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Chapter 603 The decisive battle in Liangzhou [2]

[Scene] Dragon Alliance, alliance management channel.

[Taiwei] Dragon丨Jianglong: What a fool. I informed you of the fire focus 20 minutes in advance, but now we only have the main force. I’m really convinced. I really can’t figure it out. I don’t know what these people are thinking. It seems like we are doing it for ourselves.

[General Zhenguo] Long丨Feilong: There is no way. Once the blood turns cold, it means that you will not be able to get a quota for conquest. The appeal of separatist rule is indeed not very great.

In the current situation, except for a small number of militants, the rest of the people have basically started to dawdle in the water. What can you do to them if the law is not punishable?

Chenlong knew that the two managers in the alliance were telling the truth, and the blood on his thighs turned cold, which was equivalent to directly cutting off the source of motivation for their side.

Because they had been facing each other with Zhengzhan Tianxia, ​​everyone was still holding a breath in their hearts. However, this breath was completely shattered yesterday when they were pushed by the same boat and Zhengzhan United.

Even though they have continuous fortresses here, and red dots are stationed in the front row, this kind of passive and dawdling state may not be obvious when they are defending, but once they attack, their true colors will be revealed.

[Prime Minister] Long丨Chenlong: We have done everything we can to obey the destiny. We have done everything we can. We can just command as usual. If no one listens, we will not be blamed if it collapses.

[Taiwei] Long丨Jianglong: That’s right. What a waste of worrying. Anyway, after this season, we will merge and escape from the sea of ​​misery. Go to hell with these water-skimming monsters.


At 13:10 noon, the Dragon League's fire team gradually gathered a little, and turned into a sharp arrow that penetrated the garrison group who were standing together through thick and thin, and then nothing happened.

[Scene] Dragon Alliance, alliance channel.

Long丨Yinglong: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] [Battle Report] Damn it! Three of my teams besieged one team and all were tied. What the heck, I defeated a man with a force of over 10,000, rubbish Magic Sword, rubbish Grandpa, and rubbish Shuqi.

Long丨Dongdong: Why is Pang Tong Shubu holding it in his mouth like this?

Long丨Taozi: The garrison is great, and the Manhong garrison is even more powerful. To defeat this team, Wei Zhi is the best. The opposite forward Zhao Yun can't cut it basically if he gets on the base stone.

Long丨Yinglong: Yes, this wave is just for scratching people's itch. I took a look at the garrison on the opposite side and it was really a meat team [dumbfounded].

Long丨Dongdong: There are still too few people in our wave to set fire, and there is no deterrence.

Long丨Taozi: It's lunch break now, everyone is stationed and resting [Ghost].

Long丨Yinglong: I'm going to bed too. It's time to replenish troops. The reserves will be kept first.


"Depend on!"

As an important ally in this decisive battle, Jiang Liu has naturally been paying attention to the status of the Dragon Alliance, so he can clearly see the chats in the Dragon Alliance management channel, the words and status of the members of the alliance, and he is also Because I could see clearly, I felt cold and annoyed.

He really didn't expect that the situation in Longmeng was completely different from what he expected, but he was powerless to change this situation, and he couldn't even blame the other party.

Because you can never lead a group of people who want to paddle in the water and lie dead. He also thinks that it is understandable for people to do this. After all, they wanted to repay their thighs from the beginning for the conquest. As a result, there is no hope now. How can they still hope? It's like giving chicken blood to your liver.

"Sure enough, you can only rely on yourself for everything."

Jiang Liu shook his head with some disappointment in his heart. Jiang Liu now had no big expectations for the Dragon Alliance. He would be grateful if the other party could help them attract firepower and contain some of the Wind and Rain Alliance forces. As for the main force of the advance, they could only rely on them. By myself.


After a wave of small-scale firefights, the Dragon League fell silent for a while, and then it was basically sporadic single players or teams of several people who gathered fire in seconds.

Although it lasted and seemed to be much more lively than before, it had no impact on the iron wall built through thick and thin.

