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Chapter 711: Soldiers’ deceitful ways

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: I’m not afraid to tell you that Lao Bai’s worry has already happened. Two of the Juyi registered here have been disbanded and are going to go to the same boat through thick and thin. Although the other Juyi have not been disbanded, But many people also ran away.

[General of the Upper Army] Holy Storyteller: I lost it, what the hell.

Everyone in the Holy Alliance knows that in fact, it is very simple and brainless to restore this disadvantage. Just don’t set the martial arts standards for daily rewards. However, this is basically impossible, let alone the manager who is the financial owner. There's no way Sheng would agree to it, and they themselves couldn't accept it.

If they really want to give away welfare like this, they might as well just surrender and save the money for team building.

Seeing that the management channel fell silent, Sheng Laobai immediately suggested: "To be honest, I think we have to prepare for the worst, so the back row city division formation must be set up. If this side is pushed, it will not continue. Faced with this embarrassing situation.

In addition, Shuhan Tagexing needs more urging. It is best to let them enclave and set up a fortress, and then directly mobilize their troops to join the war. It is best to move and fight at the same time. "

[Monarch] Saint Aman: OK, I will communicate with the Shu Han side. Zhuge, you communicate more with the wandering army who joined us and let them fight smarter. If it doesn't work, you can attack the outside. Don't make everyone run away. That would be really difficult.

In addition, there is no need for everyone to be so stressed. Even if Luoyang is lost, it is not a big deal. We also occupy such a large area in the west of Sili. He can send us out in one wave despite the storm? .

When we get there, we have the advantageous location. As long as we stay in Sili, we still have a chance.

Seeing the diving monarch Sheng Aman come out to speak, and with the final word, it also cut off the somewhat dull atmosphere of the channel. Sheng Laobai also knew that it was not appropriate to continue the discussion, so he immediately responded and focused on the battlefield again. .


Time passed, and after early morning arrived, the battle on the Luoyang battlefield not only did not weaken as the time went into the night, but the fighting situation intensified. The reason was naturally because the benefits provided by Wealth and Wind and the Holy Alliance stimulated all players.

Not to mention ordinary individual players, even members of the two major alliances are working hard to get martial arts and demolition points.

The main team is gone and recruiting troops? , then go directly to demolition.

If the demolition team has no soldiers or physical strength, then use Spartans to destroy the ground and shoot the fortress empty. Anyway, as long as everything is related to self-interest, human enthusiasm and efforts need no words at all.

Under the premise that Sili fell on the battlefield and attracted 99% of the attention, the two command control regiments also passed through the base camp near Guandu, Yanzhou, and enclave to Guangping County, Jizhou. The west side of Weijun City was not far away. In the distance, near the camp checkpoints of Jizhou and Bingzhou.

Ever since the Holy League was forced into Sili by the wind and rain, this place has long been no longer the focus. The Holy League has also abandoned Guangping County in Jizhou, and the focus of defense is directly on the camp level next to it. Apart from a few red fields and There are no other lines of defense outside the small wave of fortresses scattered around.

Obviously, at a disadvantage in the overall situation and with their ally Tianmen Shanhai defeated, the Holy League also understands that its current focus is on Sili. If it cannot get involved in Jizhou, it can just defend the homeland and be there.

But even so, the Holy Alliance still maintains the vigilance of a ceiling-level alliance. The two number control groups, who have been together through thick and thin, were discovered by the Holy Alliance just after they landed.

However, the discovery was of no help. Ning Xiu and the others had no intention of sneaking around. Anyway, they knew that there was nothing they could do about the Holy Alliance. The only thing they could do was to disperse people to defend. If they defended for a long time, they would lose, and they would lose the initiative.

The reality is indeed exactly what Ning Xiu imagined. Although the Holy Alliance is strong, it only has 380 people. After Qingzhou lost two regiments, there are only 5 regiments of people staying on the main battlefield of Sili Luoyang.

Of course, there are a lot of people with more than 200, but it also depends on who you compare with. If you put it on the battlefield of Sili Luoyang, and compare it with the Welfare and Rain camp, the difference is not even a little bit.

