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Chapter 752 Anti-Wind and Rain Alliance

"We are together through thick and thin, do you want to take action?" After hearing the news, Jiang Liu, who had just been disturbed by the live broadcast, suddenly became irritable.

[Benefit] Bloody Mist [Email: Patriarch] Jiang Liu: What's going on? Have you received any news? , if the opponent doesn’t surround the city, then just be indifferent [question mark face].

Ever since he decided to carry the banner of the Yizhou Anti-Wind and Rain Alliance, Mingzun has been paying attention to the happenings in Yizhou. Scratching the map from time to time every day and observing the dynamics of the various ethnic groups in Yizhou is what he does most.

After watching the live broadcast for a while tonight, he began to check the dynamics of each family as usual. Naturally, he first started with Yunnan County, where the number one target, Yunnan County, was located.

But he didn't expect that this incident really made him see something different, because the city was under siege through thick and thin.

Of course it is normal to be under siege through thick and thin. After all, at 10 a.m. tomorrow, the Anniversary Invitational Tournament will start for two full days, and the 48-hour exemption for novices will also disappear.

According to the current rhythm of the invitational competition script, the fastest wave of people has almost transformed the land reclamation team, and the land reclamation period is officially over.

After the land reclamation is over, the natural next step is to attack the city, so it is normal to besiege the city through thick and thin. Even if the first wave besieges the only level 5 city in Yunnan County besides the county government, it is also normal.

After all, with the strength of the same boat, even if the zone has only been opened for two days, it is not difficult to build a level 5 city. In other words, it is not difficult for most of the participating teams in this scenario. After all, those who come to participate in the invitational tournament are either full red or high red. Team.

But after checking the participating teams from other worldly clans one after another, he found that something was wrong.

Chaoge, Hanzhong County next to Bajun, is surrounding the fifth-level street pavilion connecting Hanzhong County to Yongzhou, Ziyuan Prefecture. He doesn't have much experience with this.

After all, there is no city in Hanzhong County. If Chaoge wants to develop, he cannot go to other counties to compete with other participating families. It is better to go directly to Ziyuan State, which has both resources and cities.

But the small buildings in Yongchang County, Ting Feng Yu and Ye Meng, began to surround Yongchang and the two cities close to Bajun. What the hell are they? .

Long Yuan in Hanjia County was so coincidental that he left the other cities in the county alone and specifically chose a level 3 apprentice city in a remote town on the border with Ba County to attack? .

What’s even more exaggerated is that the land of Yanyu Mengjiangnan, which was staying in the remote corner of Xingtong County, actually appeared at the junction of Yunnan and Bajun, next to the main city of a member of the same boat.

Taking into account all the circumstances, if Mingzun hadn't noticed at this time that this was a sign that he and his allies wanted to take action against them, he would have spent several years leading the Three Kingdoms in vain.

Although he had already anticipated the plan to fight with Feng Yu Tongyao since he decided to be a minefield for the Holy League in Yizhou and start trouble in Yizhou, but to be honest, the current script is a little different from what he thought.

According to his assumptions, Yizhou must have been relatively calm in the first few days of the opening of the zone. After the transformation period and the city-fighting period, and when they wanted to enter Yongzhou Ziyuan Prefecture through thick and thin, the conflict between them would break out.

By then, Ba County, with its back to Ziyuan Prefecture, would have a perfect geographical advantage facing their allies and allies as far away as Yunnan.

And according to the progress of land reclamation at that time, the Holy League had already entered Yongzhou Ziyuan State from Bingzhou. With such a big backing, even if they integrated the remaining participating families in Yizhou through hard work and hardship, they would be completely worthy.

As long as there is a stalemate for a while, and when the Holy Alliance develops and integrates its forces, it can go directly south from Yongzhou to Yizhou, and crush with them through thick and thin.

Even if we are strong through thick and thin, a small team of 40 people coming to this invitational tournament, a half-disabled Yizhou, can still withstand the entire Bingzhou dominated by the Holy League, plus their group of people? .

