Game Dealer: Actually I Am A High-Tech Company

Chapter 45: Business Orders Before The Ceremony! More Than 20 Trillion National-Level Procurement!

"What? You want to replace our computer?"

Director of the Aeronautics and Space Administration Hong Tao was stunned and quickly refused: "Leader! Although we have a little money now, we can't waste it like this!"

As soon as these words came out, many research experts and professors started to persuade him.

"Yes! Leader! Our Aeronautics and Space Administration only replaced computers three years ago, and now we are replacing them? This is inappropriate! The money might as well be used for research!"

"This must be tens of billions or hundreds of billions! With this money, we are borrowing Academician Wang Wei's stellarator technology. Within three years, we will be able to build the Luan Bird air-to-space fighter!"

"Yes! As long as this thruster test is successful, we are confident that we can send our astronauts to the moon in the next two years, even if we build a base on it!"

"There is no need to spend this money!"

A group of people were almost red-eyed.

In their view, if the money is used for scientific research, it will definitely raise the overall scientific and technological level of Long Country to a higher level.

Use it to buy a computer!

Isn’t this a waste?

Besides, the computers developed by the state are only at this level, and it will take several years to upgrade them.

Computers produced with foreign technology are unreliable.

Changing the computer is of no use at all.

After the leader waited for everyone to finish speaking, he asked with a smile: "You really don't want to change?"

"Don't change! Don't change!"

Everyone shook their heads.

Hong Tao also cooperated: "You can transfer this money directly to our laboratory!"

His little abacus clicked.

Never let go of any opportunity for funding.

The leader nodded and said with pretense of regret: "Alas! I originally thought that you have very strong requirements for computing power! I am thinking of helping you all switch to supercomputing-level quantum computers, and cooperate with them to cultivate artificial intelligence. Neuronal computer!”

"With the cooperation of the two, you can also save some things and the project progress can be faster!"

"Since there is no need..."

He deliberately prolonged the ending.

Little did I know.

His words shocked the dozens of experts and professors present.

Everyone was stunned at this moment, as if there was a bell ringing in their heads.

This news shocked them so much that they were unable to speak for a while.

"Gudong! Leader! Are you telling the truth?"

Hong Tao swallowed and asked in a panic but with great expectations.

His voice was a little ragged, and there was a light hidden in his eyes.

These words brought everyone around back.

They looked directly at the leader.

The leader said seriously: "Of course I know! Shen Jian said that Wang Wei from Honghuang Destiny Technology Co., Ltd. has made a breakthrough in quantum computer and neuron computer technology, and this technology is already ready for public commercial sale!"

"I want to place the first order for an important department of our country before he sells it commercially!"

"Do you still want this computer?"

The inquiry sounded again.

Hong Tao and others panicked and begged in unison: "Yes! Yes! Yes! We want it! We definitely want it!"

after an hour.

Honghuang Destiny Technology Co., Ltd. headquarters building, in the office on the 16th floor.

Shen Jian looked at the important heads of various departments present and said excitedly: "According to the leader's No. 1 order! The Commerce Department will officially issue the order to Honghuang Destiny Technology Co., Ltd.! It can be executed!"

In the conference hall were only the heads of national units and key units such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Commerce Department, the Energy Department, the Longke Academy of Science and Technology, and the Academy of Engineering.

The remaining people from lower-level units were arranged to wait in another room.

Everyone had received a call from the leader before.

They are still mentally unstable now.

There is a shaky feeling when walking and moving.

It seems to be the aftermath of an earthquake.

"Mr. Wang! Can you introduce your quantum computer and neuron computer?"

Zhang Guozhong, Minister of Science and Technology, asked tremblingly.

They have already compiled the data.

The list is on the mobile phone of the Director of Commerce.

He wanted to see both computers in person before placing an order.

After Wang Wei learned about the country's ideas from Shen Jian, he decisively asked Sun Min and Zhang Kun from the data center to push out the samples he planned to use at the press conference.

Everyone heard the sound of the trolley and couldn't help but look up.

I saw Sun Min and Zhang Kun walking in from another door while pushing two computers.

Zhang Guozhong was slightly startled when he saw Zhang Kun, nodded quietly, and continued to look at the computer.

The two computers look very ordinary, one is exactly the same as the mainframe of an ordinary classic computer, and the other is twice as big.

Wang Wei took out his professional tools and took apart the chassis cover in twos and twos, showing everyone the inside scene one by one.

After his presentation is completed.

Zhang Guozhong felt bad after seeing it. He stood up excitedly, looked at Wang Wei and asked: "Mr. Wang! What are the internal components of your computer?"

“We produce them all independently!”

Wang Wei said seriously.


The Dean of the Academy of Engineering and the Dean of the Academy of Dragon Science both stood up.

Others don't know what this sentence means.

They have deep experience.

Universal quantum computer!

Universal neuron computer!

This means that Wang Wei has mastered chip technology that is even more advanced than today's most advanced chip technology.

This is just one of them!

This means that Honghuang has the technology to independently produce high-end chips!

This means that Longguo has since unlocked two neck-breaking technologies.

This means that Longguo no longer has to rely on others in this regard.

This means that Longguo has the confidence to overturn the table in many fields.

This means that the Dragon Kingdom has absolute technological hegemony in the fields of quantum and neurons.


It involves the advancement of hundreds of technologies related to new motherboard circuit technology, chip technology, heat dissipation technology, high-performance quantum memory, neuron chip technology, etc.

Let Longguo completely get rid of its dependence on foreign technology and theories in the current intelligence field.

Longguo will become the one who sets the rules in these two industrial chains!

The actual person in charge of all this is Wang Wei!

Wang Wei has mastered quantum and neuron technologies that are at least 50 or even 100 years beyond today's science and technology.

This is too scary!

"Phew! Mr. Wang, on behalf of the country, I have officially sent an order for these two products from your company! Please be sure to meet the country's needs as soon as possible!"

Qi Chang, Director of the Department of Commerce, already knew through the emotional expressions of Zhang Guozhong, Minister of Science and Technology, and Deans of the Long Academy of Engineering, that these two technologies must be real.

He immediately decided and sent an electronic file directly to Wang Wei.

They all use state-made mobile phones. As long as they are within a certain range, even if the two are not friends in the communication software, they can transfer files by specifying the target.

After Wang Wei received the list, his eyes moved. He looked at Qi Chang in disbelief and asked, "Is the country serious? This is an order of at least 20 trillion yuan!"

He only made a rough calculation.

The country has ordered a total of more than 100,000 quantum computers and neuron computers in this order.

"Of course! The country is no joke! In addition, I have to inform you that units in all provinces, cities and towns will also be replaced by your company's quantum computers. Please prepare in advance!"

Qi Chang, Director of the Department of Commerce, said with a smile: "The military will definitely place an order as well!"


Sun Min was so frightened that she almost fell to the ground. She looked at the computer in front of her in shock and whispered: "Oh my God! It's not on sale yet! The two of them easily got such a big deal." An order with a huge amount of money? If this is sold to the public, the company’s assembly line must not explode!”

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