Unlike the salted fish of the Dragon League, after 14:00, as the wandering army spread the connection in front of them, the entire right side of the battlefield was instantly covered by purple lines.

Except for a small number of people who can become homeless soldiers, most of them are militants. They may also be eager for the rewards of separatist rule, but what they like most is martial arts.

Because martial arts can not only be converted into honor points, which can be used in land reclamation in the next season, but can also be exchanged for card frame general card skins, and martial arts rankings are also very attractive to them. After all, hanging on the rankings can also Satisfy a wave of vanity.

So in less than half an hour, the defensive line on the right side of the battlefield was completely covered by the purple land of the wandering army.

[Wandering Army Channel].

[Lang: Juyi: Blood: Commander] Blood丨Romance: [388X237] Brothers, the fortress group keeps up, and those with civilian support can use it. A Juyi fortress should be as close together as possible.

[Lang: Juyi: Burning Luoyang] Heaven without Tears: [389X240] The fortress will be up in an hour. Then I will move directly and criticize [picking my nose].

[Lang: Juyi: Bloody] Bloody丨Thief: The boss is awesome [Applause].

[Lang: Juyi: Tianmu: Leader] Tianmu丨Sima: We who have transferred to the wandering army are now barefoot, so there is no need to have any scruples. In a few hours, we will be a hero again. Come on, brothers [Fist].

[Lang: Juyi: Twelve Links Dock] Xiangshuai: Pay attention to the fortress and guard it. Although the fortress is not up in Fengyu, there are their eunuch cars nearby. Don't let others drive over and overturn them. The remaining brothers, we Try to focus the fire on one point, punch through one corner and it will burst in and bloom.


[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: [389X237] Attention, this is the target of the wandering army's fire. Those stationed here should pay attention to the strength of their team. If the situation is tied, withdraw when you need to, and withdraw when you can. Don't let them plunder. Reserve soldiers.

After withdrawing, you can directly return to the rear fortress in seconds. Those who have reserve troops can fill up and wash the points and continue to garrison. Those who do not have reserve troops can recruit troops in the rear.

The other main forces that have arrived in the rear will give priority to garrison here. The garrison team will give priority to the meat team. The garrison in other directions will not move for the time being.

Chu Lian glanced at the dense lines of purple wandering army's fire concentration, but he was not too nervous, because in addition to the number control group stationed here, Feng Tuan, they also assisted in the defense and stationed Jiuxiao, Feng Yu's most powerful group at present.

The Wandering Army seems to have a large number of people and a strong firepower, but basically they focus fire on an individual basis within seconds. Not all Wandering Army set up a time to set up a wave of fire.

This kind of single-person unit of several main teams to focus fire in seconds is the basic combat operation of the wandering army. The main purpose is to attack several main teams together, and the front team will draw evenly and the back team will cycle to finish the damage, in order to plunder the reserve troops. and resources, so as to support the battle with battle to complete the battery life.

This kind of operation is very effective when facing novice opponents. Basically, you can attack within seconds. Then go home and use the reserves to replenish your troops and continue attacking against seconds. It becomes a perpetual motion machine and keeps fighting. Even if you face opponents of the same level, you will not be defeated. Big loss.

But if you encounter a situation where the quality of the account is one level or even several levels higher, then you will basically come up and give it a martial arts tribute.

In the entire Conflict for Hegemony regional server, the only ones who can stand head-on are Bloody Mist and Conquest of the World. The remaining alliances and individual players, except for the core group and a few full-red and high-red bosses who are living outside, the others are facing each other head-on in this way. In the battlefield, he is basically his younger brother.

It's not that these people don't exist, that's obviously impossible. It's just that the role played in frontal force is not proportional to the number of people.

The garrison they are buried in are basically meat teams. It is impossible for a team of the same level to defeat them alone, let alone those younger brothers with white boards and low reds.

In addition, the opponent's forward fortress is currently not up, and it takes 10 minutes to launch a wave from the main city of Turtle Shell and the fortress in the rear. Such a long time is enough for them to adjust their defenses calmly without being completely crippled and affecting the two regiments. combat effectiveness.

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