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Chapter 636 Weird Calmness

System: Congratulations to the alliance for staying together through thick and thin and successfully occupying the level 7 level of Guandu for the first time.

The first attack to kill the enemy: Erratic God丨 The first attack to attack the city: Wind丨20.

Although it is already 4 o'clock in the morning, because the X718 zone server has just opened, and there are still high-quality scenarios known as the "World Cup", there are not many players online at this point.

There are even many night owls who chat and brag on the world channel while playing ground and developing in the middle of the night. However, when this system announcement suddenly appeared on the world channel, the world channel that was originally swiping the screen paused for a few seconds, and then Continue to refresh the screen at a faster speed.

【World Channel】.

[You] Seven Wolves of the East China Sea: [Question Mark Face] Damn it! What the hell? ? .

[Jing] Cervical Love Xiao Qiao: [712X930] 666, Qingzhou boss Niubi, he is very good at sneaking through the gate in the middle of the night, haha.

[Benefit] Shuhan丨Yingzhi: Niubi, it has only been 3 days since the zone opened, is the war about to begin? .

【Yang】Misty Rain丨Mengchang: Damn it!

[Cool] Evil-dispelling Qingshan: The wind and rain are very fierce. This wave actually took the initiative to attack, but it is normal. Guandu is their gateway. If they don't steal the pass in the middle of the night, it will be difficult once the Holy Alliance fortress rises. Okay, now you have the level in hand, you can advance, attack, retreat or defend, it's awesome [thumbs up].

[Xu] Lazy Youyou: Come on, Mr. Fengyu. Whether you can get a reward this season depends on the bosses [cover your mouth and laugh].


Working together through thick and thin to secretly capture Guandu in the middle of the night had a huge impact on the X718 server. Although there was no direct impact, there was a lot of indirect impact.

First of all, judging from the current situation of the Storm and the Holy Alliance, it is certain that the two sides will go to war. This can be seen from the red areas of the fortresses of both sides around Guandu.

As the two giants in this region's server, once the two sides start fighting, other camps will definitely have to speed up their development rhythm again and even prepare for the war.

Take Yanyu Mengjiangnan, who has joined forces with Fengyu and Tongyu, as an example. With Fengyu and the Holy Alliance going to war, their already accelerated development speed must be mentioned.

Because only in this way can we help our allies when they are at a disadvantage, whether it is heading north to support, or heading west to Jingyi, detouring to Yongzhou to attack the southern part of the Holy Alliance.

For Shu Han Ta Ge Xing, who has the mentality of being a fisherman, it is even more important to develop and strengthen himself quickly, because only strong ones can be qualified to be a fisherman.

Especially Yongzhou, which they came into contact with, is bordered by the Bingzhou Allied Forces where the Holy League is located. This convenience can be used as a kind of capital. Once the situation they encounter is not appropriate, whether it is used as a bargaining chip to contact the Holy League. Alliance, or staying together through thick and thin, can play a big role.


"Damn! I'm afraid this wave will be dead until noon." Glancing at his land reclamation team with only 6,000 troops left, Ning Xiu curled his lips in pain and sent the land reclamation team back to the main city in seconds.

Considering that he could transform today, he only recruited troops for the Chinese army Lu Kang and the camp Ma Chao when replenishing his troops. Forward Zhen Luo was directly removed from the queue, and then Lu Meng, who could be used after the transformation, was recruited into queue 3. Once the transformation is successful, it can be used directly.

After everything was done, Ning Xiu looked at his various resources and whispered: "It won't have much impact. Upgrading the building has low requirements for other resources. As long as there are enough stones, you should be able to click on the Level 2 Fengchan Platform normally in the morning. Even if It’s not enough, but farming and farming is just about enough.”

After discovering that the transformation would not be affected much, Ning Xiu let out a long sigh, and then sighed again. Originally, he had thought of just holding it back for a day or two, directly getting the level 3 Feng Chan, and then letting the main players of his teams step forward. in place, but now they took the initiative and took Guandu.

Once the Holy Alliance counterattacks, it will obviously start a war directly. Naturally, there will not be so much time for him to get it right, so he can only get a team of Malulu to fight first.

After finishing the chores in the main city, Ning Xiu moved the game interface to Guandu, controlled the two teams of cavalry staying here, and shot a piece of land towards Puyang, the capital of Yanzhou next to it, preparing to build a fortress when he got up in the morning. When you're done, build a branch city here.

As the leader of the alliance, of course he would not dare to move to the city before the situation was clear in the early stage. However, he would build a branch nearby and specialize in demolition and Sparta. In the early stage of the battlefield, his role was even greater than that of the main force of a team.

