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Chapter 745 The situation is too small

After closing the private chat email, Ning Xiu opened the big map and looked at Qingzhou and Bingzhou. Finally, after looking at Yizhou, where his home was, he chuckled and said, "The current situation is too small!".

From the invitational tournament drawing lots to the present, both he and the management team are still planning the internal affairs of Yizhou. The Holy League and the Martial League are several big states away, but they have already reached his head. On.

Of course, this is really no wonder for them. After all, Together Through Wind and Water is still a new alliance in the conquest circle. Although it has strong combat effectiveness and perfect management, it has experienced too few seasons after all.

With too little training, although this is the first time for me and other major alliances to come into contact with the script of the invitational tournament, in terms of adaptability and change of thinking, they are naturally not as good as the overlord alliances such as the Holy Alliance and the Martial Alliance.

Although they also have a plan, generally speaking, the steps are to unify the state first, and then find some allies next to their own big state to gradually take advantage of it. Now it seems that this strategy is obviously unable to keep up with others.

But if you can't keep up, then you can't keep up. Ning Xiu doesn't care. It's easy to get screwed if you force speed up when you're not used to it.

Regarding the fact that the Holy League and the Martial League have joined forces to suppress them, Ning Xiu still quite believes the news. In addition to the people from the White Group and the Holy League who have connections with Yizhou, he also thinks this is very reasonable. .

Although the game is a virtual world, the players in it are all real. Where there are people, there are circles and rivers and lakes. The Holy League and the Martial League are both top overlords, and they must be in the same circle. Now let’s suppress this risk of mine. For newcomers, there is nothing to be surprised about.

The Holy League and the Martial League both lead the top overlords of the Three Kingdoms. Ning Xiu had already experienced the power of such an alliance last season.

If it weren't for the strength of their allies who have stood by each other through thick and thin, and the allies on the Holy League side pulling their hips, the two families would have to fight one-on-one, and there would probably be no winner until the end of the season.

Although there are only 40 people participating in the Anniversary Invitational Tournament, which is less than one group, and even if the two companies join forces, there will only be 80 people. However, any player who knows the Three Kingdoms will know the appeal that these two strong forces can have after joining forces. .

"In order not to be drowned in the human sea tactics, it seems that we need to recruit some allies from other states in advance." Ning Xiu thought to himself after turning off the big map.

The sudden news gave Ning Xiu a sense of urgency, and when the news spread to the clan, it also put pressure on all the participating members who were in the same boat through thick and thin.

But when there is pressure, there is motivation. In addition to Ning Xiu, Ma Gongzi and others, Chu Lian directly began to arrange for the studio members who came to participate in the competition to take turns to control the number. In addition to entering the preparation state in advance and adapting, it also accelerated the development speed.


The next morning, it was already 9 a.m. when Ning Xiu woke up. He had been cleaning the floor until 3 a.m. last night. He didn't lie down in bed until the two land reclamation teams had basically used up all their energy.

Since the second half of the last season, Ning Xiu has never slept late at all except staying up late on weekends. Now that he has entered the new season, he has started to stay up late again. He opens his eyes and lies in bed without thinking about getting up.

I stayed in bed for more than half an hour. When it was almost 10 o'clock, I thought that the physical strength and warehouse resources of the land reclamation team were about to be exhausted, so I got up slowly, sat in front of the computer after breakfast and logged in to the game.

After logging into the game, Ning Xiu glanced at the resources and saw that his resources were about to be exhausted. He immediately controlled the second team to rush towards the thieves left last night.

In order to save resources, Ning Xiu ordered less bipolar warehouses, in order to use thieves to make the stone explode in the warehouse, and speed up the progress of upgrading level 7. Even if the thieves don't give stones this time, they can still do it in the wave at 11 o'clock later. Take it out and give it a try.

If there is no stone in both waves, he can only upgrade the warehouse by two levels and use tokens to farm to speed up the progress, but this will definitely affect his rhythm.


"Good luck, haha!" Clicked on the battle report. When he saw that the thieves exploded with stones, Ning Xiu immediately became energetic. After sending the second team back to the main city in seconds, he directly upgraded the main city's level to level 7.

"There are 7 books in the open area 24 hours a day. No one has this speed."

Ning Xiu was happy to successfully upgrade to level 7 main city, but he was also very emotional. This kind of speed was basically impossible in other scenarios.

If it weren't for the Rise of the Clan Lord, a script that focuses on resource bonuses, and if there weren't a group of members of the Manhong Clan who quickly developed and built high-level clan houses, it would have taken him the fastest to reach level 7 in the main city in the afternoon, or even at night. Or maybe tomorrow.

As many players often say, talking about team strength without talking about the zone server environment is just like being a hooligan, and discussing development speed with teammates without talking about the script is also a hooliganism, he thinks.

Now that the main city has been successfully upgraded to level 7, the next step is to quickly collect resources and upgrade the barracks to prepare for the transformation to upgrade to level 8.

Thinking of this, Ning Xiu controlled the main forces of the two teams to open up wasteland, and at the same time took Sparta to hoard stones to speed up the upgrade of the barracks.


There are many powerful people in the fifth anniversary invitational tournament. A few people found there can be considered big bosses in ordinary conquest leagues.

This group of people may not be as fast as Ning Xiu, but they are definitely not much slower. When the time came to almost noon, the topic of discussion on the World Channel had turned to the issue of the levels of the barracks.

System: Congratulations to Qin丨 for unifying the nine states and successfully occupying Yunjie, a level 3 city in Liangzhou.

The first achievement of killing the enemy: Qin丨Zheng丨 The first achievement of siege: Qin丨Feng.

Just after 12 noon, just 26 hours after the opening of the zone, the first occupied city of the fifth anniversary invitational tournament appeared. Although it was only a level 3 city, as the first city to be captured, it still attracted a lot of attention. Quite a few eyeballs.

"Qin Alliance, is it the alliance from Liangzhou?" Ning Xiu glanced at the announcement at the top of the game interface and paid attention, and didn't think much about it.

According to the current pace of the invitational tournament, he would not be surprised if someone opened a level 4 city, let alone a level 3 city. After all, the pace of this area is too fast, and the players are generally very well developed.

Take him for example, now his two land reclamation teams, the main land reclamation team is already at level 27, and the second team is at level 25. After all the generals awakened last night, they had already moved the land reclamation target from level 5 to level 6. body.

With his third awakening team full of reds and full of tactics, even if there is no barracks battle damage, it will not be much higher, it is just more resource consuming.

Although he has a high power value and is ranked 8th in the personal rankings, it does not mean that he can click out 7 copies to send out the barracks quickly. After all, he is playing with two teams and consumes a lot of resources.

For those players who have grown quickly and only focused on one team with sufficient resources, it is not surprising that they now point out several levels of barracks. Under such circumstances, it is easier to win a level 3 city with a garrison than a level 6 land. Don't take it too easy.

"Someone is taking the lead. It seems that there will be many people opening the city at noon today. Are they all so impatient?"

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