Under such circumstances, we dispersed the personnel through thick and thin, and the impact was almost minimal. The rock-solid defensive position, relying on the city's large defensive formation, did not have much pressure, and there were misty rain, troubled times, and a group of wanderers who arrived in time. military.

Not to mention that they still have a few main groups, but even if they don't have the Holy Alliance army, it will be enough to keep them low for a while.

But the Holy Alliance was not so relaxed. At this time, the Shu Han Ta Ge Xing who came to support was still on the road. The wandering army could only play side drums and fight for meat against the iron wall that stood together through thick and thin.

Therefore, even if we see that we have fallen in front of our own camp's checkpoint, we have no choice but to immediately mobilize our troops to take the initiative. We can only arrange for a main force group that has withdrawn from Qingzhou and is still resting to defend.


[Tang Dynasty] Saint丨The mountains and rivers return together, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: Over there at the camp checkpoint, you, the storyteller, should personally lead a group to keep an eye on it and make sure there are no mistakes. If we are really rushed in by the same boat, we will be even more passive.

【General of the Upper Army】Sheng丨Storyteller: Yes.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: I took a look at the people who landed on the other side of Fengyu. They were all numbered with the two front stamps of Feng and Yu. This wave should be their two number control groups attacking this side, one group. Defense is enough.

[General of the Upper Army] Holy Storyteller: Sure, there are level 9 checkpoints to help. It won’t be a problem to hold them back. Even if the worst happens and we lose the level, we still have a few branch cities near the pass. We will use the branch cities when the time comes. The bonus is enough for us to remain unchanged in response to changes, unless they are redeploying manpower.

【Monarch】Sheng丨Aman: The two regiments of Fengyu are very good at night battles and sneak attacks, so be on guard at night.

[General of the Upper Army] Holy Storyteller: Don’t worry, I’ve read it. Their landing time is around 1 am. When the fortress is fully up, it will be at 5:30 at the earliest, and troops must be deployed to lay out the roads ahead. , it’s at least 7 o’clock in the morning to wait for action, so don’t worry about it tonight.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Well, you should arrange the notification in advance and try your best to let the defensive brothers mobilize their troops in the evening.

[General of the Upper Army] Holy Storyteller: OK.


As the management of the Holy Alliance said, although the strength of the two main groups is strong, it is definitely not an easy task for the two main groups to win the defensive level 9 camp level of the Holy Alliance.

Just like their own camp defense in Qingzhou, how could they be weak in defense and let others in easily? .

As the direct leader of the two command control regiments, Chu Lian was responsible for this wave of merging. After sending the order emails to the two regiments, he had been thinking about how to quickly and easily enter the merging state, and then he didn't waste much time. Time found the needed solution.


[Ning] Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: That’s it, it’s been arranged.

[E-mail: Taiwei] First love: Is it reliable? Don’t let the Holy Alliance know everything before you even make a move.

[Email: Prime Minister] Six Yuan: There is a 90% chance that it can be hidden for a few hours, but in the end it will definitely not be hidden from the eyes of the Holy Alliance.

[E-mail: Lieutenant] First love: Yes, in the end, it is done. Even if the Holy Alliance takes any action, it will be too late. Besides, we are only doing this to be on the safe side. In the end, we still have to rely on ourselves.

[Email: Prime Minister] Six Yuan: OK.

[E-mail: Taiwei] First love: That’s it. Also, remember to inform them that the time is 6 o’clock in the morning.

[Email: Prime Minister] Six yuan: 6 o'clock? Didn't you say 7 o'clock? 【Question mark face】

[E-mail: Taiwei] First love: According to convention, 7 o'clock is indeed more reasonable, but I guess the Holy Alliance thinks so too, so an hour in advance and a time difference can be regarded as a second insurance.

[Email: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: How to build fortresses and mobilize troops in advance? .

[Email: Taiwei] First love: Minfu, Xidian.

[Email: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Tsk! Okay, my little first love has grown up [呲ya].

[E-mail: Taiwei] First love: Soldiers are cunning. As long as they can achieve their goals easily, the available means will naturally be [picking their nose].

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