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Chapter 719: Calculating and Being Calculated

Time passed, and it was early in the morning before he knew it. After Ning Xiu brought the main force that had been wiped out to the rear fortress to recruit troops, he looked at the sudden increase in the Holy Alliance attacking the red line and said with some surprise: "The troops on the other side are gathering, preparing to fight in the early morning. A counterattack?"

He couldn't help but be surprised, because since the two sides moved the battlefield to Luoyang, most of the initiative has been on their side through thick and thin.

The Holy Alliance has been fighting them defensively with the city connection point protecting the western part of Luoyang as the center point. The counterattack is also to clear the red land and fortresses connecting the city. This large-scale counterattack like this is the first time on the Luoyang battlefield.

Instead of paying attention to the alliance emails that popped up one after another, Ning Xiu pulled up the game interface and began to check along the offensive red line of the Holy Alliance, hoping to see the true purpose of the opponent's counterattack from the opponent's attack point.

"Huh? The attack on our side was just a routine cleanup and removal of the surrounding red areas and fortresses. Most of them went to a few Juyi down there in the mist and rain."

It didn't take much time for Ning Xiu to discover the purpose of the Holy League's counterattack through the Holy League's offensive red line and the battle reports produced by the alliance.

The opponent's offense on their side is completely based on daily operations of using a small number of main forces with Spartans and demolition, cleaning up the surrounding areas, eliminating threats, and protecting their own defense line.

Most of the main force ran to the southwest of their two battlefields and began to help their ally Shuhan Tagexing, clearing up the few wandering army gatherings in Yanyu Mengjiangnan.

"It seems that Shuhan Tagexing can't handle this wave anymore, so he asked the Holy Alliance to help."

Taking a glance at the southwest battlefield, Ning Xiu certainly would not let the Holy Alliance help his younger brother so easily. He immediately called his first love in the management channel and asked him to send an email, mobilize the main force, and start to attack the defense line of the opposite Holy Alliance.


"so sleepy!"

It was already 10 o'clock in the morning when Ning Xiu woke up the next day. There was a wave of offensive and defensive battles with the Holy Alliance in the early hours of last night. Although his main force was broken, he was still busy controlling Sparta and demolishing for a long time. He didn't sleep until close to 4 o'clock. I have only slept for 6 hours so far.

"A humble player sleeps later than a dog and wakes up earlier than a chicken. This is true."

He stretched and chuckled, walked out of the bedroom and scanned around. He didn't see his girlfriend Li Xiang. Ning Xiu didn't look for her anymore. He washed up in a hurry, finished the breakfast on the kitchen table, and then logged into the game. .


After logging into the game, Ning Xiu quickly pulled the main force from the rear fortress to the frontline fortress while dragging the mouse to check the battlefield defense line.

"Tsk! The speed is quite fast. The Shu Han has already completed the move." A moment later, when he saw the Shu Han's large-scale main city fortress in the northwest of the battlefield, on the left side of the Holy League's front line of defense, he suddenly felt Some people understand better why the Holy Alliance took the initiative to fight back last night. This was obviously to buy time for Shuhan Tagexing to breathe and move.

"You can't wait to move to Sili. It's just what I want!"

[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Good morning, brothers [pick your nose].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Is this still early? Only you can lick your face and say good morning. It's almost noon. Sure enough, the leader's life is really a priority [vomiting].

【Monarch】Ning Gongzi: Climb.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: The Shu Han side has moved over, and the main city is on the flank of the Holy Alliance's rear defense line.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: I just saw it. Since they have moved here, we can move too. Let Chu Qiang and the others set off, fly to Jingzhou, enter Yizhou, and rush into Yongzhou to steal the Holy Alliance's ass.

[Taiwei] First Love: We have already set off, and now we have landed at Jingzhou Qi Fortress.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Extreme Left Fire Attack: They saw Shu Han moving in at 6 o'clock in the morning, so they set off [Cold Sweat].

[General of the Upper Army] Feng Yu丨9: Boss, do you feel like your time is out of whack, and you wake up to a world full of changes [呲夜].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: I don’t have this kind of feeling, I just have a feeling that I feel superfluous [crying].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: How is that possible? We still need you very much.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: If you are moved, Lao Ma will comfort you.

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Your money.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Wait a moment, I will look for options to kick people.

After joking with the brothers in the alliance early in the morning, Ning Xiu said seriously: First Love, you move as quickly as possible. If you enter Yongzhou early, you can make the Holy Alliance fall apart as soon as possible.

Their old nest in Bingzhou is now riddled with holes. It will be eaten up by the wandering army in at most two days. We are harassing their rear when we enter Yongzhou. By then there are so many of them, and one Sili Xixi will definitely be able to supply them. There will be problems, and before long, the only options left for them will be to surrender and retire, or to become a homeless army.

[Taiwei] First love: You can get up from the fortress in Jingzhou at noon, and you can enter Yizhou in the afternoon. The airdrop point is not far from Yongzhou and Yizhou checkpoints, which is very convenient. You will definitely enter Yongzhou in the evening.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Well, for six yuan, you can arrange the airport with them. If it can be solved with welfare, don’t waste time.

[Prime Minister] Liu Yuan: I know, I won’t save you any money, don’t worry [Cold Sweat].

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: OK, that’s it, my main force is here, I’m going to trap the enemy and kill the enemy [呲ya].

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: I'm afraid I'm going to get beaten. Yesterday, someone gave me several freebies in a row. I saved the battle report and posted it [covers my mouth and laughs].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Dog thief, it turns out that the green guy in Tieba is you.


"It shouldn't be, the pressure is so low?"

The Shuhan officials sat in front of the computer, looking at the Luoyang frontline battlefield, feeling a little confused.

He originally thought that if he detached some of his manpower this morning and inserted himself into the edge of the battlefield between Feng Yu Tong Ao and the Holy Alliance from the southwest flank battlefield, he would definitely encounter a counterattack by Feng Yu Tong Ao. He had been worried about this all night yesterday.

But the result was that even though Feng Yu Tong Ao was fighting against these young rookies who had barged in, the intensity of their firepower was completely different from what he had imagined.

If they had less firepower and the Holy League had more firepower, he wouldn't be confused. But the situation is that even the Holy League's opponent didn't have much firepower to attack the red line, and it was still the same as usual.

"Why do you have the feeling that the opponent is also mainly defending this wave?"

After looking at it for a long time, they couldn't figure out the reason. The Shu Han officials simply didn't think about it. Anyway, this situation was beneficial to them.

As long as they are not noticed by Feng Yu Tongzhou before the Holy Alliance launches a sneak attack on Luoyang in the middle of the night, then their mission of Shu Han Tage Xing will be successfully completed.

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