But obviously, the current situation is somewhat beyond his expectation. They are actually preparing to take action first, and they are so ahead of time. They have already started preparations less than two days after the opening of the zone. This wave is directly It made him panic.

He is not an arrogant person. As for what his allies say, he is able to stay together through thick and thin, entirely because he has the Holy Alliance as his backer and support.

But now it has just been more than a day since the zone was opened. The Holy League has not even moved south to Yizhou, and has not even entered Ziyuan State. It has really grown. Without reinforcements, it really has no confidence. After all, it is a participating team in the T2 league. Ah, in the face of this situation, of course he could only immediately contact Bloody Mist, the strongest member of their anti-Solidarity Alliance.

[Benefit] Ming丨The sun and the moon are in the sky [E-mail: Patriarch] Ming Zun: I will send you some emails later. If you read the coordinates in those emails, you will know what is going on.


When Jiang Liu received Mingzun's email, he immediately opened it and took out the unread emails and checked them one by one. Whenever he checked an email and followed the coordinates in the email, his face became ugly. , when I finally saw the red coordinates of Yanyu Mengjiangnan in Yunnan and Bajun, I immediately became the bottom of the pot.

"What the hell, what a mess!"

Jiang Liu was really dumbfounded at this time. After reading the wave of coordinate emails sent by Ming Zun, he still couldn't figure out that this was a fight between several aristocratic families led by the same boat.

And precisely because he saw it, he was confused, because it was completely inconsistent with his imagined script and completely inconsistent with his psychological expectations.

Why was he so low-key after landing in Yizhou, and why he was unwilling to be the leader of this wave of resistance, just to keep a low profile so that he could choose sides according to the situation.

But it's good now. The good guys have only been in the zone for less than two days, and have not passed the novice protection period. They have just pulled a group of allies to deal with them. Looking at the coordinates, it seems that they are collaborating with their allies to surround them directly. ah.

"MD, why did it happen like this?" He cursed a little irritably. By now, Jiang Liu also knew that the end was done. Unless he surrendered directly and stood together through thick and thin, he would have no choice but to get up.

It's okay to surrender, but that's before the situation of sharing the same boat through thick and thin has been established. Their surrender can be said to be the unity of the Yizhou family.

But now that they have made it clear that they are going to beat you, if you surrender at this time, you will lose face. By then, the reputation that Bloody Mist has managed to accumulate so far will definitely be GG.

What's more, if the Storm and the Boat ignores them, then they will have to face not only the Storm and the Storm, but also the Holy Alliance and even the Martial Alliance. Their Bloody Mist bodies are too small to be able to carry them.

[Benefit] Bloody Mist [Email: Patriarch] Jiang Liu: There is nothing more to say at this point. The email informs the brothers to set up a defense line at the border with the main city of the border brothers as the center.

Build the fortress first. There are only a few teams in the early stage. Our family is close to each other in Bajun, so the card can delay them for a while. If the distance is too far, you can prepare a branch city. If it doesn't work, just run away. This stage is reduced to , but it’s really G.

In addition, you contact several other noble families and ask them to support those who can support them. If they cannot support, see if they can invade Yunnan and encircle Wei to rescue Zhao. Finally, contact the Holy Alliance and ask them to speed up their progress and enter Yongzhou, the resource state, and come south. Support us.

[Benefit] Ming丨The sun and the moon are in the sky [Email: Clan Leader] Ming Zun: Okay, how about I contact other families and you contact the Holy Alliance? , I’m a little too busy [dumbfounded].

[E-mail: Patriarch] Jiang Liu: If you have anything to do, just send an email to announce it. You are our leaders. It’s no big deal for me to go to the Holy Alliance. My relationship with the Holy Alliance is not as good as yours. You may not necessarily value me.

[E-mail: Patriarch] Ming Zun: OK.

After replying to Jiang Liu's email, Ming Zun took a long breath and threw away the distracting thoughts in his mind. He first checked the terrain on the edge of Boba County, then sent a coordinate notice to the family, and then began to contact other rebels in Yizhou. A family that has stood together through thick and thin.

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