[Scenery] Dragon League [E-mail: Prime Minister] Long丨Chenlong: Fengyu is attacking us on a large scale. You guys should put some pressure on them. Otherwise, if Fengyu and Zhengzhan join forces, we won't be able to withstand it at all.

Jiang Liu read the email with a sullen face, and simply replied "I know", then closed the email and rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

Of course, he knew clearly that he could not let Zheng Zhan Tian Xia and Feng Yu Tong Ao jointly attack, otherwise he would not have been calling on the wandering army to attack Feng Yu Tong Ao's position since the afternoon.

But after an afternoon's attack, let alone those ordinary wandering troops, even those who were full of blood like Juyi, the team was basically temporarily paralyzed.

You must know that the quality of Fengyu's accounts is not worse than theirs. The most important thing is that they have more people, and they are stationed with various red-meat teams. Except for the cavalry who can make a small profit when they perform normally, the other teams are all ordinary. .

For the wandering army, which relies on plundering resources and reserve troops to support the war, a draw is a loss. Without the reserve troops, they can only recruit troops honestly.

If you don't have resources, you can only wait for the daily martial arts packs to help you, or go to other teams to find blood packs to grab resources.

But what about people who stand together through thick and thin? With land and various city bonuses, standing still for an hour can earn hundreds of thousands of resources.

As long as you prepare diligently in advance, the reserve camps on each map will transport reserve troops to the large frontline fortresses from all directions.

In terms of consumption, they simply can't compare with their opponents. Because of this, from the afternoon of the fight to now, the entire wandering army has begun to weaken. They are either conscripting or conscripting troops. The limited main force has also begun to garrison the main city to prevent In the event of an unexpected incident, you may be able to garrison the frontier land fortress to cope with the attack from the opposite side.

In such a situation where he himself was starting to get nervous, he used his head to call everyone to focus their attack and relieve the pressure on the Dragon Alliance.

"Huh! In the final analysis, it's as simple as I thought." Jiang Liu sighed melancholy.

In his original idea, he would unite with the Dragon League to capture Liangzhou and use this as a basis to fight against each other through thick and thin. As time goes by and there are more and more wandering troops, their base will definitely become bigger and bigger, and they may even eventually counterattack. It's not impossible to get out.

Even if it doesn't work, we can definitely rely on Liangzhou to maintain a stalemate with the other party. As the number of wandering armies increases, their power will become larger and larger. By then, whether it is stealing a few state capitals or negotiating with each other to make concessions, If it leaves several state capitals, the situation will not be too bad.

But now he found that he still thought too much. No, it should be said that he thought too well about the combat effectiveness of the Wandering Army and the Dragon Alliance.

[Lang: Juyi: Bloody] manages the channel.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: Romance sent an email to greet the brothers. The main force concentrated fire on Fengyu's position. The other side dedicated their energy to fight against the Dragon League. The Dragon League asked for help.

Old Mao, please go and notify the other Juyi, and those who can move should try their best to attack. If the Dragon Alliance is pushed, then we will not be able to stand.

[Deputy Leader] Bloody Old Cat: Yeah.

[Commander] Bloody Romance: There are definitely not many main players left, anyway, all four of my own teams are lying down.

[Leader] Jiang Liu: Do your best.

[Commander] Bloody Romance: Got it.


"It's cold!"

When the fire-fighting teams who had been fighting for the world and who were in the same boat came into contact with the branch city blocking the road at the same time, Chenlong saw that nearly 300 garrison teams were melting as quickly as ice and snow hitting the sun, and then Durable clearing turned into ruins.

The scattered garrison troops were as beautiful and shocking as a goddess scattering flowers, but at this moment, it was the scene Chen Long least wanted to see.

A road-blocked city is indeed important, but not to mention the road-blocked and layered main city at other dangerous crossings behind it. It is a rolling fortress that cannot be pushed away by wind, rain, and allied forces in a short period of time.

What's more, the Dragon Alliance was neither destroyed nor occupied by the entire alliance. If the scene were changed and the opponent was changed, the first thing Chen Long would do at this time would definitely be to send an email to appease the members of the alliance and boost morale to stabilize the defense line.

But now he doesn't want to do that. It's okay to say that he has no motivation. It's okay to say that he has no fighting spirit. Anyway, at this moment, he just wants his home to suddenly lose power and network, so that he can have a reasonable excuse. Don't let yourself see, don't think, don't face the foreseeable scenes next.

When your opponent is on par or even stronger than you, as long as he can see hope, he can be inspired to fight. But in the face of a joint effort to conquer the world through thick and thin, he has no hope at all. It will undoubtedly be his own fault if he continues to prick the needle. Not happy to find.

In fact, when the bloody mist on his thigh was beaten to the point of destroying the country, he understood this in his heart, but people always have a sense of luck, and now the last trace of luck has been extinguished.


The garrison that was destroyed in the forward branch city can be said to be most of the main mobile force of the Dragon League that was still active on the battlefield at this time. Their being maimed and disabled signified that the Dragon League no longer had the strength to resist on a large scale.

Even though there are still many main forces left, the number is too small and the morale is low. In addition, the frequency of management's command has begun to decrease. More and more Dragon League members have begun to paddle or fight independently. Therefore, the Dragon League's The defense collapsed.

From the joint attack of Feng Yu and Zheng Zhan to the complete destruction of the Dragon Alliance's forward defense line and its collapse, it only took less than 2 hours, which made Ning Xiu feel a little emotional.

A former T1-level alliance, now a top T2-level alliance, if there are no problems, no matter how strong the two are, they will not be wiped out like this.

And there is a large-scale wandering army with T1-level bloody mist as the main force next to it. I don’t know if the counterattack will win. It will definitely be no problem to make it a stalemate, but now it is pushed away by a wave.

Whether an alliance is strong or not depends on the account card pool, but cohesion also plays an important role. It does not mean that you can form a strong alliance just by having money.

Just like staying together through thick and thin, his tyranny is partly due to the fact that he would rather spend money, but besides these, the most important thing is that there are a group of people who have been helping him since the S1 season.

Without the busy but busy Zhang Luo of Liuyuan, without the conscientiousness of the management team leaders, without the first love who stayed up late every day and led the two number control teams to do the most tiring and dirty work, how could they have a smooth journey and win? Bloody Mist's strength is no worse than theirs.

Every alliance has its soul and core members. Even if these people don't have particularly good benefits, there are still a group of people who are willing to stay up late and fight with them.

In Ning Xiu's view, if Zhulong, the leader of the Dragon Alliance, was still there, his combat effectiveness would never have dropped to this level. Zhulong's departure left the backbone of the Dragon Alliance without him. The Dragon Alliance stabbed its allies in the back to conquer the world, which made him angry. Dispersed.

For such an alliance, if there is a favorable wind, then everything will be fine, but if the wind goes against them, there will be an instant "Bang!" explosion.

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