Game Dealer: Actually I Am A High-Tech Company

Chapter 110 Master Liu Is Reborn! The Strong 5 Who Was Grabbed By The Hand!

The second floor of the base of the Honghuang Aviation Research Institute.

"Electronic control system testing completed!"

"Weapon mounting and delivery system inspection completed!"

"Quantum radar self-test completed!"

"Stellarator chain reactor matrix self-test completed!"

"Repulsion engine self-test completed!"

"Stealth Generator Self-Test - Complete!"

In the loading module, Wang Wei was standing next to a H-6, and the voice of Bo Shizun came to his ears.


A large number of robotic arms are spraying black nano-coating on this H-6.

Wang Wei's H-6 lasted 7 months, and after the transformation by him and Bo Shizun, it finally came to an end.

This process is not simple.

Although he bought key technologies in the technology store and received national support for all H-6 technologies.

But the H-6 he wants to transform will not follow the original path.

Therefore, he combined the advantages of the B2, B52, B1B, Tu-160 and other strategic bombers in the world, optimized and improved them, and upgraded the H-6.

The current Mr. Liu.

The original aircraft length was 34.8 meters, the height was 9.8 meters, and the wingspan was 34.18 meters. It was transformed into a aircraft with a length of 60 meters, a wingspan of 80.1 meters, and a height of 15 meters.

It is more than twice as big as before. The original engine compartment is integrated with the body, making it look fatter than before.

The new 6 is larger than the B36, known as the Peacekeeper.

The H-6's entire body is made of armor made of titanium A armor technology obtained by Wang Wei from the technology store.

This armor is a combat protective coating made of high-strength titanium-50 metal. It is reinforced at the molecular level by stacking nanotubes, elastic composite polymers and intermetallic compounds to form a thick laminate that can withstand or mitigate ultra-high speeds. Coated materials for projectiles and directed energy attacks.

The original color of this coating is dark gray.

By spraying nano-coating, Wang Wei first painted it with a black base layer and then painted it silver gray.

Now Mr. Liu is not only able to defend against attacks from laser weapons, but even ordinary cannons cannot penetrate its armor.


What limits the 6 Ye's bomb load is not its ultimate load, but its size, and how much energy the controllable nuclear fusion reactor can provide to the repulsion engine.

Compared to the B36's 10 engines, the 6's under the wing are unremarkable. There are no engines except for various mounts.

"Father! The whole machine self-inspection has been completed! The armor module has also been tested, and all data meet the maximum value we set before! This indicates that we have completed this masterpiece with full marks!"

Bo Shizun said solemnly.

There was a strong sense of excitement and satisfaction in his words.

During this process.

For the first time he felt that he was alone.

Real people.

Although it is now an unbridled blob of data.

Wang Wei's behavior gave him this strange feeling.

Wang Wei laughed: "It's worth celebrating!"

With that said, he walked towards the outside: "The rest of the work is left to you!"

"Don't worry! Everything is OK with me!"

Bo Shizun said with a smile.

He then asked: "Father! The Qiang 5 modification project is about to be completed. Do we want the two aircraft to be tested together?"

When the robot automatically produced H-6 related accessories, Wang Wei and Bo Shizun also improved the Qiang 5.

Due to the limited space of Qiang 5, its energy system only has one meter-class stellarator and ten sets of repulsion engines that have been emasculated by 50% of its power.

According to the calculations of Wang Wei and Bo Shizun, this set of repulsion engines is enough to allow the Qiang 5's combat radius to reach 20,000 kilometers.

It can be active in the mid-blue star orbit range.

You must know that this orbit is the orbit where GPS satellites, Gloras satellites and other types of satellites are located.

it's here.

The attack range of Strong 5 can attack all satellites surrounding Blue Star.

Compared with Qiang 5, where Master 6 can go now has issues such as long-distance combat radius and battery life.

Wang Wei only made assumptions based on the data given by the system.

Master 6 can now freely navigate and travel within a space of 500,000 kilometers in diameter.

If you carry enough resources, you can even go farther distances.

If you want to reach Mars, or go to the edge of the solar system, you need multiple repulsion engines working at the same time, you need a controllable nuclear fusion reactor with greater output energy, and you need a larger hull as a carrier.

If he wants to go to an area hundreds of light years away, Wang Wei really has no choice.

after all.

If you want to arrive in a short time, you must need a jump engine.

Wang Wei doesn't dare to think about this now.

Based on the data provided by the system, it is already an accident to be able to reach the moon from Blue Star.

Wang Wei nodded after hearing this: "In that case! Let's deduce it for a few days! I just want to take this opportunity to rest for two days!"


Bo Shizun controlled Ke Qing and made an OK gesture towards Wang Wei: "Leave the strong 5 to me!"

In addition to engines, cloaking devices, stellarators, and armor.

Qiang 5 is completely produced by Bo Shizun’s own independent thinking.

Snap! Snap!

Wang Wei came outside along the spiral staircase.


…please give me flowers………………

A soldier standing on both sides of the stairs saluted Wang Wei.

Wang Wei saluted in response.

There are currently 12 soldiers in the base.

Among these 12 soldiers, 1 is guarding the stairs leading down, 2 are guarding the entrance of the base, 2 are guarding the tower, 2 are guarding the hangar outside, 2 are guarding the gate, and the remaining 3 soldiers are cooks Class members are responsible.

After these few months of construction.

The tower outside has been replaced with the latest quantum radar, quantum communication base station and amplifier, and is equipped with a neuron computer.

The tower uses intelligent AI that has completed red core simulation training, and is equipped with an aerospace control knowledge base, making it the only intelligent digital tower in the country and even the world.

Come outside.

Wang Wei stretched out and when he looked up, he saw a cloud of dust rising on the road outside the gate.


A car is coming!

Sun Min!

Wang Wei recognized the car model at a glance and realized the identity of the visitor.

these past few months.

Sun Min comes here almost every half month.

Sometimes she would come here by helicopter from the military region, and most of the time she would be driven here by cattle railway.

"Stop! Stop!"

When the car was about to arrive at the gate, the soldiers guarding the gate walked out of the guard box and stopped the car.

Niu Tietie turned his head and looked at the soldier. Seeing that he was a newcomer, he took out his military ID: "He's from Honghuang Headquarters!"

The soldier checked the military ID card, and after confirming it was authentic, he turned to look at Wang Wei.

Wang Wei smiled and nodded and said: "Xiao Yang! Let them come in!"

Squeak! Squeak!

The electric door opens automatically.

The cattle railway drove into the institute.

"Mr. Wang! I haven't seen you for a few days and you have lost weight again!"

Cow Rail got off the train and greeted.

Sun Min glared at Wang Wei and went straight to the trunk at the rear of the car.

The security personnel who came down with her walked over.

They took two large baskets from the car.

Inside are vacuum-packed beef and mutton, as well as some snacks and cooked food.

"Why are you so polite?"

Wang Wei smiled stupidly and hurriedly turned to the chef in the base and shouted: "Old Wu! Extra lunch for today! Let's eat roast beef shank! Come and get something quickly!"

At his greeting, the chef's greeting came from the position where the machine gunner's darkroom was originally located at the entrance of the base.

The darkroom on the left was transformed into a kitchen, and the darkroom on the right was transformed into a cold storage.

That’s just Sun Min’s amount of food.

The cold storage has been filled with chickens, ducks and geese, as well as various kidneys and oxtails sent by Zhou Xiaoxiao.

Couldn't finish it!


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