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Chapter 707 Mayfly shakes the tree

After explaining Liuyuan's arrangements for the wandering army, Ning Xiu stared at the messy Luoyang for a moment, then opened the big map, glanced at Bingzhou, the base camp of the Holy League, and said secretly: "The wandering army may not be weak, but except for Yan Yu Meng Jiangnan Juyi, the rest, even if they are in troubled times, they will definitely only think about brushing their martial arts data when fighting, regardless of anything else.

In this case, even if most of the wandering troops come to our side and we have the advantage in overall numbers, it is obviously a fool's errand to expect this group of people to break through the Holy Alliance's defense line. The battlefield will basically become a place for earning martial arts. battlefield. "

After thinking about it, Ning Xiu felt that once the manpower was drawn out and established a foothold in Bingzhou, he would arrange for all the Juyi except Yanyumeng Jiangnan to go to Bingzhou.

When this group of stragglers and locusts make a noise in Bingzhou, the hometown of the Holy League, the results they can achieve will definitely be much greater than if they confront the Holy League here.

At the same time, this will undoubtedly be more beneficial to the gathering of these stragglers. After all, let them fight the Holy Alliance in positional battles. To be honest, there are many, not to mention the martial arts. Most of them are probably going up to deliver meat. After a few waves, You will starve to death when you come down.


There is no doubt about the mobility of the wandering army. When the time came to 22:00 in the evening, the fastest wandering army had successfully built a fortress outside Luoyang and moved the camp.

Looking at the entire Sili Luoyang from a single perspective, the innermost part of the city is the blue that belongs to the city, the middle and western part is the red that belongs to the hostile Holy Alliance, and finally there is a large circle around the entire Luoyang, the purple that belongs to the wandering army.

One after another, the homeless army camps are tightly packed together, like erected city walls, enclosing the entire battlefield from the outside. If the field of vision is fully opened, it will be absolutely spectacular.

Pan Ye, who was awarded the title of Family Slave of the Three Surnames, finally succeeded in grabbing a piece of land in the southwest periphery of Luoyang after a fierce battle and successfully built a fortress.

The reason why he is said to be a domestic slave with three surnames is because in less than a day from the time when the Holy Alliance and Feng Yu Tong Ao started the krypton gold war, this guy has changed his position three times.

At first, I heard that the members of the Troubled Times Alliance who had transferred to the Wandering Army were given 128 benefits by the same boat. He ran directly from Liangzhou where the corpse was lying to Sili. However, as soon as he arrived in Sili, he saw the 328 recruitment benefits issued by the Holy League. The result was nothing. Change your stance without hesitation and prepare to go to the Holy Alliance.

Then seeing that Fengyu's welfare had changed to 648, he anxiously started to contact the management of his family's Troubled Times Juyi and apply to join Juyi.

As a result, before I could enter, I saw that the welfare of the Holy Alliance had improved again, so I turned around and registered in the Gold Reunion Party of the Holy Alliance, and because I was very active in joining early, I became the deputy leader of the Juyi.

As a small transparent member of the alliance, too ordinary to be considered an ordinary member, he was suddenly able to participate in the battle between the two top alliances, the Holy Alliance and the Wind and Rain Together, which originally made him very excited. Now he has become a side of the Holy Alliance. The management of Juyi under his command directly changed his mentality by 360 degrees.

From a war-weary and low-red salty fish party, he has become an outstanding talent who is active and militant and is willing to answer questions from Juyi members in Juyi.

【Juyi: Gold Hunting Group】

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times丨Master Pan: [1007X980] Brothers, I am already in place [呲ya].

[Leader] Fengqi Three Kingdoms: Envy, I got up so early and rushed to a late meeting, and I just grabbed the local fortress and it still took 40 minutes to get up [Crying].

[Commander] Mo Ran Qianfan: As soon as you are in position, rush forward. If you can get 50,000 martial arts credits, you might be able to receive today’s benefits. Even if you don’t meet the standard and have some martial arts credits, it’s better to get a guaranteed monthly card. .

The monthly card of 50,000 martial arts and a guaranteed minimum of 10,000 martial arts every day is the standard line set by the Holy Alliance for the wandering army who joins their side. Only those who reach the standard of 50,000 are eligible to receive 648 benefits.

Calculated based on the martial arts value of nearly 3,000 for one team, if you want to reach the standard, you have to defeat nearly 20 teams from the opposite team in at least one day. This is definitely not an easy task.

Even originally, Saint Aman and other Holy League management wanted to set the standard line at 100,000 Japanese martial arts. In the end, considering that the opponents were in the same boat through thick and thin, if they really set such a standard, the entire wandering army would probably be worth 100,000, except for a few Gao Hongman. There are not many people who can get enough of the red boss.

After all, in the Holy League itself, there are very few who break through 100,000 martial arts every day. Facing the same red and high-red team, it is by no means an easy task to gain martial arts.


There is no need for Commander Mo Ran Qianfan to say that Master Panye has already taken action in troubled times. It is impossible not to be active. Real money and silver are right in front of you. How can you not rush? .

However, as a seasoned veteran, Pan Ye knows very well that if he wants to gain martial arts from a top ally like Feng Yu Tong Ao, pathfinding is a must. Otherwise, he can only go up and deliver meat, and he also has to use psychological tactics.

After dragging the mouse and observing the battlefield close to him for a moment, Pan Ye set his sights on the red land of the Wind and Rain Fortress 5 blocks away from his camp.

"Let's explore first."

After having the goal, Panye Luanshi assigned an Eight-Flag Spartan to the fifth team and quickly rushed towards the goal. After the march countdown of more than one minute ended, the battle report popped up with a "ding" sound.

Checking the battle report, Master Panshi was surprised to find that it was actually a team of Zhou Tai and Liu Bei who were just over 20,000 and Lu Kangroubu. Although it was a high-red team with more than 10 reds, his team's popularity was not weak either. We still have full strength, so the victory is not yet secure.

"Beat the vanguard and use nuclear bombs to suppress the formation. Even if the opponent is still garrisoned behind, you will never lose and you will definitely gain martial arts." First, the nuclear slingshot composed of Lu Meng, Zhang Ning and Chen Gong was sent out, and then Cao Cao and Wei Yan were sent out in seconds. Ma Chao formed the Sword King, Pan Ye secretly said quite confidently in troubled times.

Both of his teams are currently very strong teams, and the average red level is around 6 red, and because they have been lying dead in Liangzhou before, they level up when they have nothing to do. They have already reached level 50, even if they are in the same boat through thick and thin. There are big bosses around him, and he is confident that he can get some meat on this battlefield.

【Juyi: Gold Hunting Group】

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times丨Master Pan: [1008X986] I’m in love, brothers, bless me, I hope I won’t be beaten to pieces by the big boss over there in Fengyu [dumbfounded].

[Commander] Mo Ran Qianfan: Sit back and wait for the battle report [picking your nose].

[Member] Xuanqi God: Have you explored the path? What team is on the opposite side [question mark face].

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times丨Master Pan: A real man never explores the road, and he will be done with it if he is reckless [blushing].

[Leader] Fengqi Three Kingdoms: Awesome, wait for the battle report.

[Deputy Leader] Troubled Times丨Pan Ye: There are still 30 seconds to reach the battlefield, and I will take the lead in charging [Struggle].


"Ding! Ding!"

As the countdown to the march above the heads of the two main teams reached zero, two battle report prompts froze the expression of Panye Pan, who was smiling and expecting.

"Fuck! There are a lot of hooligans all over the place."

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