After controlling the team to shoot out, he swiped the map and glanced at the situation near Guandu. He saw that in front of the checkpoint, the red land that already belonged to the Holy Alliance had been cleared, and the members of the alliance had begun to build the fortress in reverse. Following the direction of the peninsula and heading towards the Holy Alliance Fortress outside the peninsula, I stopped paying attention and simply quit the game, set the alarm clock and got up to go to bed.


Unlike Ning Xiu, the hands-off boss, although he was already in dire straits, after taking Guandu, many online management staff did not break up, but were discussing the next action.

[Green] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Deputy Leader] Liuyuan: Although we took Guandu by surprise, this wave undoubtedly provoked the Holy Alliance. I guess the other side will start to counterattack in the morning. After all, they have already built the fortress on the periphery of the peninsula. It is very convenient to mobilize troops here.

[Commander] First Love: It doesn’t matter. We have the Guandu level in hand. In the early stage, we will divide half of the people to develop and defend at the same time. It must be very safe. The remaining personnel can develop while letting the branch alliance cooperate to sweep the city.

[Official] Mr. Ma: Now that we have the upper hand, it is better to take the initiative and clear out all the fortresses on the periphery of their peninsula. Otherwise, the fortress group on the opposite side will only become thicker and thicker, and it will not be so easy to get out by then. .

[Deputy Leader] Liuyuan: You have the card in hand, are you going out to fuck? , are you still afraid of a fight? .

[Official] Ultra-Left Fire Attack: Yes, the checkpoint is our barrier. We protect the checkpoint. We can harass them with Spartan and demolition with confidence. We can even go around from the right side and directly enter the Jizhou Qingzhou development brush. NPC gets five baht coins.

If the Holy Alliance ignores us, we will grow steadily, and they can only watch their back garden being invaded by us. If management comes to stop us, it will be useless if there are too few people. If there are too many people, we will use the checkpoints to drag them down with a small number of people. Development, steady profit without loss.

[Official] Mr. Ma: There are NPCs in Qinghe, how to fight them? .

[Official] Fengyu丨9: Is it the first time for Lao Ma to play this book? .

[Official] Mr. Ma: Yes.

[Official] Fengyu丨9: Don’t go farming now, wait until you have 2 teams, and then go there. The gain of NPC farming in the early stage is not worth the loss. It is best to wait until a team of meat teams is gone, and directly find a place close to the NPC camp to garrison for one night. A few thousand five baht is easy.

[Deputy Leader] Liu Yuan: In addition, let me tell you about the city relocation. Don’t let too many people come to Dongjun for the time being. Too many people will easily cause problems. Moreover, the place is not big to begin with. Now is the development period, and the main city is crowded. If there is no way to play, just the people from Fengtuan or Yutuan will leave the people from one group here, and the people from other groups will give priority to Dongping, Jibei, Taishan and Puyang.

[Commander] Chu Lian: Okay, then let Feng Tuan come over. It just so happens that today is the first day for them to take turns, while Yu Tuan and the others will sweep the city.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Liuyuan: Most of the main alliance will be transformed today. After that, I will notify the sub-alliances and ask them to mobilize the whole alliance today to share part of the pressure of sweeping the city.

[Commander] Chu Lian: We only have fortresses in Donglai and Jibei now, so why not attack 2 6-seaters at noon and 3 6-seaters at night? .

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Liuyuan: Okay, let’s decide this first. There is no pressure to cooperate with the alliance. The details still depend on the reaction of the Holy Alliance today. If they all counterattack Guandu together, we will make adjustments then.

[Commander] First Love: Okay.


At 8 o'clock in the morning, as the players of the X718 area server came online one after another, the story of stealing the game in the middle of the night was completely spread. For ordinary players, although they were shocked, they mostly wanted to watch the fun, but for the Yanyumeng Jiangnan and other players As for Dafeng, it had to start adjusting its own development rhythm.

[Yang] Misty Rain Dreams Jiangnan, alliance management channel.

[Deputy Leader] Yanyu丨Ruge: Fengyu has already taken action. Once the two families take action, they cannot stop. Our speed must also be accelerated. If the situation goes wrong, we can quickly attack to help, otherwise they will If it collapses, we will have nothing to do.

[Commander] Yanyu丨Xuehe: The number of cities to be opened at noon has been decided. We don’t have enough time to increase them. Let’s do it at night.

[Vice-Leader] Yanyu丨Ruge: Yes, the alliance level is enough today. We can win Fanyang and build the country smoothly.

[Leader] Yanyu丨Jiangnan: After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we mainly focused on Yuzhou. Once Fengyu and the Holy Alliance took action, the pace was accelerated again. Even if we don't take action for the time being, we must first build Yuzhou into a base camp. Whether he attacks Jingzhou or goes north to support, he won't be in a hurry.

