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Chapter 588 Clearly marked price

Yuzhou Fuqiao is located in the center of Yuzhou, near the junction of the three counties of Yuzhou, including Liang, Chen, and Yingchuan. It is the undisputed core area of ​​Yuzhou. At this time, it has already become a defensive center of bloody mist.

Since being broken through by Feng Yu Tongzhou and rushing into Yuzhou, the bloody mist has centered on Qiao and radiated to Liangjun in the north and Huainan in the east to build a defense line.

Not only is this place covered with fortresses in a bloody fog, but all dangerous mountain passes and ferries are blocked by the main city. Especially the most important state capital, Qiao, has been surrounded by the main city and fortresses for several times.

The blessing of the full-level main city can be seen with the naked eye. If the team of the same level does not have unit restraint, the offensive team without the blessing of the main city will basically be GG except for the occasional miraculous battle report.

And if the attacking team is restrained by a team with the blessing of the main city, it will almost certainly lose. It is undoubtedly impossible to defeat the team with the blessing of the main city when the troops are restrained.

To deal with such a turtle shell tactic, there is no other way except the human sea tactic, which has an advantage in personnel strength, and the attack must be done within seconds. If you don't beat the seconds or adjust the speed of the team, you will be waiting to be adjusted according to the speed of the garrison to reduce the damage. Eat.

It is precisely because of the turtle shell tactic that Bloody Mist was able to persist until now despite going through thick and thin into Yuzhou. Otherwise, there was such a huge difference in night fighting capabilities that it would be impossible to just push Qiao to the state capital at this time.

But even so, with the Yuzhou base camp being breached, the situation in the bloody fog is getting worse and worse. Especially after a week now, there are more and more gangsters in the entire alliance. In broad daylight, the personnel are online at high levels, with the help of the main city Blessing them, they were also vaguely unable to hold on.

[Tang] Bloody Mist [Email: Taiwei] Bloody Romance: [1028X948] The speed is not enough if it is not stationed.

[Tang] Bloody Mist, alliance management channel.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: I'm really convinced. I'm even reminded by email about the most basic things. I really don't know what these people in the league are thinking.

At 19:00 in the evening, this time period has already entered the peak online period for players from the Three Kingdoms. However, there are more than 370 people in the alliance at this time, not counting the two regiments defending Yangzhou, and more than 270 people are defending the battlefield of Yuzhou Prefecture. , the garrison on the main city in the front row actually dropped to 100 teams at this time.

The garrison of 100 teams seems to be a large number, but based on the current situation of regular soldiers manning 4 teams, it is only a few dozen people.

Although the battle from morning to now has indeed consumed a lot of money, it is not exaggerated to say that the front row defensive position is so sparsely stationed.

In the final analysis, it is the reason why more and more people are lying dead and paddling under the policy of breaking into the base camp through thick and thin.

Of course Jiang Liu understood what his Taiwei meant, but now he has done everything a monarch should do. Red envelopes and benefits are given out every day, and he takes the lead in making liver explosions every day. However, when the battle situation is unfavorable, he will just lie down. What can you do? .

He also often did the operation of killing chickens to scare monkeys, but he would paddle when he should be in the water, and act like a bastard when he should be a bastard. It was obvious that he was ready to lay down his body after seeing the general trend.

Even if the corpses are not lying down, the gangster members will go online in the morning, drop a few teams to the front row, and go offline immediately. They will come up at noon to take a look, and then go home to recruit troops. They will repeat this operation at night, and the management will check them. If you want a battle report, there will be a battle report, if you want martial arts, there will be martial arts. What can you do? .

As we all know, fighting martial arts is indeed important, but what is more important is subtle operations such as turning over the ground to avoid cards. But now the situation in Bloody Mist is that there are more and more gangsters.

Although he, Jiang Liu, is the leader of the alliance, under the current circumstances, does he really dare to fly out all the members of the alliance whose martial arts and demolition scores are not up to standard? .

If we really do that, then I guess it would be pretty good if only half of the entire alliance is left.

Seeing the management channel fall into silence, the Prime Minister's bloody old cat peeking at the screen quickly said: "Actually, it's not bad. With the help of the main city, our defense line is still stable."

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: Brother, you are too optimistic. If we lose this ferry now, we will be directly close to Qiaocheng. When we stand across the river fortress, we only need to push down our last ferry defense line. You can open the city directly.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Alas! The night battle on the opposite side is too sharp. Even if we get stuck and hold on, we can't hold it back. They are always online, so we can rush in if we seize the opportunity.

[Captain] Bloody Romance: As long as you understand, in this situation, I really don’t know if we can withstand the night battle on the other side.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: We are now at a disadvantage in terms of personnel. The two regiments in Yangzhou cannot move. As soon as they left Huangmeng and Qinglin, they entered our hometown.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: I know, but we can't beat them in night battles. Now Fengyu has one more group of people than us. To be honest, if we continue fighting like this, sooner or later we will collapse.

[General of the Zhenguo] Bloody Duke: It seems that they have used their manpower to break through the gate and enter Sili today. Why are they still attacking like this?

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: It's only level 9. It's not difficult to fight now. Besides, Qiao's side is not far from Yanjin. Each person can be divided into a team of main force and it can be done in minutes.

[General of the Upper Army] Bloody Marquis: We also have a fortress in Hulao, so we should take it quickly, otherwise they will come over from above and block us directly, and we will be in trouble.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: How to fight? Dare we take away people in this situation? As soon as the manpower was taken out to clear the barrier, the place immediately collapsed.

