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Chapter 584 Destruction of the Country【End】

Unlike the Shangdang battlefield in Bingzhou, where the overall situation has basically been decided, the Duyangguan battlefield at this time is extremely fierce. Counting the Flying Fox Regiment joining the battle in Bloody Mist, there is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the three full red regiments. Hard Steel Even if the Jiuxiao Group is the group with the highest quality accounts, they still can't beat this.

But the problem is that the purpose of Jiuxiao Regiment from the beginning was to slow down the rhythm, and they didn't even think about fighting the Blood Mist Hard Steel. Otherwise, how could they directly avoid its edge and give up the war zone level.

Glancing at the time on the game interface, Jiang Liu felt very angry. It had been nearly 4 hours since the game started in the morning, and their advancement speed could be described as a turtle speed.

Although there are only a small number of people in the same boat through thick and thin, the large fortresses are well prepared and have a few reserves. In addition, all the troops are basically active. If you focus on a large scale, they will retreat. Small-scale and single-person attacks will be eaten by the garrison on the team.

Although they have been advancing for several hours, the time consumed each time is increasing exponentially, because as they advance, they are getting farther and farther away from their fortress group, and with the addition of some paddlers, they have the upper hand. , but it was like entering a quagmire, and every step was extremely difficult.

Under such circumstances, as time went by, he became more and more angry, especially when he noticed that Shangdang, who had been together through thick and thin in Bingzhou, had pushed the city to the bottom and opened the city walls, and he became even more impatient, because he was afraid that Tianmu would end up after this battle. It collapsed after a setback.

[Tang] Bloody Mist, alliance management channel.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: What the hell, three regiments are fighting against each other and one regiment is pushing so slowly. Each regiment leader quickly mobilized people and asked them to abandon the convoy and drive to push without time.

[Captain] Bloody Romance: There is no other way. The other side will not hold back and will not confront us. The war zone is full of fortresses. We are getting farther and farther away. There are no forward fortresses. A large-scale fire attack will run away. , In the past, small-scale singles were either flat or eaten, so it would be strange to be able to get up quickly.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: The main reason is that the situation in Bingzhou is not optimistic. I guess the wind and rain will start the party at noon.

[Captain] Bloody Romance: We have no energy left, and the terrain is here. We can’t just search and wipe them out.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Alas! I have to say that the main reason is Feng Yu's strong combat power. Once he is restrained by the opposite chopper team, he will basically lie down.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: This is all we can do now. Water far away cannot quench our thirst, but it is just a capital city and not a state capital in the later stage. It will be fine if it is destroyed and under construction. As long as they do not collapse, they will have a chance to make a comeback.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: I'm afraid they will collapse. Once Tianmu lies down and gives up, even if we push the wind and rain here, it will be of no use.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: There is no way, we can only look at the mentality on the other side of the sky.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: Lao Mao, please communicate more with the Tianmu management to stabilize them.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Yeah.


[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: [471X554] Except for the garrison, all the main forces of the Shangdang will be pressed at 12:30, and the demolition will be done at 31 seconds. It is just a level 7 city, and there are not many main forces and garrison on the opposite side. Try to fight for one Take down the waves, and then quickly clear the red fortress in full bloom.

After 12 noon, Chu Lian saw the support vehicles from various places arriving one after another, and immediately issued an email order without hesitation for a general attack on Bingzhou Tianmu, the capital of Shangdang.

As the email order was issued, the members who had been waiting for a long time immediately began to send out troops. For a time, the entire Shangdang was directly covered by lines. In front was a dense main force, followed by 6 eunuch cars at the rear. If nothing else, This formation gave the members of the Tianmu Defense Shangdang a chill in their hearts.

[Zhou] Tianmu [E-mail: Prime Minister] Tianmu丨Liuyun: Except for the garrison in the Shangdang, everyone in the Shangdang should focus on their city connection areas and speed them up.

"The mantis is blocking the car. He just points the red line. He doesn't help to guard it. He actually wants to climb over the connecting ground. I really don't know where the confidence comes from." After glancing at the 10 or so red lines that were sparsely shot, Chu Lian shook his head with a dumb smile. He shook his head and stopped paying attention, because he knew the outcome was already doomed.


[System]: Congratulations to [Ning] for working through thick and thin and successfully occupying the level 7 city Shangdang.

[System]: [Zhou] Tianmu, because the capital of the country was occupied by [Ning], the country was dissolved.

Just as Chu Lian and the management of the same boat had predicted, under the absolutely overwhelming force, the garrison of Tianmu was instantly wiped out. At the same time, Shangdang, the capital of the country, was also taken away in a wave, from touching the ground. It took a short second to capture the upper party.

The durability of level 7 cities is already low. It is not difficult to combine three groups with demolitions prepared in advance. In fact, many demolitions are simply run away, wasting a wave of physical strength in vain. You underestimate your own strength when you say that you can lead through thick and thin. , or in other words, overestimated Tianmu's defensive ability.

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First Love: The main force of the Number Control Regiment has all mobilized troops to the Duyang battlefield, leaving behind the demolition team to cooperate with the Chixiao Regiment in cleaning up the surrounding red land.


[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Taiwei] First love: Here, I will let the signal control group go back to help guard the wave. After everything is stabilized, I will let the two groups of Fengyu come over in the evening to kill people.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Okay, since the opponent is defeated anyway, don’t even think about stopping the fighting force today.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: We can still hold on here. We are just walking the dogs anyway. Why don't you just stay in Bingzhou and beat Tianmu to death with a stick, and don't give them a chance to breathe.

[General of the Upper Army] Extreme Left Fire Attack: Can you really defend it? Awesome.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Just follow the arrangements of your first love. Even if you can walk the dog, your physical strength is limited after all. Once it is used up, it will be useless and you will only be beaten.

Even if Bingzhou is organized today, they won't be able to make any waves. When they are almost done, you can come over at night and give them a stick, just make their mentality explode and that's it.

[Taiwei] Chu Lian: I think so too. They set up a fortress and mobilized troops. When everything was done, it was already night. After a few fights, they went to bed. Then it would be our stage.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Well, please arrange some people from the extreme left to go to Xiwuguanpu next door.

[General of the Upper Army] Extreme Left Fire Attack: OK, there just happen to be a lot of prefect cars here, so the relay will pass quickly.


While Ning Xiu was discussing the next action with a group of managers, Bingzhou Tianmu was destroyed and the world channel was in an uproar. After all, from the time when they entered Bingzhou through thick and thin until now, it only took 2 days to complete the attack. In 2 days, the capital was completely destroyed. , or with the support of the Dragon Alliance, how can we not be surprised.

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