[Deputy Leader] Yanyu丨Ruge: Yeah.

[Official] Yanyu丨Xinghe: Tsk! I have to say that this game is really fierce. Just 3 days after opening the zone, I hit level 7 in the middle of the night. It's awesome.

[Commander] Yanyu丨Xuehe: Well, Fengyu’s night combat ability is really awesome. To be honest, if our two families were to fight, the opponent’s night combat ability would directly crush us. There is no solution at all. The most we can do is use turtle shell tactics.

[Official] Yanyu丨Dream: The Holy Alliance’s night battle is not inferior, right? Although their alliance does not have a studio in its name, there are many DLs in the alliance, and these people have many trumpeters.

[Leader] Yanyu丨Jiangnan: Yes, although Fengyu has the upper hand, the Holy Alliance has not yet exerted its strength. It seems that the two families are fighting. I guess the fight may be more fierce at night than during the day.

[Vice-Leader] Yanyu丨Ruge: Fengyu now has the upper hand by taking Guandu. He can advance, attack, retreat or defend. Next, it depends on how the Holy Alliance operates.


What to do next is indeed something that many managers of the Holy League need to consider at this time. In the morning, all Holy League managers were called to the management channel and started a discussion on how to act next.

[And] Holy丨The mountains and rivers return together, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Official] Sheng丨Storyteller: What should we do? Do we want the whole alliance to press forward and directly push back Guandu and attack Yanzhou? .

[Vice-Leader] Saint Zhuge: We must advance, but we definitely won’t be able to do so today. Today, most of the people in the league have transformed, and the opponent has a level card in hand. We will suffer too much if we attack hard.

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: Yes, I don’t suggest that we start a war with the opponent directly now. If we do, we will really fall into the opponent’s trap.

The level 7 level is not easy to deal with at this stage. With our strength, if we overwhelm half of the main force of the defenders, we will be defeated. How will we fight then? , it’s all a waste of effort.

I took a look at the Guandu side in the morning. The advancement speed on the other side was very slow. It was obvious that they had taken the checkpoint and were waiting for us to counterattack at this stage.

At that time, we can use a group of people to defend, use the checkpoints to hold down our entire alliance, and the remaining people will develop quickly and directly throw us away.

Therefore, we don’t need to pay attention to them at this stage. They are guarding the checkpoint and will not come out. We are guarding the ferry and the pier above and will not go through. Everyone just stares across the peninsula and waits for a few days for our transformation to be completed and the main force to level up. When a level 7 gate garrison has no impact on us at all, is it perfect to rush in in one wave? .

[Official] Sheng丨Storyteller: We do have the ferry in front and the pier above. We have so many fortresses, and they really can’t get through. But there is a trail on the right side of the Guandu checkpoint. They can indeed go directly to Qinghe. By then Once Qinghe is eaten by them, it will not be easy to drive them out.

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: Haha! I wish they would go to Qinghe from the trail now. Once they cross the Qinghe boundary, the NPCs will take the initiative to attack.

At this stage, they have just begun to transform. The only main force they can use is one team. They can make waves. If you underestimate NPC, you will suffer.

I'm not bragging. Even if the entire alliance develops Qinghe, they may not be able to take it. If they have less manpower, I'm afraid that as much land as they take will be taken back by the NPC, and they will be completely held back by the NPC.

[Deputy Leader] Sheng Zhuge: Yes, the NPCs are indeed miscellaneous fish, but the miscellaneous fish are also difficult to fight now. The main force is small and has little physical strength, so it can't do anything at all.

[Official] Sheng丨Storyteller: So now, are you just guarding the ferry and the pier? .

[Commander] Sheng丨Old Bai: Remove Demolition and Sparta from the entire alliance, and play push and push on the peninsula in front of the ferry and on the opposite side. We cannot let them be so comfortable.

In addition, people from a group will be drawn out and developed in Quang Binh, which can prevent the enemy from attacking and will not affect their development. The remaining people, with the cooperation of the branch alliance, will quickly sweep the city and develop. When we found the country, Guang Binh will be included in the territory. You can play whatever you want with the scope of protection.

[Deputy Leader] Saint Zhuge: Okay, that’s it. Wait for us on the other side to pass by, but we can’t turn away. Let’s see who can outlast the other. When Guangping is included in the national protection and there are no worries, then we will attack Yanzhou with all our strength. .


None of the alliances that can reach T level in the Three Kingdoms is a simple and brainless character. The Holy Alliance, who has seen through the intention of staying together through thick and thin, has no intention of counterattack. The Guandu level was calm until noon. Let's wait and see. The lively melon-eating crowd was greatly disappointed.

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