Game Dealer: Actually I Am A High-Tech Company

Chapter 71 Technical Reporting Meeting! The Quantum Communication Center Is Built!

Dragon Kingdom, in a conference hall in the capital city.

Yan Qinghong, an expert on the national nuclear-powered aircraft carrier project, is reporting to the leadership: "Leader! The aircraft carrier project on the stellarator has been tested! The test results far exceed the data of the Ford!"

After hearing this, the old man smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Okay! Okay! Okay! How are the other projects going?"

Since Wang Wei submitted the stellarator technology, the aircraft carrier project team began to study the technology of aircraft carriers on the stellarator.

Originally, the technology had been successfully installed on the ship.

Not long ago, after Wang Wei gave a gift.

The country disperses various technologies to various cutting-edge project groups.

Through the integration of data and technology.

Each project team has made another technical breakthrough.

After a new round of improvements, they re-tested.

The results are encouraging.

That's why this report meeting was held.

After listening to Yan Qinghong's story, I was extremely pleased: "Wang Wei's gift is really important to us!"

The chief engineer of the laser weapon project team was even more excited: "Leader! We have achieved the test of a high-energy laser beam with an output power of 2W kilowatts!"

He displayed the relevant data and test content on the projector.

The effective range of the high-energy laser beam tested was 100 kilometers.

They also equipped the radar with a neuron computer.

Equipped with new computers.

The tested high-energy laser cannon can not only accurately intercept drones, but also accurately intercept supersonic missiles.

Next, they are preparing to conduct a higher power output test.

Now that the stellarator is used as an energy supply device, coupled with the computing capabilities of a universal quantum computer, this also gives the project team great confidence.

Then the chief engineers of the rocket project team, fighter project team, and other teams presented their results respectively.


and at the same time.

Wang Wei, who had been busy all night, had just received a communication module for testing from a young expert.

He came to the quantum laboratory with the drawings he spent half the night making.

"Everyone! I have a project here that needs to be delivered to you. I wonder if you are interested in completing it together?"

Wang Wei looked at everyone and asked solemnly.

As soon as these words came out.

Whether it was the working experts and professors in the laboratory or the group of experts and professors who came to study and exchange, everyone enthusiastically expressed their wishes: "I am absolutely willing!"

This is the opportunity they are waiting for.

Yesterday's test made them aware.

Wang Wei is definitely conducting new experimental research, and it is still about quantum communication.

After Zhang Xuec came back last night, he held a meeting with everyone. The key point was that they were willing to participate in this operation and were willing to sign a confidentiality agreement and various technology use restriction agreements.

Even if they can't use Wang Wei's technology after they return, they are still happy.

Because they can progress from this project and learn advanced quantum knowledge and skills.

To know.

Before they came, they personally "dissected" a quantum computer, and the architecture inside was different from the one they are using now.

This completely changed their minds.

Although the key components and important parts were burned after the computer was turned on, they still did not give up.

Ultimately, they didn't get any valuable technology from the wreckage.

This shows that Wang Wei has achieved the ultimate in technical protection.

As for how Wang Wei did it, they guessed that it must be by increasing the voltage to burn the internal components, but they couldn't do it as perfectly as Wang Wei did.


On the way here, they had already made a strategy.

Be sure to keep at it.

Be sure to see new quantum technologies here at Wang Wei.

During this time, they also came into contact with some of Wang Wei's disclosed technologies and knowledge in the laboratory, which made them more determined in their ideas.

Today I finally cleared away the clouds and saw the sun and moon.

Everyone was so moved that they almost cried.

Some people's eyes were wet.

"Don't be so excited, everyone! You just help me make some parts!"

Wang Wei looked at this group of people who were so easily moved in surprise and quickly explained.

Zhang Xuece looked at Wang Wei and asked seriously: "Academician Wang! Can we learn your quantum technology?"

"Uh! If you want my core technology, I can only say sorry! But I can give you basic quantum knowledge. As long as you study these theories thoroughly, you can complete such technology like me! It's free Yes! The friendship price is 10,000 per person! Don’t think too much!”

Wang Wei said seriously.

It is impossible to give them core technologies.

However, the basics of scientific theory, quantum theory and demonstration methods can be taught to them.

Zhang Xuece and others looked happy after hearing this. They had no expectation of getting the core technology, and that was all they wanted.

Now that they have received Peng Kun's permission, everyone is extremely happy.

"thank you!"

"Mr. Wang! You are so kind!"

"If you have any use for me in the future, just tell me!"

Everyone crowded over to shake hands with Wang Wei one by one.

Only then, with the help of laboratory director Hu Hailong and expert professor Zhang Xuece, Wang Wei assigned various tasks and opened the access rights to the equipment room of the laboratory building for everyone. 0

Time passed little by little.

A blink of an eye.

Eight days passed by in a blink of an eye………………

Wang Wei has forgotten everything else these days. He spends all day working on quantum communication base stations and amplifiers with people in the laboratory. Sometimes he only sleeps 4 hours a day, and sometimes he sleeps 7 hours.

this day.

Wang Wei led everyone to the top floor of the experimental building, where he led everyone to complete the construction of the quantum communication base station.

On the roof of the building, people from the engineering department were installing a sub-encrypted communication amplifier according to the drawings given by Wang Wei.

The amplifier looks like the psychic beacon in the Red Alert game.

Its bottom module is encapsulated in a sealed metal cover, the cylinder is a titanium alloy module, and the corresponding communication amplification facilities are encapsulated inside.

After the amplifier quantum communication base station is connected.

Wang Wei turned on the quantum computer responsible for controlling the two devices, and made digital settings for the corresponding power based on the values ​​given by the system.

After completing it, he turned on the device directly.

In the detection window of the computer screen, a large number of Chinese prompts and various numerical values ​​appeared.

Zhang Xuec and everyone looked at the dense information on the screen and couldn't help but ask: "Academician Wang! Is it successful?"

From the beginning to now, they have completely known what Wang Wei is doing.

If this technology is successful.

Then Longguo will completely complete the leap in broadband mobile communication technology of an era.

What 5G, 6G!

In front of it are all younger brothers.


Not even a grandson.

This is a quantum long-distance communication system!

According to quantum entanglement theory.

It can be transmitted instantly regardless of distance.

This will be Dragon Kingdom’s unique network infrastructure.

It is also one of the necessary technologies for the Dragon Kingdom to move towards the universe. 0.5

Think of this.

The light blooming in everyone's eyes is getting hotter and hotter.

This is the technology they are involved in!

As soon as they think of this, everyone wants to run over and hug Wang Wei.

Wang Wei looked at the data on the screen detection window carefully, nodded and said: "The self-test has been completed! All equipment is operating normally, only the distance and communication tests are needed!

"I am honored to inform you that the Quantum Communication Center of Honghuang Destiny Technology Co., Ltd. has been officially completed!"

He looked at everyone and said solemnly: "Thank you for your efforts during this time! Regardless of whether you are from our laboratory or not, as long as you have contributed to our company, please accept the bonus you deserve!"

"100,000 per person! Don't think it's too little!"

"In addition! The exchange group led by Professor Zhang will also get the theory I promised. You can see it on the computer in your guest room when you go back. Remember to pay the tuition!"

After hearing this, everyone laughed excitedly: "Haha!"

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