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Chapter 696 Only speed can never break

[Scene] Tianmen Landscape [Email: Monarch] Tianmen丨Shanhai: [528X1380] There are not many main forces on the opposite side, so the brothers took action and pushed away their Huang County fortress group in one wave.

After sending the email, Tianmen Shanhai's excitement has not diminished at all. After all, the chance of defeating the ceiling-level alliance is less than their chance of conquering.

The pursuit of the game experience in the Conquest Season, and there is no doubt that this season, so far, their Tianmen Shanshui game experience has been full.

"Today we will bulldoze the Huang County side, and tomorrow we will almost reach the Qingzhou camp checkpoint." After glancing at the map, Tianmen Shanhai secretly thought with longing.


"It's a bit weak today through thick and thin."

As the commander of Tianmen Shanhai, Tianmen Shanhai always feels that today's fighting strength is much weaker than yesterday.

Although according to common sense, under the alliance between them and the two regiments of the Holy Alliance, the number of people was more than doubled and they were in the same boat through thick and thin, so it was completely normal for their performance to be weak.

But as a commander who has an overview of the overall situation, Tianmen Shanshan felt that there was something wrong, but for a while he didn't find anything wrong.

[Scenery] Tianmen丨Mountains and Seas, alliance management channel.

[Taiwei] Tianmen丨Hills: Have you ever felt that Fengyu was a bit too weak on the battlefield today, especially after the afternoon, we didn’t see many main forces, basically relying on Sparta and demolition, relying on them to strengthen the walls and clear the fields. Fighting guerrillas in the fortress? .

[Prime Minister] Tianmen丨Shanhe: It's normal. I think they are fighting on both sides. There are not many people on this side of the plain. They are divided into the main alliance and the branch alliance. The strength cannot be gathered. After the fight yesterday, can we Just barely holding it is considered very powerful.

Don’t forget, there is also the Holy League here. The two groups of the Holy League are enough to contain most of their main force. We have more than 200 people in one alliance. When you compare these numbers, you will certainly feel that the main force on the opposite side is small. [cold sweat].

[Monarch] Tianmen丨Shanhai: Moreover, the world of chaos has collapsed, and the Holy Alliance branch in Yizhou has been freed up. You don't have to think about it on the Sili battlefield. You can know how much pressure there is to stay together through thick and thin. It is normal for this side to be weak.

[Taiwei] Tianmen丨Hills: Yes, it seems that I have thought too much [can’t laugh or cry].

【Monarch】Tianmen丨Shanhai: Haha! I feel that the overall situation for this season has been decided. Even if there are any changes in the future, it will not affect the overall situation. The Holy Alliance's conquest is basically stable.

[Prime Minister] Tianmen丨Shanhe: Well, by uniting with the Holy Alliance, we can basically defeat the Wind and Rain Together, but there will definitely be some fights in the later stage.

With the execution ability and generosity of the same boat through thick and thin, if the Rangers were turned around, the Holy Alliance would have a headache.

[Monarch] Tianmen丨Shanhai: It doesn’t matter, that’s what the Holy League needs to worry about. Anyway, this season’s benefits have been obtained, and the game experience is also full, so it’s not a loss.


Of course, the management of Tianmen Shanshui did not know that the reason for the weak performance on the plains side of the battlefield was because everyone was preparing for the early morning breakthrough and beheading.

Anyway, the plains have already been cleared. Even if there are no two regiments of the main alliance, as long as there are enough Spartans and small demolition and deputy team cards to avoid guerrillas, it is enough to delay the advancement of the Holy Alliance and Tianmen Shanshui, not to mention There are also branch alliances holding back.

In half a day, even if the opponent uses full power, they will not be able to advance much distance. As long as they can break through the barrier and attack and behead successfully, the problems they are facing now will be solved.


In order to carry out the beheading operation in the early morning, Ning Xiu took a special day to catch up on his sleep. It was already 20 o'clock in the evening when he went online. After scanning the situation on the two battlefields, he opened the alliance management channel.

[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: What's going on over there in the plain? Can you hold me back? .

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: It’s not a big problem. At most, they can just lose the Huang County side. Anyway, it’s impossible for them to reach the camp level.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: You are talking nonsense. Even if we don't defend it, if we let them push this fortress all over the mountains and clear the fields, it will have to be pushed at least until tomorrow.

[General of the Upper Army] Feng Yu丨9: I have been staring at the Tianmen Mountains today. It seems that they have really not noticed our movements so far. At the camp checkpoint in the central and northern parts, the fortress is still the same. The pass tonight is basically stable. .

[Suppressing Army General] Extreme Left Fire Attack: The level 9 level is not that difficult. The boss and the two of them have fully assembled the main force and can complete it in minutes. What needs to be paid attention to is the subsequent attack and beheading.

The problem now is that once we pass the checkpoint, or hit a dozen checkpoints, Tianmen Mountain and Sea will definitely find us. In this case, even if there is help from the airport, I am afraid that we will be discovered by others before we run to the fortress before we get up.

This distance is a bit far, and it is quite difficult to operate. After all, Tianmen Shanhai, a T2-level alliance, cannot possibly react within a few hours after we set up the fortress, right? .

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Who said we have to fly to the airport, build a fortress, and then behead people? This is too inefficient, or you are really treating someone else’s T2 alliance like salty fish, I don’t think they will resist. S body, right? [picking nose].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Watfa? , then how to operate [question mark face] in this wave.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: It’s a secret, you’ll know it then [Biya].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: I'm going, even we have to keep it a secret [black face].

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: It’s not that I don’t believe everyone, it’s Lao Ning who kept it secret. If you want to find trouble, go to him [Cold Sweat].

[General Wei] Erratic as a god: Lao Ning is so unkind [picking his nose].

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Let me go, my computer screen is black, what are you talking about, why can’t I see [question mark face].


As the management of the alliance said, the key to beheading is speed. Once they break through or beat the level, Tianmen Shanshui will definitely find out and be vigilant.

Even if their airport cannot be discovered, they will definitely start to take precautions. Therefore, after breaking through the customs, it is definitely not advisable to fly to the fortress from the airport and set fire to it.

Although with their execution ability and stamina, when the fortress is up and the troops are mobilized, and they are strong in the early morning, even if Tianmen Mountain and Sea is on guard, there is a high chance of winning, but it is only a high chance.

Therefore, in order to ensure a quick success, it is necessary to change tactics, and this undoubtedly requires an excellent leading party to cooperate, and such talents have indeed been found by them.


Time passed, and it was early morning in the blink of an eye. After a wave of excitement at midnight, the entire X718 server gradually became quiet. Except for the night players, most of the players in the entire server had gone offline to sleep.

As for the Jizhou camp checkpoint in the central and northern part of the plain, when the time gradually reached one o'clock in the morning, the two main regiments in the plain, who were in the same boat through thick and thin, began to send troops one after another and rushed towards the checkpoint with concentrated fire.

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