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Chapter 666 Standard Double Standard G

Holy Storyteller: [478X1234], Tianmen Mountains and Waters are so useless. Yesterday, I broke through Gaotang and entered the plains. Not to mention how far I didn’t advance, I was directly pushed out by the Wind and Rain Alliance in one night. What kind of operation is this? Is there T2 at this level? Also worthy? .

As the first younger brother to take the initiative to join his own Holy League, the Holy League still cares a lot about the Tianmen Mountains and Rivers, especially on the Guangping battlefield in Jizhou. After they were stuck in a stalemate and exhausted after the war, their concern turned into high hopes.

Yesterday, after the opponent broke through the border from Gaotang, Jizhou and entered Pingyuan County, Qingzhou, they were somewhat excited. After all, as long as the opponent can open up the situation in the plains and influence the whole body, they will gradually become passive in the struggle in Guangping. Gradually get into their rhythm.

However, the idea was very good, but the result was very embarrassing. This made the Holy Storyteller, who got up early in the morning to change his shift, and logged into the game to check the results as soon as possible, felt as disgusted as if he had eaten a fly, and couldn't help but spit out the fragrance in his own management channel.

[Tang Dynasty] Saint丨The mountains and rivers return together, and the alliance manages the channel.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Holy Storyteller: Damn it, a T2 main alliance can't beat a sub-alliance. It can't beat the front. You should be more active. This plain battlefield completely gives me a feeling of being paved with wind and rain. It feels like, together with the big guys from Tianmen, they all go to bed at night [question mark face].

[Captain] Sheng丨Lao Bai: It’s indeed a bit too stretched. Aman had warned them before to be careful of the stormy night battle and asked them to be on guard. However, I saw the storm advancing in the early morning.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Holy Storyteller: These scumbags are really unreliable. Boss Sheng’s military expenses have been wasted. It’s better to give red envelopes to the brothers in the alliance and let them eat better and replenish their livers.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: Haha, actually it doesn’t matter on the other side of the plain. If you can’t hit it, then you can’t hit it. As long as Tianmen doesn’t lie dead and keeps beating, and it can contain the people of the Wind and Rain Alliance, that’s fine.

Even if Gaotang is lost, there are still two level 9 levels from the Youji camp in the north of the plain. If you can't defeat them from the front, you'll be harassed.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Yes, no matter it is Tianmen or Shu Han, don’t have too much hope for them. In the end, if we want to win, we still have to rely on ourselves.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Holy Storyteller: The truth is correct, but this season is a bit annoying. Except for the two teams in the Martial League, we have encountered this stalemate at the beginning of the game.

"In the final analysis, it's still a matter of mentality!"

Saint Aman glanced at the speech of his own management and knew in his heart that since the stalemate on the Guangping battlefield, the mentality of many people in the alliance was already a bit fried.

Not to mention other people in the alliance, even he, the leader of the alliance, did not expect that the situation of the entire district server would develop like this when the district was first opened. In the final analysis, he still underestimated their strength in standing together through thick and thin.

In fact, this is understandable. One is a new alliance that has just entered the conquest season, and this time it has just completed its third conquest scenario.

One is an existence that has crisscrossed more than ten scripts of the Conquest Season and stands at the highest peak in the Three Kingdoms circle. Even if they know that the strength of the Three Kingdoms is unusual and cannot be treated as a regular new alliance, how many people actually treat each other from the beginning? How about treating them as equal opponents? .

I'm afraid most people think of him as the stinky younger brother of X3 New Alliance.

But this stinky little brother, from the opening of the zone to the present, has overwhelmed them in everything he does. He has been surpassed by the other party in the stages of land reclamation, development and city sweeping. They can comfort themselves by saying that it is just land reclamation and city sweeping, and we haven't actually put much effort into it.

Just a bunch of farming brothers.

Now, do you think you will win or lose based on clearing wasteland and cultivating land? .

Even the Holy League management such as Saint Aman, although they have been paying more and more attention to Wealth and Weather, they did not think that the opponent could face them head-on before the fight started.

But the result is that Feng Yu Tong Ai not only has the strength to compete with them, but can even push them. No matter what excuses are made, if they are pushed, they will be pushed.

After losing many times, even though they didn't actually suffer much real losses, the mentality of the entire Holy League members has long been out of balance. That is to say, the members of the Holy League are all old-fashioned players who know how to self-regulate. At present, they just feel a little irritable and most verbose. A few words.

If these failures were placed on ordinary alliances, I am afraid that many people would have exploded and died.


Saint Aman doesn't particularly care about the situation of the battle in Tianmen Shanshui. As the Taiwei Sheng Laobai said before, no matter how the battle in Tianmen Shanshui is, as long as he is not lying dead and is still alive, it can help them contain some of the forces that are in the same boat through thick and thin. The purpose That’s it.

Compared to Tianmen Landscape, he is more concerned about his new younger brother, Shu Han Ta Ge Xing.

As the only T1-level alliance in this region, with Wind and Rain together with Yanyumeng Jiangnan, they must ensure that Shuhan Tagexing is on their side and will not be surrounded and swallowed up.

Although the word "lips and teeth are cold" is not appropriate, it is indeed the truth. Once the Shu Han Tage Xing is gone, faced with the siege script starring "Stay Together Through Rain and Rain", even if they have confidence in their own strength, Sheng Aman does not think they can carry it. live.

With T1 and T2-level alliances like this, and a scenario like "Stand Through the Wind" that compares to the strength of the ceiling alliance, it is undoubtedly a fool's errand to try to defeat the entire region by oneself.


[Monarch] Saint Aman: The brothers who paved the way for the alliance have entered Longxi, right, Lao Bai? .

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: We entered early, but the surrounding area was so empty that we couldn’t make it into an enclave. We could only go all the way to Didao, a level 5 city in the middle of Longxi, and look around to see if there were any members of the troubled world of mortals. The main city has been reduced to see if I can fly through a wave of checkpoints.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Holy Storyteller: It is fortunate that the world of mortals in troubled times is relatively tight-knit. After entering Longxi for several days, the cities within the territory have not yet been swept away and included in the national protection.

[Captain] Sheng丨Lao Bai: It is the beginning of the season after all, and the land in Xiliang has not been cleared yet. Who would cross Jincheng County and go to Longxi to develop?

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Well, I’ll tell the branch alliance to hurry up later. If they can’t find the airport, let them just lay there. Anyway, the distance is not that far, and no one will interfere.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Holy Storyteller: It’s okay if you don’t hurry up. Those brothers in the troubled times are not scared to death when they see our alliance heading towards their lair. I guess they have already started to set up defenses. How can they still think about it? Stay in Yizhou and help Yanyumeng Jiangnan fight the Shu Han.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: Don't be careless, the other side is very likely to send a branch alliance to block our way and delay time.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Holy Storyteller: Then it must be able to hold off. They can still have fun when they come to form a main alliance, but what is the use of forming a separate alliance? , I really thought our alliance was something they could compete with [picking their nose].

Although this is arrogant, it is also true. A T2 alliance, even in a complete 380 state, can beat more than 100 people in their alliance, let alone at this stage.

When the number of people is not much different, at this stage, no matter whether it is the main alliance or the branch alliance in the world of troubled times, there is no second result at all other than being beaten up and pushed down when encountering their branch alliance. This is the consensus of the Holy Alliance. It's also true.


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