Game Dealer: Actually I Am A High-Tech Company

Chapter 88: A Little Flavor Of Life! Wang Zhiyong’S Invitation!

"Does this also need to be promoted?"

Wang Zhiyong asked in shock.

He and Wu An both experienced a consciousness projection helmet.

That feeling is indeed what Wang Wei said.

This technology is so mysterious.

He had an indescribable feeling.

"Yeah! Open to the whole world!"

Wang Wei nodded and said.

This is his mission!

That was what he had in mind when he founded the company.

After hearing this, Wang Zhiyong asked doubtfully: "Right now, the whole world is experiencing a network outage. Although the World Network Reconstruction Conference will be held in our country's capital in a week, no one can guarantee that this network will be able to be rebuilt. success!"

"If you want to promote it to the whole world, this is a very difficult problem!"

"Unless you do a stand-alone game!"

This conference was promoted by the Dragon Kingdom, and countries around the world responded one after another.

It is intended to build a new network and formulate new network security rules.

This is actually an opportunity for Long Guo to show off its embroidery muscles.

If this meeting is successful.

Longguo will redefine Internet protocol rules to launch 5.5G technology.

So far, 178 countries have announced their participation.

Yingjiang, Asan and other countries were hesitant.

To know.

The Internet was first established in Yingjiang, with the purpose of linking Yingjiang's five supercomputer centers.

Subsequently, the network continued to expand and became an international network.

Network protocols and rules, as well as corresponding technical indicators, etc. are all customized by Yingjiang.

at the moment.

Yingjiang suffered heavy losses and took the initiative to shut down the international network. This caused some countries that relied on this network to completely lose their network. It also caused various countries to no longer be connected to the Internet and became network islands.

Long Guo wants to take this opportunity to build the world's most powerful network database using quantum computers and neuron computers as the main body.

On this basis, a network linking countries will be established.

Make new rules!

This is also a manifestation of the strong national power of the Dragon Kingdom.

Wang Wei laughed after hearing this: "I don't need the current network! I have already built a quantum network center! Through it, I can connect the equipment produced by my company to this network and enter the game anywhere in the world~ 々!"

"It is independent of current broadband mobile communication networks!"

Then Wang Wei introduced his technology and let Wang Zhiyong see the relevant test data.

At present, a small number of people are still testing outside.

It is expected to be completed in 5 days.

These data are mainly an important basis for Wang Wei to verify system technology, and are also data proof for Wang Wei to sell corresponding equipment to the country.

This quantum network can be a gaming network.

It can also be a global communication network controlled by the state.

It can not only build one such equipment within the scope, but also build multiple ones to run in parallel with multiple networks.

You can also communicate with multiple networks!

It all depends on the architect's ideas.

Wang Zhiyong was shocked after hearing this. He looked at Wang Wei and asked solemnly: "Can this technology be applied to radar?"

"Theoretically there is interoperability! But I really don't have time to study this technology!"

Wang Wei nodded and did not deny it.

This set of quantum theory can not only be applied to radar, but can also be used in space station communications, mobile communications and other projects.

He is following the system tasks now, and other technologies are not what he is considering now.

“We bought this technology!”

Wang Zhiyong glanced at Wu An and said solemnly.

Wu An's face changed slightly and he quickly said: "Chief! We have no money!"

"It doesn't matter! The country has money!"

Wang Zhiyong laughed, took Wang Wei's arm, and said excitedly: "Follow me to Beijing tomorrow! I'll take you to see the leader! Bring all your equipment, your network, and your game plan!"

"At the international conference in a week, you can take the opportunity to promote your game. As for whether those countries are willing to let it enter the country, it depends on your eloquence!"

he said with a smile.

His original intention is still technology.

If not to help Wang Wei promote the game.

This guy will probably stay in Magic City and wait until the game is successful before he starts promoting it.

after all.

Honghuang Destiny Technology Co., Ltd. takes a more serious attitude towards games than all game companies.

"Uncle Wang! Wait for me for five days! Let's go to the capital together in five days!"

Wang Wei's eyes moved after hearing this, and he explained: "I still have some incomplete detection of global wireless communication data! When all are completed, it will be more convincing!"

"Okay! I will wait for you for 5 days!"

Wang Zhiyong smiled and said: "Don't forget! My VR glasses!"

He gave a few more instructions before leaving with a few people.

Wait until Wang Zhiyong leaves.

Wang Wei ordered to Bo Shizun: "Three lines are running at full speed! In addition, prepare materials for me, I will build more production lines!"

Although Wang Zhiyong only came to purchase on behalf of the Tiandong Military Region.

But this meeting also made Wang Wei realize that orders from the military region may follow one after another.

Everything about software design is easy to talk about, and it doesn't take long to figure it out.

Equipment productivity is an issue.

Fortunately, he now has no shortage of equipment.

With a little modification, the production of the equipment can be completed.

Bo Shizun responded: "Father! The company has almost used up the materials! You need to bring a few more boxes of materials from the warehouse!"


Wang Wei nodded, took out his phone, dialed the warehouse, and gave the number of containers to pick up.

After completing these.

He sat in front of the computer again and started designing.

It's evening.

Before he could tell Bo Shizun to arrange for the robot to prepare the meal.

The electronic bell on the third floor rang.

*¯||Who is it?”

Wang Wei asked.

Bo Shizun immediately responded: "Father! This is Mistress Sun Min!"

Wang Wei's heart moved and he quickly stood up and went out to greet him.

I saw Sun Min holding a set of lunch boxes in his hand.

He smiled and said: "Come in!"

"I'd better forget it! I won't reveal your secret!"

Sun Min lost her temper. She had just suffered from her father's anger.

The more I thought about it after I came back, the more uncomfortable I became.

This is not just a pretext of delivering food, but he wants to come over and stimulate me.

Wang Wei took Sun Min's hand and said with a smile: "I have developed several gaming devices here! Do you want to try them out?"

Sun Min's eyes moved and he asked curiously: "Are most of the people in the project team working on your new project?"

"Yeah! What they have completed is the main body of the game, and here is a real experience device! A super real VR experience, (good, good) including your favorite fighting game!"

Wang Wei said with a smile.

This time, he successfully brought Sun Min into the flat floor.

He placed the lunch box on the table and sent Sun Min into the game room: "Dear! I believe you will enjoy an extraordinary experience!"

"Hmph! Don't even look at who I am! A fighting master! Arcade, computer, and bully! Who dares to say that fighting games are better than me in getting pregnant?"

Sun Min said proudly.

She tried to lie down, and the soft and comfortable feeling made her heart move: "Don't mention it yet! Your game room is so comfortable! It can even be used as a bed!"

As she spoke, the playhouse closed.

Sun Min entered the game.



Soon, Sun Min's shout came from the game warehouse. She did not leave the game, but continued to start a new game.

Wang Wei sat in front of the computer screen, watching his girlfriend being beaten in the game, listening to the pleasant sounds, tasting the sweet and delicious food, humming a ditty in his heart: "Life has various tastes, life needs to smile..." ....".

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