[Wandering Army Channel].

[Lang: Juyi: Bloody] Bloody丨Romance: [366X258] Where the front lines are connected, brothers who have not come here should hurry up. In addition, move the fortress as close as possible to your own Juyi, so that it is easier to garrison.

[Lang: Juyi: Tianmu] Tianmu丨Hua Xin: [362X258] Is there something wrong with you? The labor and management flew for 3 hours, and it will be here in 10 minutes. You are giving the labor and management a [question mark face].

[Lang: Juyi: Burning Luoyang] Man like the wind: NT? You curse people when you open your mouth. Didn’t your wife teach you to be polite? .

[Lang: Juyi: White Horse Chasing the Deer] White Horse丨Little Deer: Stop arguing, there is no field of view for different Juyi, you can't see it, otherwise who can deliberately block the other.

[Lang: Juyi: Burning Luoyang] The wind-like man: Yes, I don’t even know this. The stinky brother really made me laugh to death. Where did the cute new-dressed nun come from?

[Lang: Juyi: Tianmu] Tianmu丨Hua Xin: What happened to Mengxin? You even played a game with a sense of superiority [question mark face].

[Lang: In the field] Xianjun: Poof! It makes me laugh to death. They are really a mob dancing around with demons. They just want to fight against the wind and rain. Where do you get the courage? [covers mouth and laughs].

[Lang: Juyi: Tianmu] Tianmu丨Hua Xin: Huh! If the filial son of the Fengyu family comes out to join in the fun, go back and lick the plate.

[Lang: In the Wild] Jin Lin: Melon seeds, cigarette mineral water, keep going, it feels so good to eat melons.

[Lang: Juyi: Bloody] Jiang Liu: What's there to argue about? There's still internal strife after being transferred to the wandering army. If you have time, come to the front line to fight and help.

[Lang: In the wild] Lord Grim: Kachi Taicai will not go to the front line. I will quietly earn martial arts in the rear. Whether I can sneak into the separatist regime depends on you [smile].



"Fuck, what a bunch of rubbish."

Jiang Liu helplessly slapped his forehead. Although he had known for a long time that it would be extremely difficult to organize the wandering army, he was still full of annoyance.

After taking a long breath and calming down for a moment, he used his mobile phone to scan the code and log in to the game again. He ignored the Wandering Army channel and opened his own management channel.

[Lang: Juyi: Bloody] manages the channel.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: Where is the wind and rain? .

[Commander] Bloody Romance: The boss is here, but it’s still far away. It will be noon at least to our side.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: Then build some fortresses far away from the front to avoid being disgusted with them.

[Commander] Jiang Liu: There won’t be any fighting, there aren’t many people.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: OK.

[Deputy Leader] Scarlet丨Old Cat: Lao Jiang just felt uncomfortable being beaten [covering his mouth and laughing].

[Leader] Jiang Liu: Forget it, these people just can’t hold up the wall.

[Deputy Leader] Scarlet丨Old Cat: There are mice droppings everywhere. Everyone has become a homeless army. How can I return the favor to you? But it doesn’t matter. The number of homeless soldiers coming here is already very objective. Once they are all moved in, There is a wall of iron and steel here, and even if we stand together through thick and thin, we can pull them out one by one, which is enough for him to push.

One of them flew away, and a few hours later he flew directly over to build a fortress. Another hero was there, and he was able to move here 2 days later. It was so disgusting that it made them sick to death.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: We were knocked away a lot from the main city yesterday. Try to let other Juyi's turtle shells push forward. Our fortress is safer hidden behind it.

[Deputy Leader] Bloody Old Cat: Yeah.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: Then keep an eye on me. I'm on board the Zhulong. I need to keep an eye on the Dragon League side at this stage.

【Commander】Blood丨Romance: OK.


[Scene] Dragon Alliance [Mail: Monarch] Zhulong: [379X222] The cavalry in the front row of the fortress will be exempted from the card. Also, pay attention to the exemption time. After the exemption, the speed of the main force will be overturned.

Time passed, and around 12 noon, as the road-paving team gradually approached the Longmeng Renli City defense line, everyone in the Longmen League instantly became nervous.

After all, in yesterday's battle, although Zhengzhan Tianxia assisted them, they really experienced the power of being in the same boat through thick and thin. No matter which direction they were stationed in, as long as they focused their fire, they would directly penetrate them. It can be said that they were completely defeated.

Although it is indeed an honor for them to be jointly rejected by two T1 alliances and a T2 alliance, but this kind of experience with no gaming experience at all is not something that anyone would like.

So when Feng Yu Tong Ao was still 20 blocks away from their defense line, they had already started to clear the ground. But even though they had the distance advantage, they were still spread out step by step to about 10 blocks away from the forward fortress group.

At this time, although the cavalry eunuchs on the opposite side were still spreading and paving the way around, the red ground that suddenly appeared like raindrops behind them clearly told them that the opponent had set up a fortress there.

Under such circumstances, even if they knew that their side would not be the same opponents through thick and thin, the members of the Dragon Alliance could only bite the bullet and mobilize their main forces to prepare for the attack.


Jiang Liu frowned and looked at the slightly cold Dragon Alliance channel. He was somewhat disappointed with his younger brother. He could tell that the Dragon Alliance was a little timid in the face of the wind and rain.

Before the storm came, the alliance channel was full of chatter and slapstick, which kept flooding the screen. At that time, he thought his military morale was good, but now he feels that he was too naive.

[Scene] Dragon Alliance, alliance management channel.

[Monarch] Zhulong: The wind and rain are close to you. After the ground they are blocked in passes, you should organize your manpower to attack and clear the ground immediately. You cannot let them easily build up the fortress group in such a close place.

I will call to the Rangers, go around from the right, and attack from behind.

[Taiwei] Dragon丨Subdued Dragon: OK.

[Monarch] Zhulong: Send more emails to improve morale and so on. I think the brothers in the alliance are not very active.

[Prime Minister] Long丨Chenlong: After all, the opponent is Fengyu, and I was a little bit affected by the hammer yesterday [I can’t laugh or cry].

[Monarch] Zhulong: Isn’t it normal to be beaten by two T1 alliances? Now our support is here, don't worry.

【Prime Minister】Long丨Chenlong: Yes.

[Monarch] Zhulong: In this way, you will inform the alliance and the group, and I will go to the group later to send some big packages to everyone.

【Prime Minister】Long丨Chenlong: Okay.


[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: [381X220] Speed ​​enclave, after landing, we will first set up a scout camp, use the civilian support that can be used, and then make up for the fortress.

After landing, the cavalry will do the first wave of garrisoning, and all other main forces will rush over to garrison at a faster pace. When garrisoning, pay attention to the surroundings. Don't just gather together, one regiment in one direction. Your regiment leader will send an email later on where to garrison.

After editing the email, Chu Lian glanced at the entire battlefield and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. He believed that the Dragon Alliance must be panicking at this time. After all, when they chose the fortress, they specifically chose the left side to be close to the Dragon Alliance's defense line. , The wandering army is far away.

Under such circumstances, not only did he avoid being harassed by the wandering army in a short period of time, he only had to face outside the Dragon Alliance, and he also put enough pressure on the young man from the Dragon Alliance who was beaten yesterday.

He believed that after receiving huge pressure, if they were completely pushed back this time, the mentality of the young guys in Dragon League would definitely collapse, and they would be able to completely defeat GG by then.

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