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Chapter 65 Mr. Ma wants to face off

Yang: Jun Lin Tian Xia [Email] Commander Baipao: [1073X307] Increase the garrison, and mobilize troops as quickly as the frontline positions and fortresses are ready. I have given you enough time before, but now the fortress is not ready yet, how about fun?

Benefit: We have been together through thick and thin [Email] Commander’s first love: [1072X306] This place has been successfully captured.

With this point as the center, a group of main forces went up and blossomed in all directions. When encountering difficulties, the alliance channel posted battle reports.

Through thick and thin alliance channel.

Wu'anhou: I ate 2 and a half teams and enjoyed more than 4,000 military honors.

Mountain Ghost: Haha, why are you so flattered? Why don't you just lie down in one fell swoop?

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: 5 hours of recruitment and 5 minutes of battlefield.

Ou Huang: [Battle Report] Damn, there are a lot of high-level battles here in Yangzhou. My main force encountered a tough fight as soon as they went up. Level 40 6-red magic sword, it’s up to you.

Gou Tuo: Nonsense, there may not be many famous people in our area, but there must be a lot of high-profile ones.

Ranghan: [Battle Report] Looking at the battle report of the alliance leader, I ate Mr. Ma’s 13 red Shu moves.

Marquis of Wu'an: I feel sorry for Mr. Ma across from me, and Shu Bu meets Da Wei Qi.

Ning Xiu sent the main force of the Wei cavalry back to the fortress instantly. He looked at the battle damage and saw that after more than 23,000 troops had recovered from the wounded, only 15,000 were left.

Although the main force of Yangzhou was basically disabled after only destroying one and a half of the Yangzhou team, he was very satisfied.

After all, what was eaten was Mr. Ma’s 13 Red Shubu. If this guy was not dealt with.

Let it wreak havoc on the frontline battlefield, and ordinary players who share the same boat through thick and thin will not know how many teams of big Han bows will be used to fill it.

"He's gone with Shu Bu. Let's go to Wu Gong this time." Without Master Ma's threat from Shu Bu, Ning Xiu immediately dispatched his main Wu Gong team.

Moreover, the direction of this attack also deliberately avoided Master Ma's fortress.

It's not that he is afraid of the opponent, but that Ning Xiu is very clear that as the sharp knife of the alliance, his role on the battlefield is to effectively consume the enemy's main force, rather than to fight against others.

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Alliance Channel.

Wu Zhuangyuan: Damn, Mr. Ning from the opposite side is here. I just fought against the Gao Zhan on the opposite side and he is already disabled. Who will fight for me? I will go back in seconds to recover the wounded soldiers.

Killer Saint: I'm here, I'll be there in 2 minutes.

Wu Zhuangyuan: Okay, if there are any other bosses coming, let’s work together to send Mr. Ning home.

Xu Fengnian: Count me in and I will meet Mr. Ning.

Bald Xiaobao: Didn’t the commander say that we should be stationed in Jiugongge and don’t get together? Why don’t you go up and touch Mr. Ning?

Xu Fengnian: I've always been reckless when fighting. Don't talk to me about garrisoning in Jiugongge, don't build a fortress close to your face, will my little Third Emperor be afraid of the mere Young Master Ning?

Bald little baby:.

Being eaten by Ning Xiu, Mr. Ma felt a little irritated.

Before the war started, because people in the league had boasted about Shubu's success in the first season, he had always had high expectations for the main force of his team.

But not only does life have a lot of unsatisfactory things, but so does gaming.

The script did not turn out as Mr. Ma expected, but gave him a blow.

As a newcomer to the battlefield for the first time, especially as a powerful man who earns money every day, Mr. Ma will naturally not give in easily.

So when he saw Mr. Ning's team coming from a distance, he sent the main force to garrison without hesitation.

"I'm going to fight you to the end today. I won't believe it if your uncle has the ability to wear me again."

Because there was no alliance fortress in the front row of the battlefield, Ning Xiu could only check the garrison status of Yangzhou through the alliance battle report.

So of course he didn't know that not only were there a few high-ranking warriors on the opposite side who wanted to challenge him, but Mr. Ma also directly sent the main force to fight him to the death.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" When the countdown to the march on the main team ended.

When only three battle reports popped up on the game interface, Ning Xiu knew that he was in trouble and quickly opened the battle report to check the results.

"Team 3 Magic Knife, do people in the new area like Magic Knife so much now?"

After glancing at the battle reports, the first two battle reports were all about the whiteboard Magic Sword team around level 38, and there was even a team without Zhou Yu, who was not used by Sun Quan.

For a team with such a blank slate of magic swords and even incomplete skills, Ning Xiu's full-red Wu Gong was naturally able to penetrate them.

The combined battle losses of the two teams were less than 3,000. The focus of the battle report was the garrison of the third team.

"This guy is messing with me!"

It was Mr. Ma's Manhong Magic Sword team that blocked Ning Xiu's attack and tied with his Manhong Wu Gong.

The two sides fought for eight rounds and ended in a draw. Each suffered losses of over 10,000, and even Ning Xiu's side suffered a little more.

Although his military commander level is high, some of his troops were depleted by the garrison of the two teams in front. It is reasonable to fight like this.

"Haha, since you want to confront me, then I will satisfy you."

Seeing Mr. Ma on the opposite side chasing him to death, Ning Xiu chuckled and turned off the battle report, and directly backhand the team back to the fortress.

First, he looked at the battle damage and saw that after recovering from the wounded, there were still 17,000 troops. He estimated the time in his mind and immediately asked them to go out again. The direction of the attack was still the same place just now. ���

"Humph! I thought it was so awesome, but that's it."

After appreciating the report of the tie with Ning Xiu with satisfaction, Mr. Ma felt refreshed and the previous depression was gone.

He even clicked on the battle report replay and watched it from beginning to end.

"Huh? Here we go again so soon." As soon as he turned off the battle report replay, he saw several red arrows in the direction where he was stationed. Mr. Ma didn't pay much attention at first.

But when he saw Mr. Ning rushing towards him again, he was speechless.

"You rushed so fast. Are you in a hurry to go back and lie down? It's my uncle's fault."

After vomiting something bad, he glanced at his French Sword team and saw that there were still 16,000 troops. Mr. Ma immediately hesitated and considered whether to avoid the sharp edge of this wave and retreat first.

"Forget it, it's too late. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have watched the replay of the battle report."

After calculating the time, I saw that even if I got back in seconds, with the speed of the French sword team, it would be too late to catch up with the garrison.

Mr. Ma could only give up his plan to return to the fortress, recover the wounded soldiers, and resist the wave.

Then he hesitated, opened his fortress, and sent out his level 40 red chopper team.

"Although the archers can restrain the cavalry, my kitchen knives are at full strength. With the addition of the French sword team, it should be no problem to take down Mr. Ning's team."

Naturally, Ning Xiu didn't know what Mr. Ma was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely give him a thumbs up and praise him with both hands.

"Dang Dang!"

When the countdown to the march ended, two battle reports popped up first, and then he caught a glimpse of his Wu Gong team and actually started to return directly.

Ning Xiu's eyelids jumped in fright, thinking that he had hit an iron plate and was wiped out, so he quickly opened the battle report to check.

"What the hell is Mr. Ma doing, joining the chopper team?"

Clicking on the battle report, the first thing Ning Xiu saw was his own Wu Gong team. With less than 5,000 battle losses, they ate a team of Ma Gongzi's red kitchen knives.

He suddenly looked confused, not knowing what tactics the other party was playing.

PS: This book is first released on the Chinese website of Qidian. I hope everyone can come here to support it.

Please recommend and collect.

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