Game Dealer: Actually I Am A High-Tech Company

Chapter 96 The Three Major Communications Operators Come To Your Door!

In the fan support center on the side of the reception hall on the second floor of the company, Wang Wei was standing at the door looking at the empty room. He ordered Sun Min: "Prepare a bar for this place! A sensor!"

"What? You still want to run this place into an Internet cafe?"

Sun Min glared at Wang Wei, and she immediately understood what Wang Wei was thinking.

You are such a big company.

Open an Internet cafe on the second floor of the company building?

Where is your nobility?

Where is your pride?

It’s too tacky!

"It's free! Every week, lucky domestic players will be selected from Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact, and they will be invited to come to our Magic City to play for two days and experience the game at our headquarters for one day!"

Wang Wei said seriously: "These are our little ancestors! We must make them feel at home here!"

"What about the cost of accommodation and travel?"

Sun Min blinked.

Wang Wei said with a smile: "The company all reported "323" sales!"

The two quickly discussed the matter and decided to build this place into an Internet cafe.

Not long after, Lao Fu from the engineering team came over with the architectural drawings of the small square.

After he heard Wang Wei and Sun Min's ideas, he directly found several plans for them from his mobile phone.

"Okay! Lao Fu! When did your army also undertake to build an Internet cafe?"

Wang Wei asked with a smile.

He quickly chose a mechanical sci-fi style decoration style.

Lao Fu said mysteriously: "The troops need it!"

These are the decoration pictures of the military electronic training rooms in various military regions.

Each decoration style represents different combat simulation training needs.

Since these decoration drawings do not involve confidential projects, they are allowed to be shown to customers.

After finalizing the project.

Wang Wei discussed with Lao Fu the subsequent construction and reinforcement project of the production building.

Wait until Lao Fu is sent away.

Sun Min looked at Wang Wei: "Brother! The company is also making money now! Isn't it time to consider charity!"

"Well! My idea is the same as before, to build roads and schools in impoverished mountainous areas! Provide networks there so that the people there can know the news outside the mountains!

Wang Wei nodded, he already had some ideas about charity.

A month ago, he secretly funded more than 30 poor college students in his father's name.

Sun Min blinked: "You and I thought about going together! With our current quantum communication network, coupled with the corresponding equipment, only one unit is needed to connect villages and towns without network to the Internet, so that we can help them Live broadcast, selling agricultural products and mountain products!”

She talked a lot.

She had such an idea after the first dividend before the company's shares were sufficient.

She gained more than Yilong coins.

Before that time, her idea was to wait until I had money.

Clear shopping cart!

Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy!


Her thoughts changed dramatically.

She is afraid.

Fear of becoming materialistic.

I am afraid that one day I will fall in the eyes of money and deny my relatives.

I am afraid that I will be like the rich wives on TV, looking at my past self with a condescending look.

After a period of worrying about gains and losses.

She thought about charity.

Before that, she helped dozens of children who almost died because they couldn't afford to see the doctor.

Now with the development of my career, it is getting smoother and smoother.

Her consciousness and work style are also changing.

The two quickly formulated the matter into a document and sent it to individual shareholders.

Although this is Wang Wei's talk.

But in some matters, shareholders still have the right to know.


The director-general of the Modu City Government sent a message on behalf of Modu City, willing to contact the city and town government in the mountainous area for the company so that the company can better carry out public welfare activities.

Wang Zhiyong from the military region gave Wang Wei a list of impoverished villages and towns encountered by the army during project construction, as well as places with real difficulties.

There are also detailed analysis reasons and suggestions, etc.

Employees on the union side expressed support.

Wang Wei finalized the matter as quickly as possible and then asked the accountant to allocate 1 billion.

Sun Min took financial assistant Hu Ke and several employees from the engineering department to inspect the three places on the list given by Zhu Zhiyong.

After arranging this matter.

Xu Weiwei, who had just replaced Sun Min as vice president, immediately called Wang Wei.

"Wang Wei! The heads of the three major communication operations departments have come to Shanghai together. They want to see you!"

Xu Weiwei reported carefully.

Wang Wei's eyes moved after hearing this: "It's finally here!"

He immediately arranged: "Just ask them to come directly! When they arrive, ask them to find me in the conference room on the top floor!"

The main reason why the three major departments came to him this time was the quantum communication base station and amplifier.

Wang Wei’s quantum network is too stable, the transmission speed is too fast, and the operating cost is extremely low………………

After coordination by the state, the three major departments finally decided to operate together.

This indicates that the country's network will be completely replaced by quantum networks.

But for related technical needs and detailed matters, they need to discuss with Wang Wei.


The heads of the three major departments came to the company and entered the conference room under the leadership of Xu Weiwei.

Wang Wei shook hands with the three of them one by one. After sitting down, tea was served as a courtesy.

"Mr. Wang! We have seen your technical data! This is our requirement for international public networks, please take a look!"

The boss of Telecom handed Wang Wei a document.

After Wang Wei took the document, his eyes moved: "Hierarchical network architecture? You are going to rebuild a new national network outside of the international network! This method is indeed possible!"

The telecom boss nodded and made a request: "The computing power of quantum computers has provided us with great help, and it has also given hackers unprecedented personal attack capabilities."

"So, we need to have a strong network security defense system!"

"Now that the country is building the Digital Great Wall, we also want the network maintained by the company to have its own security defense system to cooperate with the country in completing dual or multiple data protection tasks!"

"In addition! We need to know our operating costs and charging items! After all, the quantum network is completely different from the previous network. The previous charging methods can no longer keep up with the requirements of the times!"

Wang Wei combined the documents he saw and nodded: "I probably know what you think in 2.4!"

"Every step you take will leave traces, and these traces cannot be erased on the Internet! All data will be stored in the database!"

"Although a hacker is powerful, as long as it enters the quantum network, it will definitely be traceless!"

Regarding security, my suggestion is to cultivate a network security intelligent AI specifically to maintain the security of network data!"

"Our company has a training program specifically for intelligent AI, you deserve it!"

"As for the operation, it depends on your own ideas! I will provide comprehensive technical documentation!"

"In addition, let me explain that this is also approved by the state!"

"My gaming network and your communication network are communicating in parallel!"

"Therefore, I will give you a certain discount!"

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