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Chapter 634: Strike first to gain the upper hand

[Green] We are together through thick and thin [E-mail: Commander] First love: Is the boss here? .

Hearing the sound of the email, Ning Xiu turned off the map, opened it, glanced at it, and immediately replied: "It's still early, of course it's here."

[Email: Commander] First Love: I have an idea.

[E-mail: Leader] Ning Gongzi: You say.

[Email: Commander] First love: eating Guandu in the early morning.

"Early morning?"

After seeing this email, Ning Xiu was stunned. Instead of replying immediately, he began to calculate the possibility of this operation.

At this time, their main alliance has close to 120 people, and they are all the fastest and best-developed people in the whole team. Even if the average main force is not as high as him, I think it is still close to level 35.

The defenders at level 7 are 18 teams of skulls, with a strength of 45,000. Even if their teams are full of red and full of tactics, they still want to capture a team of defenders without transforming the barracks to level ten at most. , 3 teams are also needed for safety reasons.

In this case, the main force participating in the pass would only need 60 teams. With this number of main force, not to mention that most of their main alliances at this time are people from the two number control groups of Fengyu. Even if they are from other groups, he believes With an email notification, we can quickly gather together.

The level 7 level is indeed difficult, but they can still chew it down if they want to through thick and thin, but the situation will undoubtedly be relatively tragic.

Take him as an example. Seeing that he can transform after staying up overnight, once he does this, it will undoubtedly affect the transformation speed of most members of the entire alliance. Whether it is worth it is obviously a question.

[E-mail: Leader] Mr. Ning: Tell me what you think.


When Chu Lian saw the reply to his boss's email, he knew that he was obviously moved. Otherwise, he would not have given such an ambiguous answer in view of the upcoming transformation.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "With the current development pace of our district, tomorrow will undoubtedly be the period of transformation. Once the transformation is over, we and the Holy Alliance will definitely start fighting.

Our advantage now is that we have already established a fortress group at Guandu Pass. Although they have also come here, due to distance problems, they can only build fortress groups at the outer ferries and docks.

The good personnel of their outer fortress are now paving the road to Guandu, and they will definitely be able to pave it before the early morning. And when the Holy League's outer fortresses are all completed, they will definitely fill the area around the checkpoint with fortresses again. At this time, I want to use the speed of the Holy League. It will definitely be completed tomorrow.

Once we wait for the opponent to establish a foothold across the level, let’s not say whether the opponent will launch a sneak attack to win the level. Even if we don’t win the level, we still have the risk of being robbed by the baron. Even if we win the level, facing The rolling fortress group, whether it can be pushed forward is still a question mark.

So I think tonight is the best opportunity. Everyone thinks that the fight will start tomorrow after the transformation, so this is the time when they are most relaxed.


After reading the email silently for a moment, Ning Xiu replied: "Your idea is to seize Guandu first, suppress the battlefield in Jizhou, and rely on the defensive capabilities brought by the early level 7 levels to hold the opponent down with a small number of people?" "

[E-mail: Commander] First love: Yes, level 7 is not easy to attack at this stage. Once we win the early stage, it can be used as a barrier. Even if the Holy Alliance all comes to press, it will only be the first 100 people. At that time, we only need one group of people to hold it.

If they are tough, we will divide the group into half to develop and half to defend, and then take turns to work. If they are not tough, while we are developing in Yanzhou, we can also directly harass them with various small teams and hold them back unless they give up. Quang Binh, otherwise they would definitely not watch us protrude.

Moreover, if we break the barrier early in the morning, although it will consume resources and delay the transformation of many brothers, it will only be half a day late at most, which is not a problem at all.

Moreover, if we win Guandu tonight, if the Holy League does not want to see us spread in Jizhou, they will definitely come to organize us. Then we will use a small number of people and auxiliary teams to harass and contain us, while others can attack the city and develop, and can we Drag them along and widen the gap between the two sides.

Ning Xiu had to admit that Chu Lian was very thoughtful with this move, and it could be said that he had maximized the advantages of a level 7 level.

"I was just thinking about Guandu, and Chu Lian came to see me. If that's the case, let's do something about it."

With the decision made, Ning Xiu immediately replied: "Yes, but since we are planning to secretly pass the border, we must do a good job in keeping it secret. After all, the Holy Alliance has already set up a fortress outside Guandu. If we speed up the construction, we can clear the border by then." Sometimes, if there are more players to shoot from a distance within seconds, there will undoubtedly be more variables.”

[E-mail: Commander] First love: An Xin, most of the people in the alliance are from our two account control groups. The total number of people is more than 80, which is enough.

[E-mail: Alliance Leader] Ning Gongzi: Level 7 is not easy to deal with. You can privately chat with Liuyuan and the others and mobilize all the elders in the alliance can mobilize. Since we are going to fight, we must be foolproof.

[Email: Commander] First Love: Okay.

After closing the email and glancing at the recruitment time of his land reclamation team, Ning Xiu sighed lightly, knowing that the transformation plan he had just planned was probably about to change.

After all, as a person with one of the fastest growth rates in the alliance, he is naturally indispensable for things that require contribution to the alliance. After all, one more person adds strength and insurance.

There is no doubt about the execution ability of Stay Together, not to mention that the main force of this wave is the studio's account control team. In less than an hour, Ning Xiu received the action time set by Chu Lian, which was 16:00 in the morning.

"It takes 3 hours to recruit troops and 2 hours to travel, so the time is about the same." After calculating the time from his main city to Guandu Fortress without the need for reserve troops, Ning Xiu nodded and replaced the 3rd team with Laodang Yizhuang. The demolition team began recruiting troops to prepare for the early morning eviction.


Guangping, Jizhou, the ferry port outside Guandu.

Seeing the return of the Eight Banners who had paved the way for him, Sheng Laobai was watching the drama while controlling it to send troops again. As an alliance manager and a night owl, this kind of paving the way certainly requires someone to take the lead.

Even if Guan Sheng, the leader of the alliance, provides monthly card benefits, if no one is watching, scoundrels will be everywhere. His presence not only takes the lead, but also has the element of supervision.

After calculating the distance to the Guandu checkpoint, Sheng Laobai secretly said: "It's less than 20 squares, and there are still 2 hours until early morning, which is enough."

Then he glanced at the red dots in the fortresses around the ferry, and said speechlessly: "I'm really convinced, I just know how to clean the ground, I don't know how to bring more cavalry to pave the road, and when I see it is coming, I paddle, that's enough. "

After complaining, Sheng Laobai looked at the other side of Guandu, where the fortress was already crowded with fellow soldiers, and said softly: "The transformation will end tomorrow, I'm afraid a fight will start, and it will explode again."

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