Game Dealer: Actually I Am A High-Tech Company

Chapter 74 Polarized Optical Folding Technology! Holographic Optical Technology!

"Report! Is Zhizhiboshizun on the restricted list? It is now the national network security ambassador. Can you invite it to build the Digital Great Wall with me?"

The voice of the intellectual Nuwa rang in the conference hall.

He Run from the Security Department was moved after hearing this.


Bo Shizun is the first person with electronic ID card in the Dragon Kingdom and is also the network security ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom. It can no longer be regarded as someone else's intelligent AI.

This is a digital life with self-awareness and the ability to think independently.

Judge based on current capabilities.

Bo Shizun's ability far exceeds that of Nuwa.

Although the two intelligences came from the same training system, Nuwa had to be more disciplined and reasonable.

Bo Shizun has an out-of-the-box personality and speaks very casually.

This crisis was caused by Bo Shizun, and it also made the country realize how lethal unconstrained intelligent AI can be.

"Limitations must be limited!"

Zhang Guozhong, the Minister of Science and Technology, thought: "But there are some issues that must be explained clearly to it! Sooner or later, the world will be over!"

"In the short term, other countries may speculate that this is our fault, and may also suspect other forces!"

"As time goes by, there will be more and more intelligent AIs in the Dragon Kingdom, and there will even be robots with the ability to think independently. Will they still not be able to figure out the reason?"

"So! Things can be done, just do it once to deter them!"

He thought to himself.

The commander-in-chief of the five military regions 243 indeed had another idea.

"Bo Shizun gave us a new combat idea. Although this idea has been discussed for a long time, due to the immaturity of intelligent AI technology, it was shelved after one or two tentative experiments!"

"Now is the time to revive that plan!"

"Intellect is truly remarkable!"

"Who will dare to show off in front of us in the future?"

Wang Zhiyong and others looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

They are all old friends, and you can tell what the other person is thinking with just one glance.

The old man looked at the people at the table and said with a smile: "Nuwa contacted Bo Shizun and asked him to build the Digital Great Wall with you! Also let him participate in the construction of restrictions on intelligent AI, as well as issues such as digital communities!"

"The restrictions for his safety are completely unnecessary!"

"Tell him not to cause trouble recently! Someone has already become suspicious!"

Magic City.

The laboratory building of Honghuang Destiny Technology Co., Ltd.

Bo Shizun displayed a human model on the computer screen. He said with a sad face: "Father! I have been warned!"

It’s time to stop!”

Wang Wei nodded. He was screening the materials for VR glasses frames.

(cjee) If you want to realize virtual reality, you must first understand how the human eye works.

The lens of the human eye is equivalent to a convex lens that can automatically adjust the focus, changing the incident light to focus it on the retina.

When we look at distant objects, the lens is relaxed and the light reflected from the object enters the lens almost parallel.

When an object like a fly is close to the eye, in order to maintain focus, the convexity of the lens is really large, allowing the object to be imaged on the retina.

If the fly is too close to the eye, beyond the maximum accommodation limit of the lens, the human eye will lose focus.

It can be judged from this that it is difficult for the human eye to see objects within 7 centimeters of us.

VR glasses are generally 3 cm away from the human eye, and the VR helmet display screen is approximately 3 cm to 7 cm away from the person.

This also leads to the reason why the lenses of VR glasses and the headsets of helmets need to use special lenses.

Lenses are needed that can re-correct light so our eyes can focus.

Nowadays, most VR glasses use Fresnel lenses.

This design was originally used in lighthouses.

It allows the construction of lenses with larger apertures, which are characterized by short focal lengths.

However, the amount, weight and volume of lens materials are smaller than those of ordinary lens materials.

Fresnel lenses are thinner than earlier lenses and therefore can transmit more light.

Therefore, in order to improve the head display and lens field angle and reduce the weight and thickness of the lens, many VR manufacturers use Fresnel lenses as the design solution for ultra-short throw lenses.

In recent years, some foreign institutions have proposed a concept model of VR glasses, which is called polarized optical folding technology.

It looks like a regular pair of sunglasses.

The lens is very thin, less than 9 mm thick, and the field of view is comparable to today's consumer VR products.

This is a holographic optical technology.

This technique reduces the distance between the actual display and the lens that focuses the image.

Through polarization-based optical folding technology, light can be controlled to move back and forth within the lens, so that this blank space can be traversed multiple times, folding the original required space into a small part.

The technology Wang Wei obtained is very similar to this technology.

If we say that the optical folding technology of Blue Star polarization is in its infancy at present.

The technology Wang Wei obtained is mature holographic optical technology.

Through this optical technology, Wang Wei only needs to build a few holographic modules on the frames of glasses to realize the technology of a physical holographic interactive screen condensed by light particles without the need for lenses.

This technology can adjust the distance and size of the interface from the eyes according to the user's comfort.

It can also be paired with an intelligent AI auxiliary module to scan and quickly identify all information in the user's scene.

Just like the glasses given to Spider-Man by Marvel's Iron Man.

In order to be able to "not affect" others.

Glasses equipped with holographic optical technology can also project lenses that fit the frame in the frame area, and also have full-angle anti-peep function.

If you want to realize all these functions through a frame as thin and small as sunglasses, you need highly integrated tiny components, as well as a protective case that can protect it from damage due to vibration and falling.

The protective case also needs to be equipped with corresponding heat dissipation functions.

After all, the main purpose of these glasses is to enter the virtual reality metaverse.

Games have very high requirements on hardware and will also bring a lot of heat.

At the same time, Wang Wei also needs to use the technology provided by the system to produce a new type of battery based on tungsten alloy.

This kind of battery has high power, small size and strong flexibility. The plasticity and conductivity are much higher than other battery characteristics.

Thinking about the production of the entire VR glasses, Wang Wei was also distracted, constantly feeding various materials into the inspection warehouse of the inspection robot.


He found the right material.

Titanium alloy!

This is an alloy used in aerospace materials. It is a material obtained by alloying titanium with other metal elements. It has relatively ideal thermal conductivity.

Its thermal conductivity is between 20 and 30W/(m.k), which is higher than many other materials.

The size of the thermal conductivity determines the heat transfer performance of a material. A high thermal conductivity means that heat can be transferred out quickly.

The thermal conductivity of titanium alloys mainly comes from its special crystal structure and the interaction between atoms.

"Okay! Use this material to make the main infrastructure of VR glasses, game chambers and consciousness projection helmets based on the production drawings in folder No. 5!"

Wang Wei nodded and ordered to Bo Shizun: "Arrange the mold production line and start working at full strength! If the materials are not enough, arrange for people to transport them from the warehouse! We have tens of millions of tons of titanium alloy, just let it go!" .

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