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Chapter 96 Virtual and Real

Yang: Jun Lin Tian Xia [Mail] Commander Wang: [1171X1074] Set up a fortress on the land, and move the garrison forward to keep up with the rhythm.

Now that the decree is useless, why keep the fortress if you can't afford it? .

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Alliance Channel.

A little bit fierce: [1172X1077] I want a wave of garrison, there are people coming from the opposite side, the value of more than 20,000 forces is a bit weak for me.

Wu Zhuangyuan: The land reclamation is over, what’s the use of the power value? Don’t panic, I’m here.

Lemon is sour or not: [1171X1078] If this land is turned over, he will miss it.

Qiu Hongye: My three hundred warriors have already set off, but this wave is too late. You must resist it first.

Wu Zhuangyuan: [Battle Report] Damn it! 11 Hong Shu Bu, when did Qingzhou have such a big boss? .

Glass: The war never ends? This is a person from Jizhou on the power rankings. Is there such a big boss in Jizhou? So red.

Qiu Yehong: [Battle Report] Oh my god, there is a garrison on the opposite side, look what I encountered, the Gao Hong Magic Sword is in trouble! .

Lantern to illuminate the mountains and rivers: Black Rider? This is the leader of Youzhou Alliance, I remember.

A Sun: Where is our Boss Ma? It won't be a matter of minutes to go up and defeat them.

Mr. Ma: I have no energy left, and I am recruiting troops in the fortress.

Demon Sword Nagi: I'll go up and send a wave to touch this magic sword.

Brother Yu: My main force is here. Next time the warrior is coming, I will go and meet him.

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Management Channel.

Official Glass: There are a lot of Gao Zhans in Qingzhou, and there are also several Gao Hong bosses.

Commander Wang: I saw the battle report. They are from Youzhou and Jizhou.

Deputy leader Dugu: It doesn't matter, even if we have the high-level support from Youji and Hebei states.

Our high-level battles are no less than theirs, and unless they move to the city, being beaten back once and rushing back will be enough for them.

Alliance leader Baipao: Yes, I will email the people in the alliance in a moment and prioritize the demolition of the fortresses in Youji and Hebei states. If they dare to move, we will demolish the fortresses and target them to death.

Commander King: Well, in addition, Linglong Pavilion’s airport has joined the alliance. He has land near the level 5 city of Boyang, and we can fly there directly.

Deputy leader Dugu: Which group are you going to send? .

Commander Wang: We originally planned to send the main force to Qingzhou, but now that reinforcements have arrived in Qingzhou, we cannot disperse the main force. After all, this is the main battlefield now.

Leader Baipao: Please explain clearly, don’t go around and get a headache.

Commander King: My plan is to email the 1st and 2nd regiments first and ask them to prepare the bastard team and the chicken cavalry.

Then we will launch a long-range attack to build a fortress. When Qingzhou discovers our large-scale long-range attack enclave, we will definitely pull people back to defend it.

It will take at least a few hours on the road to come and go. At that time, we will make a time difference here and gather all our strength for a general attack.

One wave destroyed their side, and even if they reacted, the day lily would be cold when they came back.

Deputy leader Dugu: The plan is good, then let’s show some weakness next? .

Commander King: Well, you can use Spartan and Miscellaneous Fish first, and play with them while the main force defends according to the situation.

Leader Baipao: Okay, let’s settle it then.

Commander King: Wait, the Xuzhou regiment is relatively close, let them be responsible for defense, and other regiments will provide support. ���

Qingzhou, Qingyi Tower Alliance Channel.

Qing Yan: [Battle Report] Wu Zhong is so awesome that he penetrated 3 opposing teams in one wave.

The war never ends: low-key, basic operations.

Xianyu: You have to understand that there are too few garrison on the opposite side, which affects the performance of Wu Endless Boss.

Otherwise, how can a small team of 3 be able to satisfy the big boss's appetite? .

Chi Qi: Not bad, don’t you all look at the last word of Wu Zhong’s name?

End: It means end. He has a nickname, haven’t you heard of it? Terminator? .

The battle never ends:... Damn it! You guys are so good at milking, are you talking about me? I even blushed.

Black Cavalry: Wherever there is a garrison, the battle report will be sent out, and I will attack Yangzhou again.

