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Chapter 609 Jiang Liu comes to visit

Who is Jiang Liu?

He is the leader of the top T1 league and one of the most famous anchors in the Luteu circle. Perhaps to those who don’t play Luteu, he is nothing, but as long as you come into contact with Luteu, you must admit that he is indeed a person.

What does such a character value most? It's nothing more than his own face and the reputation of the alliance, and there is no doubt that the reputation of Bloody Mist, which has been used in various operations this season, is not very good now, and there are a lot of cynics in the circle.

Under such circumstances, if Jiang Liu, who led members of the alliance to join the wandering army, could not even get a state capital in the end and was thrown into chaos, he would undoubtedly become a laughing stock.

Logically speaking, with the elites of the Bloody Mist as the bones, and the elites of the Tianmu and Dragon Alliance as the wandering army as the flesh, and with the help of a group of scattered wandering armies, the state capital can easily capture them under normal circumstances.

Jiang Liu thought so, as did Tianmu, Longmeng and even many scattered wandering armies. But with the end of the Liangzhou battle, they found that they had thought too much.

In the Battle of Liangzhou, after Zheng Zhan Tian Xia and Wen Yu Yu joined forces to defeat the Dragon Alliance, the Wandering Army was destined to never make any splash again.

In particular, the night battle, which was fought through thick and thin, has directly become a nightmare for members of the wandering army. As long as your main city is nearby, no matter whether you are online or not, you will not be able to escape the fate of being beaten away.

The Rangers performed quite well, at least they lasted one night and one morning longer than the Dragon League. After they were beaten away, they pushed forward through thick and thin and reached Wuwei in the afternoon, and then helped the Dragon League win the state capital. Then, with the state capital as the center, Liangzhou was completely swept away.

Being beaten away is not terrible, as long as the wandering army has enough resources to recover for a few hours, Jiang Liu thinks so, and so do many wandering soldiers.

But as time went by, they gradually became unable to bear it any longer, because they adopted a carpet-like sweep method during the same period and conquered the world. Wherever they captured and passed through, as long as there were mountains, fortresses and watchtowers were built next to them.

When they saw a wandering army in the main city, a group of people rushed over and knocked it away with a wave of operations.

At the beginning, Jiang Liu led the wandering army and could barely resist and fight vigorously, but as time went by, their living space became less and less.

At the same time, more and more homeless soldiers were beaten away and autistic. As the number of homeless soldiers lying dead increased rapidly, the whole situation became completely one-sided.

But this is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that the wandering army was driven out of Liangzhou. They originally broke up and prepared to lurk in various states to suck blood, waiting to rob the state capital at the last moment.

But after they wandered and moved again, they discovered that there must be watchtowers and fortresses near the mountains where they settled. Often they could not survive even a day before being given plane tickets by the arriving convoy of anti-bandit forces.

As far as Jiang Liu knows so far, except for Jing Yixu, whose situation is slightly better and the wandering army can barely survive, other states have basically been closed down.

Even he himself, when he returned to the Wandering Army, wanted to lead a group of people to suck blood in Qingzhou and educate the Desolate Alliance who stabbed them in the back.

But they had just settled down on the first day, and the joint anti-bandit brigade of Feng Yu Tong Ai and Huang Alliance arrived the next day. Although they were strong and had many people, the opponent had more people. The final result was self-evident.

Now, as the season finale is getting closer and closer, after working hard and clearing out the other opponents, they have also begun to target Xu, Jing, and Yizhou, and together with their allies, they build watchtowers and fortresses to suppress bandits every day.

With these major regular armies joining together, the already disintegrated wandering army is becoming increasingly miserable. In this case, let alone robbing the state capital, it would be good if they don't starve to death due to depletion of resources.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer surviving members of the wandering army, and more and more corpses were lying on the ground even here at home, Jiang Liu knew that his hope of taking the state capital was getting slimmer.

So Jiang Liu prepared to talk to Feng Yu Tong Zhou. Maybe this would make them lose face, but losing face unilaterally on Feng Yu Tong Zhou was better than being beaten into chaos.

You must know that since the formation of Blood Mist, they have not experienced a single trouble.

After sending the email, Jiang Liu sat in front of the computer, feeling a little frustrated. He didn't have much contact with Feng Yu Tong Ao, so he didn't know whether the other party would give them this face.

Although in the Tutu circle, apart from forming mortal enemies, it is common to leave things aside so that we can meet each other in the future, but it also depends on whether you are with Mr. Ning through thick and thin and whether he wants to see you in the future.


[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: Haha, I thought that a great alliance like Bloody would look down on separatist rule.

Although he had already made up his mind, Ning Xiu still mocked the other party habitually. After all, when the other party first came to him, he was very arrogant.

[Lang: Juyi: Bloody: Leader] Jiang Liu: [Can’t laugh or cry].

After waiting for a long time, Ning Xiu suddenly felt a little bored when he saw the other party making such an expression. He actually hoped that the other party would get up and confront him. This would be interesting. After all, what the winner likes to see most is not the dying struggle. Opponent.

Okay, but at present, it seems that the wandering army headed by Bloody is not going to struggle. In this case, there is no need to waste saliva.

[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: Xu and Yang give it to you. You can get it after the settlement announcement comes out. That’s it.

[Lang: Juyi: Bloody: Leader] Jiang Liu: Thank you.

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: Yes.


Ying Tianshunshi's conquest rewards are divided into several tiers based on the state capitals he controls. However, since we are not planning to conquer 13 states, one or two more state capitals or one or two less states have no impact at all.

Taking into account the number of the wandering army, Ning Xiu and a group of managers discussed and decided to give the wandering army two state capitals so that more people could get rewards.

Yes, giving Wandering Junzhou Mansion was something that Ning Xiu had already discussed with his family and even the Dragon Alliance, so even if Jiang Liu didn't come to him, they would eventually notify each other.

The reason why he was given to Wandering Junzhou Mansion, Blood Mist's face only occupies a very small part, and more of it is to silence the public.

After all, in the leader circle, as long as there is no mortal enemy, it is very common for the wandering army to leave a state capital. After all, there are many independent players in the wandering army. Not only do they do too much to affect their own reputation, they may also let some of them lose due to the troubled times. Autistic players retreat directly.

"Phew! The dust has finally settled."


As time passed, the Contest for Hegemony regional server became increasingly deserted. Even the settlement announcement did not cause any ripples.

After logging into the game, Ning Xiu glanced at the settlement time and saw that he would be transferred to the preparation area in a week. After finishing the martial arts and taxation in seconds, he cut the screen and came to manage the penguin group.

Now that they are about to move out to the preparation area, it is also time for them to discuss and improve the alliance and the next script.

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