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Chapter 669 Keyboard Conductor

System: Congratulations to the Holy Alliance for successfully occupying Longyou, a level 7 level.

System: [Xia] In the troubled world of the world, launch the national policy [Strengthen the Wall and Clear the Wilderness]

Just in the early morning, when the last online peak period of the Three Kingdoms had just arrived, the Holy Alliance broke through the Xiliang Dongfang Portal, and the announcement of Longyouguan appeared on the World Channel.

【World Channel】.

【Benefit】Hermaphrodite: Wow! Did the Holy Alliance invade Liangzhou so quickly? In the world of troubled times, is this being pushed flatly [question mark face].

[Xu] Prince Jing of Zhongshan stayed behind: [467X371] There is no suspense. This speed of advancement is so fast that we can clear the jungle in Chaos Times. Chaos Times is still a T2 alliance anyway. I didn’t expect that it would be like getting nothing in front of the Holy Alliance.

[Business] Shu Han丨Guan Yu: Oops, the old man’s nest in the world of troubled times is going to be gone [picking his nose].

The Holy League branch successfully broke through and entered Liangzhou, which was not surprising to the melon-eating people in the X718 server. Although it was only a branch alliance in action, in their opinion, it was not difficult to deal with a T2 younger brother alliance.

Compared with the petty fighting here, for these "masters of tactical analysis" and "keyboard conductors", the main battlefields of the Northern Holy Alliance and the Wind and Rain Together in the Boat, as well as the two places of Shu Han Ta Ge Xing and Misty Rain Meng Jiangnan in the south, This is where they focus and apply what they have learned.

Others may not pay attention to the situation on the battlefield in Longyouguan, Xiliang, but they must pay attention to the Holy League and Shuhan Tagexing. Especially the management of the Holy League, how much do they feel about how easily their own alliance was pushed aside in the world of troubled times? Still a little surprised.

They really don't think that a T2 brother alliance in the troubled world of Hongchen can defeat their own branch alliance, but to be honest, with the help of checkpoints and fortress defense lines arranged in advance, they can definitely do it for a period of time.

But now, not counting the time when they were paving the way to the level and being blocked, only counting from the moment of attacking the level to the time when they split the alliance and directly broke through the chaos of the red dust fortress group and started to push forward, it didn't even take an hour. This battle situation It's a bit too exaggerated.

It is possible to say that this wave is the main force of their main alliance, but no matter what the sub-alliance, no matter in terms of development or personnel, they do not have the strength to achieve such a result so quickly.

When something went wrong, there must be a monster. When they were confused, the management of the Holy League quickly communicated with their own branch to understand the situation, and the information they received made them a little confused.

[Tang Dynasty] Saint丨The mountains and rivers return together, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: What the hell is going on in the world of troubled times? , the branch alliance said that Longyou didn't encounter the opponent's main force at all, not even the main force of the first team.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: Without the main force, as soon as the division alliance is broken, the opponent will open a strong wall to clear the field. The purpose is already obvious, which is to use the high durability value provided by the national policy to hold down our division alliance.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: There is a point in delaying time. Jincheng County is their territory in Xiliang. Without the main force, how long can we stop us by simply relying on the effect of strong walls and clearing the country? Finally, when we push the alliance to the hinterland of Xiliang, it will not be Want to fight? , to give up strategic depth so easily now and let us go deeper, does the opponent have a good idea? .

[General Zhenguo] Guan Sheng: The opponent is not a fool. Unless he intends to lie down, he will not do such a useless operation. There must be a reason for doing so.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: The speculation that the corpse is lying on the opposite side can be ruled out directly. If you really want to lie on the corpse, there is no need to get in Yanyumeng Jiangnan's car and run to Yizhou to help fight the Shu Han.

By doing this, the other party is obviously delaying the progress of our alliance and buying time.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Laobai: If the main alliance on the opposite side is not defending in Longyou, it is obvious that they are still in Yizhou. In this case, the opponent's purpose is already obvious, which is to use the strong wall to clear the field to delay time and protect their hometown at the same time. You can also continue the war in Yizhou and help Yanyumeng Jiangnan defeat the Shu Han Tagexing.

You know, although Jincheng County belongs to Liangzhou geographically, in this script, it does not belong to the Xiliang camp's sphere of influence, but to the NPC. In the final analysis, it is a neutral area, but it was taken over by the world of troubled times. That’s all.

Although our branch alliance has entered Jincheng County, let alone the expanding red land obstacles along the way. Even if we crush and clear it all the way, it is not that easy to enter the hinterland of Liangzhou, and we still have to face the Xiliang camp. Level 9 camp level.

I now basically understand the routine of the world in troubled times, which is to abandon Longxi and Jincheng, while establishing national policies in Jincheng to delay the progress of our alliance, while helping Yanyu defeat the Shu Han in Yizhou.

When we arrive at their camp level, we will transfer the main force back to defend our home base. This will help Yanyumeng Jiangnan in a short time without causing too much damage. After all, these two counties, Not their native land.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: Niang Xipi, what should we do now? Let the branch alliance continue to advance westward and attack the Xiliang camp's camp checkpoint, preparing to kill into its hinterland and attack Huanglong. Or should we turn a corner and come from Jincheng County goes south, chasing the troubled world from the direction of Yangpingguan to Yizhou? .