Wind Song丨War King: Big bosses, I think I should do a special interview for you, so that your reputation can spread far and wide, and make waves.

Zhen Ji: Turbulent waves? ? I think you're driving lad.

Fengge丨War King: ...Heifeng Village Headmaster, why are you here in Qingzhou?

Zhen Ji: Look at my power value. It’s not even 3,000 yet. Are you sure you want to call me boss?

Xianyu: Sister Zhen Ji came here as a stray and has been developing in a low profile.

Black Rider: Sister? Is she a young lady? .

Chi Qi: By the way, I am a little curious, Boss Zhen Ji, why do you want to become a king?

Diao Chan: This involves another story, a long time ago.

Tsing Yi Building Management Channel.

Commander’s Killer Knife: Damn it! I found that Jizhou has a lot of high-level battles, and there are 2 high-ranking bosses.

Official Jiangshan: Well, Wu Ending and War King are both big money makers, but they had less time to play before and their development was slow, otherwise they would have been on the list long ago.

Mysterious and funny: The bosses of Black Cavalry and Red Cavalry are both awesome. Why didn’t I notice that your team was so popular before? .

Official Chiqi: The slow development C is not enough. When we played a friendly match with you, our two main players were still leveling up.

The original intention of the official: Okay, okay, now the big guys on our side are not inferior to those in Yangzhou, and we can start a good fight.

Deputy leader Qing She: Forget about the others in Yangzhou, the main thing is that Mr. Ma is a bit disgusting.

Official Black Cavalry: It's okay. When we see him, let's get in side by side.

Alliance leader Qing Yi: The offensive in Yangzhou has weakened. I estimate that their main force is almost exhausted.

Lao Zhu sent an email asking everyone to take action and try to destroy their front row fortress group before the next wave of attacks slowed down.

Commander's Killer Knife: Okay. ���

At 16:00 in the afternoon, with the high-level battle between Jiyou and Youzhou, they rushed to the front line of Gaoyou, a level 4 city.

Qingyi Tower swept away the previous defeat, with the fresh troops of the Youji two regiments as the main force, and other regiments as supplements, launched a counterattack towards the Yangzhou Junlintianxia fortress group.

Facing the powerful Qingyi Tower, Yangzhou dominates the world, relying on a huge group of fortresses.

The Xuzhou Regiment was the main defensive force, while the other regiments demolished Sparta and dug up the ground to resist Qingyi Tower's attack and delay its offensive rhythm.


At 18:00 in the evening, Tsing Yi Building Management Channel.

The original intention of the officials: Yangzhou is very strong, and it is not a big deal that we have been fighting them head-on.

Commander Shazhu Dao: Yes, although we pushed a lot of their fortresses in one afternoon, to be honest, it had little impact on them. If you look at the group of fortresses behind them, they are terrifyingly numerous.

Alliance leader Qing Yi: Well, our goal is to conquer Xuzhou. We can start with the Xuzhou players who have joined Yangzhou and allocate some people to defeat others.

Official Black Rider: Yes, as long as the Xuzhou players who join Yangzhou go out, our goal will be achieved.

What is the purpose of fighting? Isn't it just to steal the living people and end the battle?

Vice leader Green Snake: [982X1172] Damn it, I’m flying to Boyang.

The official was mysterious and funny: Damn it! So much red ground.

Alliance Leader Qing Yi: Fortunately, I found out, Yangzhou is really evil.

Official Jiang Shan: Our group’s transit is all in Boyang. It would be troublesome if we were pushed away.

Official Black Cavalry: Same, deal with it quickly, we will be in trouble when they gather in the fortress.

Commander Shazhu Dao: I asked why there were so few Gao Zhans showing up in the afternoon. It turned out they wanted to take advantage of Boyang. I sent an email to ask the brothers to return to defense.

Alliance leader Qing Yi: Send a group back to clear the ground first, and don’t lose it here.

The official’s initial intention: OK, let’s go back as a group. ���

Benefit: We are together through thick and thin [E-mail] Commander’s first love: The resource state opens at 21 o’clock in the evening. If you are far away, you can mobilize troops. Don’t be stuck on the time. Once you enter the resource state, there will be plenty of land for you to fight.

Please recommend and collect.

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