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Chapter 749 The small building listens to the wind and rain

【Benefit】Ye丨Walking at night in brocade clothes【Clan Leader】Ye丨Flying Eagle: Um, okay.

After closing the private chat email with Liu Yuan, the deputy leader of Together Through the Wind and Water, Ye Feiying rubbed his brows helplessly and let out a long sigh.

After rejecting Mingyue Dangkong's invitation to cause trouble, the reason why he leaked the news to Feng Yu Tong Ao was to sell it in advance and show his face, so that when he finally joined the alliance formed by Feng Yu Tong Ao, he could occupy some weight in it.

Why do this instead of just surrendering and staying together through thick and thin? In the final analysis, they are still afraid of being together through thick and thin and directly GGing quickly under the joint pressure of the Holy League and the Martial League. In this way, they want the game experience but not the game experience, and they want the benefits but not the benefits, and of course it is not worth it.

But obviously, this idea that the two sides want to be temporarily neutral is not in line with the actual situation at all. People who have been in the same boat through thick and thin now come directly to assign tasks to them.

If we don't follow the arrangement of Wealth and Suffering, it will obviously be listed as a hostile target. After first rejecting the Holy Alliance side such as Mingyue Dangkong, and then rejecting the final thigh, then their Night Alliance's invitational tournament will probably come true. The farmers who have cultivated the land have come to be spectators.

Only then did Ye Feiying realize that after he rejected Mingyue Dangkong's invitation, unless he really wanted to work as a farmer this season, he would have no choice at all.

"I'm sorry. If I had known, I would have kept a low profile." After shaking his head regretfully, Night Flying Eagle opened the map of Yizhou and clicked on Yongchang County, where his home was, to check the location of a city suitable for intervention.

In fact, he also knew very well that there were very few positions that he could choose, because Yongchang County where they were located was considered a weird one among the counties in Yizhou.

Where is the wonder? The strange thing is that it has a large area and few cities. In terms of area alone, it and Ba County are definitely the largest counties in Yizhou. However, counting the cities and counties, there are only three small cities. The county level 5 plus two A level 3 city.

"We can only choose Yongshou, the level 3 city with the highest location. Although its location is close to Bajun, it is not on the border. In this way, even if the fortress is set up, it will not be suspected by Bloody and Mingyue Dangkong, and it will not be the first time. Face these two families.”

Although he has decided to join the Wind and Rain Togetherness, Ye Feiying still wants to be conservative and does not want to be too aggressive. This is also to leave some room for himself, in case the Wind and Rain Togetherness is defeated by the Holy Alliance and the Martial Alliance. Being liquidated.

In the final analysis, the reputation of the Martial League and the Holy League was so great that even though they were in the same state as each other and coveted the benefits, Night Flying Eagle did not dare to make a big bet.


Xiaolou Tingfengyu is a participating team composed of an alliance with the same name. Its main personnel are members of a gang in a martial arts online game. Two years ago, they teamed up to join the Three Kingdoms to form an alliance, and they have been together until now.

However, unlike when we first entered the S season, the hundreds of people in the alliance were basically members of the martial arts online game. Now, there are only less than two groups in the entire alliance who are former gang members, and the rest have long since left. The ones got separated.

Chunfeng, the leader of Xiaolou Tingfengyu Alliance, although regretful, has been able to face it calmly now. After all, compared to the old people who still have close to two groups on their side, some alliances can't even get together a group in the Conquest Season. Things have gotten much better for them.

Gamers who like martial arts style usually have a martial arts dream, and at the same time they also prefer to bring themselves into the martial arts arena. They are more impulsive and like to be loyal. Tongliang Xiaolou Tingfeng inherits this characteristic.

In the past seasons, they have been through troubled times for the sake of their allies, and they have also fallen out with their allies for the sake of the members of the alliance. They have made it to the present with bumps and bumps. While the management of the alliance has become more perfect, the elders in the alliance have also become more mature.

This time we came to participate in the fifth anniversary invitational tournament. From the perspective of Xiaolou Tingfeng, it was a huge arena. They, Xiaolou Tingfeng, did not have the strength and did not want to win the jackpot of this prosperous world, but they stirred up the situation and made people remember it. Live in their hearts.

But if you want to make a difference in the Anniversary Invitational Tournament, a dungeon where strong players gather and the T2-level participating teams are at the bottom, not to mention that they are only a team with 40 people, even if the entire league comes, it is undoubtedly necessary to find a backer. matter.

And here in Yizhou, is there any stronger backer than standing together through thick and thin? Apparently not.

Their small building, Ting Feng Yu, was assigned to Yizhou, and they were all assigned to Yizhou, so who is the boss of their small building, Ting Feng? , obviously we are in the same boat through thick and thin.

As a group of players who like Jianghu games, their group attributes were fully utilized early on, and they made their decision before deciding to participate in the invitational tournament.

No matter which state they are in, as long as there is an alliance that can unify the entire state, they are willing to cooperate with each other, be the vanguard of the other party, form an alliance together, and have a good fight in the invitational tournament.

So when Chunfeng, the alliance leader of Xiaolou Tingfeng, received a private chat email from Liuyuan, the deputy alliance leader of the same boat, he immediately replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Liuyuan, we will pay attention to the checkpoint. I will tell people to get it done in advance when it is done." Airport, and then set up a fortress closest to Bajun. Once we pass through Bajun tomorrow, we will enter Bajun to attack these state traitors."

[Benefit] Xiaolou Tingfeng [Mail: Clan Leader] Chunfeng: [1066X254] Come on, brothers, everyone is in the enclave next to Li Xunhuan's main city. Before 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, if we can build a family fortress, we will build a family fortress. , if you can't build it, just build an ordinary fortress.


Xiaolou Tingfeng Yu was not the only one who showed positive performance. All participating teams in Yizhou that had reached a verbal cooperation agreement with Feng Yu Tongzhou also showed positive performance.

Although many groups had vaguely heard the news at this time that the Holy League and the Martial League were going to join forces to fight the storm, but they still carried out the tasks assigned by the Storm without any hesitation. As for why no one went back on their words and remained neutral, they wavered. They may be on the market for a price, but are they a T2-level team? Do they deserve it? .

The most important thing for a person is to know that as a person at the bottom of this invitational tournament, unless he really has a grudge, who would leave the thigh of his own state and hug his opponent's thigh across several big states.

Anyone who can get into the T-level alliance in the Three Kingdoms is not a veteran. They still understand this principle. Besides, this invitational tournament has attracted the attention of all the players in the Three Kingdoms. They don’t want to be beaten by players for some benefits. Known as a state traitor.

As a result, Yizhou, which was still relatively peaceful in a war-free state, suddenly began to become turbulent.


System: The general trend of the world, the world is in chaos.

At 20 o'clock in the evening, as soon as Ning Xiu opened the official live broadcast room, he discovered that the third stage of the invitational regional server's world trend was completed.

The conditions for completing the stage of chaos when clan lords rise is that the clans occupy 15 cities of level 3 or above, which is no different from other scenarios.

More than half of the 15 cities were completed at noon today. Just after 20 o'clock in the evening, a few families completed a few in an instant, and they directly made up the amount.

After the completion of Chaos, in addition to the 200 Tiger Talisman rewards for the whole server, there is also a Chaos card pack and the function of improving the level of the copycat.

Ning Xiu had no need for the generals in the Chaos card pack, so he just glanced at them, received the 200 tiger charms, and set his sights on the official uniform live broadcast room.

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