the garrison and go in to demolish the fortress. They cannot let the fortress group stand up.

There were few people on the opposite side, and the small Spartan demolitions on both sides took a roundabout way, looking for opportunities to rush in and overturn the fortress under construction. Brothers, they all started to move, and a wave of our troops came after insisting.

[Week] Tianmu, alliance management channel.

[General Zhenguo] Tianmu丨Long Nian: It’s not easy to fight. The enemy’s sneak attack in the middle of the night directly pushed the fortress near our ferry clean. The brothers’ team in the fortress was also beaten back home. Now we have too few people here. , unable to hold it or push it, we could only look at the fortress on the other side.

Of course Tianmu Sima knew what was going on with the alliance at this time. This was why he was anxious to abandon the Huguan battlefield, leaving only one regiment to contain Feng Rupan, and the rest came to the party's side, because if nothing happened, Power, they are going to be cold.

But even so, Tianmu Sima found that he still underestimated the situation on his Shangdang side. At this time, although they had many fortresses near Shangdang city, most of the fortresses were filled with Spartans, and even if they had the main force, they were only half The full formation cannot even form a regiment.

A wave of night attacks in the same boat sent many of their fortresses and teams directly back to their hometowns. It was only the morning, and there were relatively few people online. When they went online, they either had no fortress or no team. How could they fight? .

That is to say, they opened a strong wall to clear the field, and the forward fortress of Welfare and Suffering was not raised, so although the entire battlefield was at a disadvantage, it could still maintain a stalemate on the surface. Once the fortress of Welfare and Suffering was raised, if their personnel were not in place, the country would be destroyed. All right.

[Monarch] Tianmu丨Sima: There is no way, now I can only resist and drag. You arrange some active people, and I will give them the prefecture. If the fortress is not up, just throw the legion, drive over to support, and I am looking for Ha Long. Allied with the two regiments, let them spread out to build a fortress, harass them from behind, and share the pressure.

[General Zhenguo] Tianmu丨Long Nian: The fortress on their side has been pushed down. There is not much left. When the fortress is built, I am afraid it will be the afternoon, otherwise they will be allowed to attack Yuci City directly from Tao's side.

Over there is the base camp of Feng Yu Tong Ao. Once the Dragon League passes by, Feng Yu Tong Ao will definitely have to disperse their manpower to defend. Then our pressure will be much less. It will be much easier to fight when everyone is gathered in the afternoon.

[Monarch] Tianmu丨Sima: It’s meaningless. Our target is us through thick and thin. Let alone the Dragon Alliance, even if it passes, they can just send some people to avoid it until night.

Even if they lose all the Yuci side in the end, it will not have any impact on Feng Yu, because the fortress group on their Shangdang side has already risen, and this is their new base camp.

The only thing we can do now is to mobilize the entire alliance and use the strong walls to clear the field and the fortress group to delay time. As long as we can hold on until the afternoon, the fortresses of the brothers in the alliance are replenished and the team is in place before we can consider other things.

【General Zhenguo】Tianmu丨Sima: Okay.


[Tang] Bloody Mist [E-mail: Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Sima, how are you doing over there? We are already launching an attack here. As long as you can hold on, we will definitely come back to support you once the storm here becomes unbearable. It will be stable then.

After discussing countermeasures with the alliance management, as soon as he closed the management channel, Tianmu Sima saw the private message sent by the Prime Minister of Blood Mist.

"Haha! Unless the commander of Wealth and Wind is mentally retarded, how can he possibly go back to support now?" After glancing at the content of the email, Tianmu Sima was very disdainful.

From the moment he got up and saw that Feng Yusi was pushed directly to a distance of 20 blocks from Shangdang City, he knew that the wave on the other side was determined to destroy the country and take their capital.

If their ferry had not been lost at this time, seeing that the Duyangguan battlefield was in crisis, there was still the possibility of returning reinforcements through thick and thin. But now that victory was right in front of them, even a pig knew that the most important thing was to kill them first in one go.

The prime minister in the bloody fog sent him an email at this time, just because he was afraid that the mentality of their Tianmu management would explode and they would be lying dead.

After casually replying a few words to deal with the situation, Tianmu Sima began to concentrate on operating the Spartans in his fortress, exploring roads and digging the ground. As an alliance manager, especially when he was at a disadvantage, he took the lead and was very angry. It is necessary, otherwise the members of the alliance will lose motivation when they see the management, how can they go to death to carry it out?


"The advance is quite fast. At this speed, once the forward fortresses are grouped together, we can consider rushing directly to the city and taking the city with a long shot." After taking a look at the situation on the Shangdang battlefield, Ning Xiu pondered a little in his heart. I sent an email to Taiwei’s first love.

[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: What’s wrong with the boss? .

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: How are the battle losses of your two regiments? Once the fortress is built and pushed to the city, is there any chance of taking the city directly? .

Facing the inquiry from his boss, Chu Lian glanced at the battlefield and replied: "The battle damage is actually very small. After the sneak attack at night, we have been replenishing troops. Basically, the things that are moving are Spartan and demolition.

However, if you want to build a fortress, you can directly take the city. There are some difficulties, mainly because the demolition is not enough. On the opposite side, a strong wall is opened to clear the field. It is too time-consuming to turn over a bunch of fortresses. This is the reason why we have prepared demolition and eunuch vehicles in advance, otherwise it will not be possible. Can't push it this way.

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: We caught Tianmu off guard last night. Now they are out of personnel, and the team has been crippled by us and cannot be assembled. The supporting Dragon Alliance cannot come for the time being. This opportunity is very important. rare.

Once we fail to seize the opportunity to take down the Shangdang and destroy Tianmu, then in the afternoon or evening, when they gather their strength and add the Dragon Alliance, we may not be able to push back, and we will basically fall into a war of attrition. happy.

[Taiwei] First Love: Then do it, do it as soon as the fortress is established.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Well, I will arrange other regiments now, and let all the legions that can come bring the main force and demolition. You also let those Spartan legions go back for demolition.

[Taiwei] First Love: Good.


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