Once the defense line collapses, the entire Yuzhou will be in trouble. What's the use of entering Sili then? Sili doesn't have the defense line we arranged in advance.

[General of the Upper Army] Bloody Marquis: Damn! Then we can't just ignore it, right? If we don't enter Sili and don't fight for Luoyang, then if we still insist on being here and co-authoring, are we maintaining a separatist regime? .

The words of the Scarlet Marquis can be said to have exposed the last fig leaf of Jiang Liu and other Scarlet executives. Now that they are going to Europe to resist, aren't they actually defending a separatist regime? .

Everyone knew in their hearts that from the moment the sky collapsed and they stormed into Yuzhou together, Bloody Mist had actually lost the chance to conquer. The reason why they kept fighting was not to lose too ugly.

Not to mention the T-level alliances like them, there are also many members of the individual alliance who don't like them at all.

But if you don't like it, you don't like it. It's better to stay in a separatist regime than to be beaten in a chaotic world, right? At least a little bit of dignity is preserved, so that all dignity is not lost.

This was the thought in the minds of Jiang Liu and other senior officials, but everyone had never mentioned it in a tacit agreement, but now it was directly exposed.

[General of the Zhenguo] Bloody Duke: There is a point in separatist rule. Is there anyone in our alliance who is rare about this thing? , if you ask me, just switch to the wandering army. Then there will be a wave of fire in Luoyang, and the whole region will be in chaos.

[Captain] Bloody Romance: Wake up, the advantage of the current wandering army is not that great, and the whole area is still in trouble [Cold Sweat].

But with what you said, I think we can arrange a wave of wandering troops, and then let the wandering army cooperate with us to fight against the storm.

[General Zhenguo] Bloody Romance: The sky is over, they have collapsed anyway, and some people have already joined the wandering army. Just gather them together and fight against the wind and rain with us. With the cooperation of the wandering army, we will have a chance.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Well, why do they cooperate with us? ? ? .

[Captain] Bloody Romance: It depends on how the boss operates [呲ya].

Of course Jiang Liu understood the meaning of this sentence. As he had always been the financial leader of the alliance, what these people wanted now was nothing more than asking him to pay and gather the wandering army as thugs.

But to be honest, let’s not talk about whether those younger brothers who were defeated and turned into the wandering army are worth his money. Even if he does, will it still work? .

Up to now, the Wandering Army has been activated for many days, but the number is still small. This can be seen from the number of people gathered in the Wandering Army on the ranking list.

If you want the Wandering Army to become more effective, you must have a large number of T-level allies transfer to the Wandering Army. Tianmu is indeed the best choice, but why do they want to transfer? How much money it costs to transfer it, whether it will be effective after the transfer, and whether it is worth it are all questions.

Under such uncertain circumstances, how could he risk his own money to do this? It would be better to lose the season.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: There are too few wandering soldiers now. Wait, old cat, you can go to Tianmu to talk to them and see if they are willing to cooperate.

Seeing that his boss was clearly unwilling to be taken advantage of, the bloody old cat immediately said: "Why don't you ask the Aragami?"

The God of Desolation, the financial leader of the Desolate Alliance, has not been very popular since joining the Bloody Mist, but he still left the impression of being taken advantage of by everyone.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: He has not been online for several days. He is controlled by DL. You can try it on Penguin.

[Prime Minister] Bloody Old Cat: Uh, okay.

[Monarch] Jiang Liu: I'm going to the Dragon League to see if they can spare some manpower to come to Yuzhou from Yizhou via Jingzhou to support us.

[Taiwei] Bloody Romance: Go quickly.


"Aren't you ready to join Sili? It would be wise."

When his alliance entered Sili, Ning Xiu had been paying attention to the situation at Hulao Pass. He was not surprised when he saw that there was no movement in the bloody mist.

At this time, they could hardly defend the well-fortified base camp of Yuzhou and Yangzhou, so how could they dare to divide their troops and march into Sili? If they couldn't stand, it would be better not to enter.

"The last thing is done. Now we can gather our strength to solve the last obstacle of the bloody fog."

[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: I would like to inform my brothers that those who can fight at night will do their best to fight at night. We will try to push them equally tonight.

[Prime Minister] Liu Yuan: Well, Bloody has no intention of breaking through the checkpoints and entering Sili, so we don’t have to rush to block them with all our strength. We can just leave some prefects to shop in Luoyang and Hulao. All the other main forces will gather together and attack them in one wave. Let them end the battle as soon as possible and nourish their livers as soon as possible.

[Taiwei] First love: Then I will send you an email to notify you.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Let's pay six yuan. After 12 o'clock tonight, in addition to the usual benefits for night battles, a fortress will cost 10 yuan, a sub-city will cost 50, and a main city will cost 100. The final battle report shall prevail.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: What if someone else demolished it for a long time, but was finally hit by someone [picking nose].

[Monarch] Liuyuan: People like this will be fired if they report it. Liuyuan should explain clearly in advance, or several people can form a team and discuss it.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Yeah.

When Ning Xiu used his big move of spreading money, the members of the same boat were as expected. At this time, the main city, branch cities and fortresses that had been a headache for them all turned into RMB.

As the email was sent out, the first reaction of almost everyone in the alliance was to increase the number of their fortresses and organize demolition in their own sub-cities.

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