Game Dealer: Actually I Am A High-Tech Company

Chapter 37 This House Actually Doesn’T Cost Much, Only About 1 Billion!

A certain area in the Magic City Development Zone.

There is an old courtyard-style alley house here that is over a hundred years old.

It has a construction area of ​​2,000 square meters and an area of ​​4,000 square meters.

There are three buildings in total, the main building is 1,000 square meters, and the auxiliary buildings on both sides are 500 square meters.

There are Chinese-style small lakes, running water, rockeries and gardens in the courtyard, and there is also a vegetable garden in the corner on one side.

The courtyard is filled with flowers and lush greenery.

The three buildings are all in European style, and the interior decoration is in ancient Chinese style.

Screens, mahogany furniture, tables, chairs and benches are all Hailang Huanghuali furniture.

"Mr. Wang! I have arranged for someone to bring your family over. You shouldn't blame me for taking matters into your own hands, right?"

In the living room on the first floor of the old bungalow, Qu Donghai, the director of the Magic City Government, said with a smile.

Wang Wei has already visited this old bungalow under the leadership of Qu Donghai.

Although he doesn't like European-style buildings.

But he still particularly likes the interior decoration and external environment.

Especially this old bungalow is relatively close to the downtown area.

It is extremely convenient whether you are going to the vegetable market, strolling around the surrounding gardens or traveling.

"Where! Where! How much does Mr. Qu's old house cost? I'll ask the accountant to transfer it to you!"

Wang Wei shook his head repeatedly, and after saying a few polite words, he asked directly.

Qu Donghai said with a smile: "This is a special gift from our city government to thank you for your outstanding contribution to the city!"

"The most important thing is that a few dozen meters next to it is the district office of the Security Bureau, and diagonally opposite is the police investigation bureau in this area!"

"Your identity is no longer what it used to be, and your family deserves to be protected!"

"I'm worried that the elderly may not like the life of being stared at!"

"So, I specially found such a place!"

It was only after careful consideration that he found the only villa that met the standards.

after all.

No one wants to live like a prisoner.

But Wang Wei's identity and value destined his family to live an ordinary life.

During the conversation between the two.

Buzz! Buzz!

A transport truck loaded with pots, pans, clothes, bedding and other items drove into the courtyard.

Following closely behind the car was a black business sedan.

"Dad! Mom!"

Wang Wei walked up to him and introduced Qu Donghai to the two elders while greeting him.

He had already told his parents about his affairs.

The second elder knows his current identity.

In order not to affect my son.

The two decided decisively to move out of the old house where they had lived for more than ten years.

Qu Donghai stayed for a while, leaving his secretary here to help direct the workers. He and others took a bus to the general office building.

"Xiao Zhang! How much did this old house cost?"

Wang Wei pulled the secretary aside and asked casually.

His parents had already visited the old bungalow, and they were excitedly packing away pots, pans, and clothes.

While they were organizing their things, they discussed what vegetables to plant in the vegetable patch in the yard.

"It's not much! I just won 10 small targets!"

The secretary responded with a smile: "Mr. Wang! The city government has already paid the money! All water, electricity and property in the old house are free! The Security Bureau has also arranged reliable nannies, cleaners and drivers!"

"Thank you, Chief! I accept this favor!"

Wang Wei patted the secretary's hand.

When it's almost done.

It was time for Wang Wei to leave: "Mom and Dad! You can live here peacefully, my company will be busy for a while!"

"Dawei! As busy as you are, don't worry about us!"

His father, Wang Qingshan, was a straightforward person and waved his hand to drive Wang Wei away.

Mother He Cui quickly grabbed Wang Wei and asked expectantly: "Dawei! Look, this home is so big, even the two of us can't live in it!"

"I'm thinking that your grandparents and grandparents have nothing to do in your hometown now. How about inviting them to live with you?"

"Your second uncle and brother-in-law both have their own jobs, and they have been fulfilling their filial piety for us all these years! Now that our lives are better, it's time to bring our fourth elder over to enjoy our happiness!"

As she said that, her mother He Cui couldn't help but shed tears.

In the past, their family was not wealthy. Wang Qingshan and his wife were ordinary workers. They managed to save some savings, and Wang Wei used them to start a business.

Wang Wei has had no income for two years!

In order to make a living, Wang Qingshan, who had just retired, went to work as a gatekeeper for an unknown company, while Wang Wei's mother worked as a sorter in a supermarket.

I spent all day planning carefully for food, rice, oil and salt, so how could I have the thought and energy to take care of my four elders.

It's different now.

Now that the family has money, the two of them no longer have to run around.

It’s time for the four elders to take over and enjoy the blessings with them!

After hearing this, Wang Wei agreed with both hands: "I agree! If you want to let the second uncle and the younger uncle live together, that's no problem!"

"I'll arrange personnel and vehicles to pick you up!"

"That's right! I almost forgot! This is the pocket money I prepared for you two!"

"Tell me when you're done!"

After taking care of things at home.

Wang Wei left the old bungalow in a car.

After Wang Wei leaves.

Wang Qingshan logged into online banking based on the bank card password and account number.

"How many?"

Wang Wei’s mother He Cui couldn’t help but ask.

Wang Qingshan stared and stretched out his hand tremblingly, counting one by one: "Gudong! It seems to be 10 billion! ... Did I count it wrong! Please help me see!"

Twenty minutes later.

Wang Wei returned to Honghuang Tianming Technology Co., Ltd.

Fence panels on surrounding roads have been removed, and one-third of the scaffolding and safety netting on the park's exterior walls have been removed.

Most of the faces of the Stitch Monster in Liyue Port have appeared in the public eye.

on the road.

He saw many people stopping to take photos of the park.

Some people regard this place as a holy place to check in.

Wang Wei even saw several Internet celebrities excitedly talking about the only game project of Honghuang Destiny Technology Co., Ltd. - Genshin Impact on the sidewalk next to them.

"Dad Wang! Where is the server you promised me?"

He had just gotten out of the car and was immediately stopped by Zhou Xiaoxiao.

Zhou Xiaoxiao asked seriously and uneasily: "You can't make a mistake, right?"

"Geez! I've seen debt collectors! I've never seen debt collectors like you!"

Wang Wei glared at Zhou Xiaoxiao, and greeted him as he walked: "Go! Go! Go! Let me take a look! Don't let you send me another message at 12 midnight to remind me!"

This guy is possessed.

There are two reminders every day, once at 12 noon and once at 12 midnight.

For this reason, Wang Wei specifically blocked Zhou Xiaoxiao.

This bastard is extremely persistent.

The purpose is achieved through the company's email, work communication software, and text messages.

Fortunately, he had been concentrating on the equipment these past few days and had no time to worry about it.

Otherwise, I will be annoyed to death by this guy.



Wang Wei took Zhou Xiaoxiao into the mysterious third floor of the laboratory.

It's a mess here.

There are various tools, parts, and screws placed everywhere on the ground.

At the edge, there are cabinet-like instruments placed one by one.


Zhou Xiaoxiao saw something that looked like a human head on a table in the center of the flat floor.

He couldn't help but walked over.

"Come here! That's not for you!"

Wang Wei stopped Zhou Xiaoxiao.

That head-like thing is the neuron quantum computer that Wang Wei has painstakingly researched and built.

As he spoke, he moved out a home computer case.

"Holy shit! Brother! Don't scare me! This is the most advanced server in the world? Isn't this just an ordinary computer host?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at it, then frowned.

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