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Chapter 642 Hurt each other

Ning Xiuhua read the battle report for a long time. Overall, the two sides had a small advantage in the first wave of collisions. The reason is very simple, that is, they are the attackers who focused their fire at the last moment, and the Holy Alliance is the defender. .

As the offensive side, except for the members with bad faces who are directly destroyed when encountering a restrained team, most of the members are tied, and if they are tied, they can choose to retreat and retain their combat power.

As a defender, when they suppress the concentration of fire within one second, even those with the fastest hand speeds will not have time to pull back the team after the tie is reached. In such a situation, they will naturally be suppressed later. The team was wiped out within seconds.

If it is the middle and late stages of the game and there are a large number of main players, then when they are defending, they can throw in various meat teams and line teams to reduce the loss of being directly destroyed by concentrated fire. After all, if such a team has garrison bonus If it succeeds, the situation will be smooth. Several teams are basically good at it, but now it is the early stage of the game, and most of the main players transformed are mainly offensive.

In this way, it is very easy whether it is used to wear high-level lands or to defeat city defenders. However, it would be funny if all the meat teams were used to defeat the high-level city and the entire alliance was infinitely flat. It would take a long time and the city could not be defeated. .


Turning off the battle report, Ning Xiu used the watchtower to take a look at the garrison on the battlefield in front of the Holy Alliance. Seeing that after a round of attacks, there were still more than 20 teams, he had to admit the strength of the Holy Alliance.

After all, the main force of their attack is close to one group. Although the Holy Alliance has been replenished, the number is about the same, but as a defender, after a round of attacks, it can still retain so many teams, which is enough to show its strength in terms of the quality of military commanders. .

"If once is not enough, then come twice. It depends on you."


[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [Mail: Taiwei] First love: [694X935] After a draw, the main force retreated in seconds. Except for the main force in the first two rows of fortresses on the battlefield, all other main forces continued to press for seconds. This wave of pressure was 1 o'clock.

The main force in the front row fortress focuses on defense and delaying time. If the fortress can be preserved, try to avoid the opponent's main force and defend on its own.

After editing the email and sending it out, Chu Lian glanced at the red lines that were all over the Holy Alliance team shooting at both sides of them and frowned. To be honest, the other party's reaction was really beyond his expectation, or he didn't consider this at all. If it weren't for the boss coming to inform him just now, he might not be able to figure out the intention of the other party's operation now.

"I still have too little experience. I actually thought that others would fight a positional battle with us. I'm so stupid." He shook his head speechlessly. Chu Lian also knew that this was the case all along. The opponents they had encountered through thick and thin were not the same. Strong, anyone who sees them can only passively defend against the cognitive bias caused by them.

Now that the Holy League is taking the initiative, it can be said that it has woken him up, letting him know that what he is facing now is not the miscellaneous fish alliance that is weaker than them, but the Ceiling Alliance that is stronger than them. Under such circumstances, how could people only passively defend themselves? .

However, since his boss had already given him a solution, there was no need for him to think of a way to break the situation. Thinking of this, his first love, which was originally quite impatient, gradually calmed down.


Compared to the stalemate on the frontal battlefield, the situation on the side battlefield of the peninsula has undergone earth-shaking changes with the arrival of the main force of the Holy Alliance.

With the help of a huge main force, only the first wave of the Holy Alliance directly occupied the buffer zone in front of the fortress groups on both sides of the storm. Then, taking advantage of the close proximity of their own fortresses and being directly separated by a river, they continued to advance rapidly.

Although they often failed, in less than 10 minutes, they also destroyed many fortresses on the two fronts, but the results could only be so much.

Because after fighting this first wave, when the members of the Holy Alliance start to retain the strength of the main team and send out demolition or deputy teams to demolish the fortress, they will always encounter the main garrison who are in the same boat through thick and thin. They will either hit the iron wall or be destroyed by the enemy. It was difficult to make any progress, and before they could adjust their rhythm, they found that a new round of concentrated fire was coming again.

One o'clock in the morning is the time set by the same boat to focus the fire, so this new round of fire focus can be said to have gathered 90% of the main team of the same boat, except for a few teams fighting guerrillas on both sides, and no one Except for the people who came, even the main force that was half-annihilated in the previous round consciously fell behind for a second and followed this wave of steel.


[Tang Dynasty] Saint丨The mountains and rivers return together, the alliance channel.

Sheng丨Junjun: [Battle Report] I went, but I ran away again. The main force of labor and capital was demolished, and they didn’t demolish it. I was drunk [speechless].

Tianji丨 Divine Calculation: [Battle Report] Same, I can’t even get the martial arts medals if I want to, so I’m done with it.

Mushroom丨Poison Dudu: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] The other side is fighting guerrillas with us. If my main force goes there, there will be no one, but if Demolition and Sparta go up, there will be people.

Holy Antidote: [Battle Report] Hahaha! Finally caught by labor and management, this stinky brother was directly killed by our group.

Tianji丨Magic: Watt Law? Ma Chao is so good, he only killed a few thousand Shu infantry soldiers. Even if you Yan Yan brought the base stone, it's not that exaggerated.

Holy Antidote: Hahaha, look at what Liu Bei brought [picking his nose].

Tianji丨 Divine Calculation: Oh my god, you Liu Bei even made up for the gold that must be broken in battle [glare].

Holy antidote: Hey! Now in the early stage, Ma Chao is so crowded that I don’t even dare to go out unless there is a chance of fighting. When there are more magic swords and governors in the later stage, I will switch to countermeasures. Unless I have a bad face, I will basically take advantage of them.

Mushroom丨Dudududu: It’s so miserable. It’s so miserable that Ma Chao is the best. Haha [cover your mouth and laugh].

Tianji丨Fortunate: Come on, old guys, the opponent is also tough, this wave is not easy to deal with.


Compared with the alliance members who only focused on their own teams, as the commander, Sheng Laobai quickly discovered the anomaly of the alliance after checking the alliance battle report.

"If you encounter the main force, avoid it and focus on the demolition and auxiliary forces. Are you planning to use a small part of the main force to delay the attack on both sides of us and buy time?" After watching two waves, he gnawed away the side of the wind and rain. At the No. 1 Fortress, Sheng Laobai was silent for a moment and whispered: "This is tantamount to giving up defense."

Sheng Laobai didn't need to think too much about the reason for giving up defense. It must be to gather strength to attack, and it didn't take much thinking to know where to attack. It must be the frontal battlefield, the garrison defense line closest to their ferry.

"Awesome, we are planning to exchange injuries for injuries and hurt each other." He had just determined the opponent's intention in his heart, and before Sheng Laobai opened the management channel to discuss with the league management and adjust tactics, he saw On the opposite side, the main force shot at the garrison in front of them, and in the blink of an eye the red line expanded into a red beam of light.

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