The multiple-choice question in front of them makes it difficult for the Holy League management to make a choice. If they continue to advance towards the hinterland of Liangzhou, they will not only have to spend time and effort to climb the red land of a fortress that is twice as durable, but also face a city that has been ruined by the troubled world. The level 9 position level of the handle.

These obstacles, no matter how fast they divide the alliance, cannot be completed in a simple day or two. Wasting such a long time on this aspect is completely contrary to their plan to use the Tianmen Mountains and Waters to hold back the stormy alliance. They must seize the time. When helping the Shu Han to solve the troubled world, they easily obtained the original intention of developing and improving the city of Xiliang.

With this time, they can completely capture Jincheng in Xiliang, Longxi in Yongzhou, and even Hexi in Bingzhou, which was originally occupied by the world of troubled times.

Anyway, they promised the Shu Han to march to Xiliang and disrupt the world of mortals. It didn't matter whether the opponent's main force came to defend or not, they had invaded anyway.

But if they really do this and begin to eat the results of the war, if the Shu Han Ta Ge Xing cannot withstand the attack of the troubled world of mortals and the misty and rainy dream of Jiangnan, it will be very disadvantageous for them. After all, it is not easy to win over Shu Han, their ally. Are you going to watch the other person become cold? , if the opponent gets cold, they will face an attack by the coalition forces led by Feng Yu and Yan Yu.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Lao Bai: Two options. First, continue to advance towards the hinterland of Liangzhou. Although it is more time-consuming, once the army reaches the home of the mortal world in troubled times, the main force on the opposite side will definitely come back to defend. We can also divide the alliance along the way. Together with the main alliance's city-sweeping team, we will take advantage of the situation to capture the cities of Jincheng and Longxi, allowing our personnel to integrate faster.

Second, let Shuhan Tagexing provide an airport in Yongzhou Chang'an. We will fly directly to Yizhou to catch up and help them disrupt the world of mortals.

Of the two choices, it doesn’t take much thinking to know that the first one is the most beneficial to their Holy Alliance. It not only fulfills the promise of Shu Han’s Tage Xing, but also does not delay their development.

If they choose the second point, their alliance will completely become thugs, without any development time, and they have to run directly from the north to the south to fight across states, which is a complete waste of their own strength.

Saint Aman can become the ceiling overlord and the leader of the Holy Alliance. Of course, he does not lack the overall perspective. Although he prefers the first choice in his heart, he is also worried about the collapse of Shuhan Tagexing.

But after pondering for a while, he said: "Zhuge, go and communicate with the Shu Han, tell them the situation in the world of troubled times, and see what they say.

If the Shu Han are worried and ask us to go south to help directly, let them arrange the airport. If they are confident in their own strength, in no more than three days, we will definitely be able to enter the hinterland of Xiliang and force the troubled world to return to our home base.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: Yes.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: I think that no matter what, we should let the other side prepare the airport and let us fly there as an alliance to build a fortress just in case. time.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: Got it, I will tell the other party.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Well, I will go and urge the branch alliance to plow the ground as soon as possible. In addition, they will set up a fortress in Longxi and take the time to capture the city tomorrow.


When the Shuhan official received the email message from the Holy League, his face was inevitably a little ugly. He thought that as the Holy League entered Xiliang, the situation they were going to face had collapsed, but he did not expect that the world of troubled times He was so stubborn that he would rather give up Longxi and Jincheng counties and stay in Yizhou to help Yanyumeng Jiangnan fight them.

After spending a lot of time suppressing the anger in his heart, the Shuhan official began to consider the two response plans mentioned by the Holy Alliance. After not struggling for long, he made a decision in his heart and chose the second plan.

Faced with the east-west attack from the troubled times of Hongchen and Yanyu Mengjiangnan, he thought that the Shuhan family alone could not defeat them, but it would be no problem to persist for two or three days. He could completely follow the previous plan and form the main alliance in Jingzhou and Yanyu Meng Jiangnan fought, and an alliance was formed at the junction of Hanzhong and Bajun to stop the troubled world.

Anyway, the branch alliance fortress is already in place, and the ready-made defense line will not worry about the rush of time and being caught off guard by the opponent.

When the Holy Alliance entered the hinterland of Xiliang, he didn't believe that in the troubled times, the world could still stay in Yizhou and help Yan Yumeng Jiangnan.

This choice may make it more difficult for our family in the battles of the past few days, but it is much better than directly introducing the Holy Alliance to their native Yizhou.

Yizhou is such a big place, and once the Holy Alliance is brought in and becomes a battlefield for the three alliances, it doesn't take much to think about it, but it will definitely be destroyed.

Moreover, it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away. Who knows whether the Holy Alliance will have any thoughts about their native Yizhou after they have driven away the troubled world of mortals.

The situation of the Three Kingdoms is changeable. If they fall out with the Holy Alliance, it will not be easy for the Holy Alliance, which owns a large area of ​​fortresses and land in Yizhou, and even splits the city, to attack them.

Compared with the T2-level alliance in the troubled world of Hongchen, the officials of the Shu Han Dynasty were wary of the Holy Alliance. After all, the other party was not a good enemy. If it was a good person, it would be possible when Yanyumeng Jiangnan and the troubled world of Hongchen first started to attack. Just go from the north of Yongzhou to the south, force them to sign an alliance under the city, drag them into his chariot, and become a dogleg? .

With a calculation in mind, after notifying the Holy Alliance of their choice, the Shuhan officials quickly sent an email to order their own branch alliances, and raised the cordon again, asking them to prepare for war and guard against the troubled world.


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