If you can't solve the problem, then solve the people who created the problem.

The Holy Alliance wanted to take Luoyang in a last-ditch battle, and wanted to compete with them, forcing them to be in a dilemma. If they only considered how to solve the problem in front of them, it would be really difficult to make a choice. After all, they had the advantage, and there was no need to gamble with the other party.

So Ning Xiu decided to directly deal with the Holy Alliance that created this problem. As long as the Holy Alliance was solved, the problems they faced would naturally be solved.

Of course, the Holy Alliance is not easy to deal with. If they are so easy to fight, they will not be exhausted until now. However, Ning Xiu does not want to directly solve the Holy Alliance in this wave. There is no need, because as long as the other party is destroyed, The plan to attack Luoyang for the first time is OK.

[Ning] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: First love, please call the two main players back.

[Taiwei] First Love: Good.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: What do you say? Go first or second? [Question mark face].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Neither the first nor the second move, we directly mobilize the manpower to attack the connecting area to the west of the Holy Alliance. Even if we can't take it, we will use up their main force, leaving them without the main force to attack Luoyang. , or in other words, unsure and afraid to move.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Jizuo Fire Attack: I'm afraid this will not be easy. The opponent has been retreating for a day, and the main force must be sufficient. Although we did not suffer many battle losses, after all, we also defended part of Shuhan Tagexing's force for a day. We can only rely on the new force. Looking up, we are at a disadvantage.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: The battle is not about who is superior and who is inferior. What determines victory or defeat is that we don’t have any allies? .

Liuyuan, please inform the Juyi people in Yanyu to let their defense line focus on defense. We will open a hole for them in the defense line and let them spread out to the central battlefield. Then they will join us in besieging the Holy Alliance. Line of defense.

If our two families join forces, we don't believe that we can't get rid of the strong bone of his Holy Alliance in the west. Even if we can't get rid of it, we still have to beat him to the point where he doesn't have the strength to touch Luoyang.

As long as today is delayed, our people will have a firm foothold in Yongzhou tomorrow. We will see if they still have the ability to touch Luoyang.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: OK.

[General Wei] Erotic as God: I feel that it is safer to have Luoyang in your mouth as soon as possible. This time, try hard. If you can unplug their city connection point to the west, you can attack Luoyang.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Well, we will look at the situation at that time. Now move quickly to replenish troops when it is time to recruit troops and recruit troops when it is time to recruit troops. The main thing is that the troops for demolition must be full.

Just in case, if the situation turns to the worst and we fail to pull out the Holy Alliance and they still insist on playing Luoyang, we will waste time and all the teams will fight together.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: There are so many people now. I guess the Holy Alliance won’t dare to touch Luoyang. If they want to attack, it will probably be in the middle of the night, so they can catch us off guard.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Well, we just use this time to prepare, and we will start when the mist and rain are in place.


Time passed quietly, and it was night in a blink of an eye.

This period of time is the most stressful time for the management of Saint Aman and the Holy Alliance, because this is the peak period for players from the Three Kingdoms to be online.

During this period of time, they would usually attack their defense line several times every night, with one side defending and the other attacking, until the early hours of the morning.

The two families go back and forth, just like daily tasks.

And because Luoyang was to be captured unexpectedly in the middle of the night tonight, Sheng Aman and others were very worried that the scale of tonight's stormy attack would exceed the standard. They even hoped that the enemy would not organize a large-scale attack because they had divided their forces and went to Yizhou today.


He glanced at the time on the game interface and saw that it was already 22 o'clock. Sheng Aman let out a sigh of relief in his heart. It was already this time. We have not organized a large-scale attack yet. According to usual practice, there will be no tonight. On the attack.

"It seems that sharing the same boat and dividing the troops to Yizhou and Yongzhou is not necessarily a bad thing." He laughed helplessly in his heart. Sheng Aman was about to take a rest and recharge his batteries to prepare for the capture of Luoyang at night. Suddenly, he heard The email notification sounds "when".

As the leader of the alliance, he always checks his emails instantly, unlike many ordinary players who can pile up hundreds of emails without even checking them.


[Tang] Saint丨mountains and rivers go together [E-mail: Prime Minister] Saint丨Zhuge: [1014X991] The following mist and rain dream Jiangnan Several gatherings have come up. I feel that Fengyu knows what we are going to do.

Sheng Aman, who was originally in a good mood, immediately felt his heart sink when he saw this email. They were now desperate. What he feared most was that an accident would happen and they would not even have a chance to fight.

He quickly clicked on the email to jump to the coordinates. When he saw that the wandering gatherings of Yanyu Meng Jiangnan who were originally staying in the southern periphery of Luoyang, had actually moved from behind the front row fortress to the southern part of Luoyang center and directly arrived at the central battlefield. He I feel that the words of my prime minister may come true.

[Tang Dynasty] Saint丨The mountains and rivers return together, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Fengyu probably already knows what we are going to do, otherwise why bother to go to all the trouble to open a path behind the front row of fortresses and move the peripheral Yanyu Mengjiangnan to the central battlefield? Come on, let's prepare for the worst.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: Our people just noticed it. I don’t know how long it’s been since the Yanyu side was in place, but the fortress has not been raised yet.

[General of the Upper Army] Holy Storyteller: How do you know? Wasn't it our Xiao Nei who said this? , that’s not right, only the management and the core members of the group leader know about this, the ordinary members only know how to preserve the main force but don’t know what to do.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: Use your brains. We are in Luoyang. The email asked everyone to keep the main force and be on standby for demolition. Even an experienced driver can guess what we are doing.

[General of the Upper Army] Holy Storyteller: I'm going, but even if Feng Yu knows about it, why are they looking for Yan Yu? .

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: [1000X999] What does Feng Yu want to do? I don’t need to answer you anymore. You can read it yourself.

Seeing the coordinates sent by Taiwei Shenglaobai, the managers of the Holy Alliance quickly clicked to jump, and then the game interface directly came to the city west of Luoyang.

Of course they are not unfamiliar with this place, because this is a corner of Luoyang they control, and it is also a well-deserved battle point for the entire Luoyang battlefield.

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: I'm going, the fire is gathering on the opposite side, Lao Bai quickly sent an email to increase the garrison, and the storm came out.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: Yes.

[General of the Upper Army] Holy Storyteller: I’ll wipe it! As expected, the people on the other side knew our plan and came directly to connect with the city. If the city was gone, we would have no choice but to stare blankly.

[1011X991] Look below, the fortress in the gap is gone, and the wandering army of Misty Rain Meng Jiangnan has entered.


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