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Chapter 627: Pretend to open up wasteland

"The paving on the other side was done so quickly?"

Shenglao Bai pulled up the game interface and clicked the mouse to look at the stormy red land paved along the official road in Yanzhou, and frowned unconsciously.

Just like the Friendship Association pays attention to the Holy Alliance, the Holy Alliance has never paid less attention to the Friendship Alliance, and both parties arranged personnel with a tacit understanding to start operations in the early morning and march towards the Guandu Pass.

Originally, Sheng Laobai estimated that arranging three people on his side was not a small number, but he did not expect that the number of people arranged on the same side as them was twice as many.

"The distance was originally farther than others, but now there are fewer people paving the road. What the hell." Sheng Laobai complained speechlessly. Sheng Laobai knew that they had to arrange more manpower to speed up.

The importance of the Guandu checkpoint is self-evident. Even if they fail to take the lead and capture Guandu in the end, they must at least block all the ferry terminals around Guandu before the opponent captures Guandu and limit the wind and rain near the checkpoint.

Otherwise, once the opponent is allowed to rush in and disperse, the entire Guangping County will undoubtedly become a battlefield. This is their own back garden.

[And] Holy丨The mountains and rivers return together, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: Is Aman asleep? .

[Deputy Leader] Saint Zhuge: I’m sleeping, I’m controlling his account, what’s wrong? .

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: As long as you are here, please arrange more people to pave the road in Guangping. The road paving in Fengyu is progressing too fast. At our speed, the day lilies will be cold when the road is paved.

[Deputy Leader] Saint Zhuge: I saw it, it doesn’t matter, so what if they arrive, can’t they just open the level 7 level tomorrow? , we’ll have no problem being late.

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: This is the truth, but we are afraid of accidents.

[Deputy Leader] Saint Zhuge: Don’t worry. If we want to open a level 7 level, even for us, it will be the day after tomorrow at the earliest, otherwise it will grow invisible. If we can really use a level 7 level to influence their transformation, it will be totally worthwhile. , we only need to hold the ferry terminals around Guandu in our hands. So what if we lose the checkpoint, can they come out? .

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: Alas! I'm afraid that without the first move, we will fall into passivity. After all, there is Yanyu Mengjiangnan behind Fengyu and it seems that nothing will happen. Our surroundings are not that stable.

The Shu Han refused to form an alliance with us, and the troubled times in Xiliang actually wanted to join forces with Tianmen to become fishermen. Although we are strong, it would be too dangerous once we get into a stalemate with Feng Yu in Guandu.

[Deputy Leader] Saint Zhuge: Well, it’s not like you don’t know about Shuhan and Yanyu. These two families are definitely at odds with each other. They are the clowns in Xiliang’s troubled times. Without Tianmen, who has already voted for us, what can a T2 do? spray.

Furthermore, even if the situation goes wrong, we can directly call on Youji’s Tianmen and bring wind and rain from the other side of the plain, which will be enough to help us share a wave of pressure.

Anyway, as long as the whole district doesn't focus on us, these are just minor problems, don't worry [呲ya].

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: Okay, then I’ll go to bed while eating two pieces of land.

[Vice-Leader] Saint Zhuge: Well, we have to open the city at noon, so don’t come up late, and we need you to supervise the old fritters in the league.

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: Don’t worry, there is an alarm clock every two hours, it won’t delay anything.


Once again, he was awakened by the alarm clock. Ning Xiu, who was half asleep on the sofa and was a little dazed, paused for a moment before waking up. Then he glanced at the computer in front of him, sat up straight and silently began to control the two accounts and continue to open up the land. land.

It was already 5 o'clock in the morning, and his land reclamation team had already awakened. Now, as long as it was a level 5 land within a 10-square radius of his main city, he could win it with his eyes closed and at low losses.

By now, his land reclamation team Ma Chao has reached level 24, forward Zhen Luo and Chinese Army Lu Kang have reached level 23, and their total strength has reached 7,000.

Quickly going out to fight and returning in seconds. After continuously controlling his and Chen Xiang's accounts to eat several level 5 lands, Ning Xiu controlled the paving team to shoot out, then recruited the troops, adjusted the time interval of the alarm clock, and continued to move back under the blanket. Continue to catch up on sleep.

It has to be said that Three Kingdoms has its own charm. It is obviously a simple card game, but it has a kind of magic that makes people stay up late without realizing it, especially during the two periods of land reclamation and fighting. Duan, even Ning Xiu is not exempt from vulgarity.

Time passed, and at 11 o'clock in the morning, Ning Xiu sat in front of the computer in high spirits, and transferred the main force of the land reclamation team to the level 3 city Xia Qiu in the southeast.

Although he didn't get a good rest, a night of intermittent sleep was enough to replenish his rather excited energy.

Some people may wonder why he is so excited this season. Not only is he so active in pioneering wasteland and climbing the rankings, but he is also so happy to play in a level 3 city.

In fact, in the final analysis, the opponent they encountered this season was the Holy League. As a Yueka Party that once led the bottom of the Three Kingdoms, the Holy League was unattainable to them, let alone the entire alliance, even an ordinary member of the Holy League. , they will shout a wave of 666 when they see it, and the big boss will keep shouting.

And now, he is about to use the alliance he has pulled together with his own hands to compete with the Holy Alliance he once looked up to. It feels like the excitement of reaching the last level of a game and encountering the ultimate BOSS.


[Qing] We have been together through thick and thin [E-mail: Commander] First love: Boss, have you opened the skin over Xia Qiu yet? , there are only two of you over there. Is it enough time for you to activate the skin to replenish troops? If not, just postpone it? .

As soon as the team was transferred to Xia Qiu, Ning Xiu received an inquiry email from his first love.

Knowing that the other party was worried about making mistakes on his side, Ning Xiu immediately replied with a chuckle: "Don't worry, I still have more than 2,000 troops in reserve. I also have some thieves that I haven't attacked yet. It took less than 20 minutes to move the troops and I finished firing." Come back to replenish troops in seconds without delaying things. ’

[Email: Commander] First Love: Yeah, okay.

[E-mail: Deputy Alliance Leader] Mr. Ning: Are there any other issues? .

[Email: Commander] First Love: No problem. The level 3 cities at noon are not difficult. The main level 4 cities at night are more difficult due to the large number.

[E-mail: Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: If this wave of thieves here gives me stones, I can finish 7 copies of the farm after just a few waves. I think the power value of these gangsters in the alliance is higher than mine. I guess the speed is not slow, probably about the same.

[E-mail: Commander] First Love: The main thing is that we have a large number of people to sweep, there are 8 level 4 cities [Cold Sweat].

[E-mail: Deputy Alliance Leader] Ning Gongzi: Finish the statistics at noon. If it doesn’t work, make preparations in advance. Even if there are a lot of people, today’s wave will still suppress the Holy Alliance.

[E-mail: Commander] First love: There is no need to recruit people, as long as there are enough people sent to the barracks, it will be stable.

[Email: Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Yeah, remember to arrange more demolition and don't overturn.

[E-mail: Commander] First Love: Understand.

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