Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 114 Security Booth Simulator

Carter did not respond to the player's questioning. He did not want to tell anyone about his ideals and aspirations until the platform was officially established.

Seeing that they couldn't get a relevant response from Carter, they collectively came to the Weibo of Germination Studio.

'Have you quarreled? '

‘Don’t, I still recognize Brother Carter very much in my heart. '

'Is it really a breakup? '

‘Brother Carter, you are so confused, come and apologize to the old thief! '

‘Old thief, Carter offended me before, I apologize to you on his behalf, please forgive him. '


Ye Feng couldn't help laughing at the messages on the Germination Studio account, and he sent all the screenshots to Carter.

"Go forward without looking back."

Ye Feng left a last sentence.

He knows that leaving the familiar environment and the platform before him is a very confusing thing, but look, there are so many players who like you.

At the same time, Germination Studio also responded to the player's message.

[We are fine, please don't say such words that hinder unity! 】

As soon as the news was sent out, Carter was the first to like it.

From this point of view, it does not seem like a quarrel.

But why...

This time, the players were stunned, how could someone give up their bright future and leave the job?

Obviously, the Great Xia Country is no longer in the decline of the past! Didn't you see that the new regional director came on the day you left?

Such a sought-after position, have you really left?

It's just that no matter how the players asked, Carter didn't disclose any news.

The new person in charge of Daxia Country invited Ye Feng out for a meal to connect with him, but he always felt that he couldn't establish a real relationship with the other party.

He thought it was because he didn't understand the customs of Daxia, so he specially consulted some experts in interpersonal communication in Daxia, and the reply he got was that it is better to give charcoal in the snow than to add icing on the cake.

And what Daxia people care most about is the relationship that grows with mutual support.

"If the person you're talking about values ​​camaraderie, it's going to be super hard for you to form a new relationship, especially if it's based on a business relationship."

As soon as these words came out, the new person in charge was stunned.

Does that person value camaraderie?

must be taken seriously,

When he wanted to play Titanfall by himself, when BT threw himself out and said, "Trust me", he buried his head in his arms, and a 1.8 meter man cried like this.

All of a sudden, he remembered the picture that Black Star had sent just now, and he automatically imagined that he buried his head under the table, and the game designer propped his head up and asked in a low voice.

'Are you really crying? '

Good luck, Carter~

After hanging up with the expert, he couldn't help but sighed,

Because it's like the emotions shown in the game.

Emotions are precious only after they have been experienced. Although I don’t know why that kid Carter left the job, if he and Black Star didn’t quarrel,

Resignation must have a greater opportunity.

But now, I just need to hold on to my current position, and hope that after a long time, they can really bring me to play together.

This matter only caused a period of heat in China, and there was not much disturbance in the international arena.

Carter's resignation did not affect the accumulation of bonuses in the horror game's prize pool at all, and after the fall of the Titans, the accumulation of money in the prize pool increased significantly.

Whether it is domestic or foreign players, they are constantly pouring money into it at this time.

In the words of many players, after experiencing so many games, I have no reason not to look forward to new games.

The more exciting the games that the old thief made before, the more he wants to feel the fear created by the old thief.

Just thinking about it is a state where the hairs are standing on end.

'There are more and more game makers announcing their participation in the production of horror games this time, MD, this amount of money is really enviable. '

'Just ask if Black Star is under a lot of pressure! So many people plan to step on you to become a god! '

'I also invested a lot of money in it, and I would really feel sorry if the old thief didn't get it. '

'There is pressure to be motivated! '

'If the old thief can't win the final prize, I'll just eat the ****! '

‘Come to cheat again, right? '

‘How could the old thief satisfy his pica? '


At this time, the bonus has become 800 million. Any game designer who sees it will want to come in and have a try.

Especially when everyone knows in their hearts that most of the money in it was invested in old thieves.

But who hasn't imagined that he is the hero in the plot of Shuangwen?

At this time, the old thief is like the world's number one villain, and those bonuses are like tributes from villagers all over the world to the evil dragon.

Now who doesn't want to be this dragon slaying warrior, who doesn't want to defeat the old thief to be noticed by the world, and who doesn't want to defeat the old thief to get all the wealth of the evil dragon?

Among the participating manufacturers this time, there are indeed many people who are trying to make a small fortune.

It is impossible for this project to raise money endlessly, and it is impossible to stop it forever. When the first designer uploads information about the game, it is the time when the game stops crowdfunding and recruits external designers.

And three months after the first designer uploaded the complete game, the rest of the game manufacturers also need to upload their own game files, otherwise they will be regarded as waiver.

When Ye Feng uploaded the first game-related infographic, the participating game designers were completely dumbfounded.

Nima! you so fast

Don't you want players to put a little more money into the prize pool?

Obviously, the growth of the amount in the prize pool has not slowed down.

Ye Feng looked at the prize pool set at 800 million. He didn't pay attention to this thing some time ago, and he didn't expect that it would exceed his expectations if he was not careful.

The amount here is enough, after all, the players are not being taken advantage of.

After Ye Feng uploaded the first game-related picture, all players who had invested money in the prize pool received this reminder.

[Sprout Studio has uploaded the first game information, and crowdfunding has ended. 】

'I am! What an expensive old thief, too fast! '

'Just what does the picture mean? '

'This little room looks a little out of place, it looks like something that came out of nowhere. '

‘The old thief probably just wants to suspend crowdfunding. After all, there is really too much money in the prize pool. One thing to say, this picture looks like a security booth. '

‘Any picture sent by the old thief will be meaningful, just like the previous agreement three, now giving a security booth, I think it has a special meaning. '

‘Study it carefully, I don’t think it is meaningless! '


Ye Feng watched the players' discussions and couldn't help laughing out loud. How could the players here know that this is the famous security booth simulator.

The so-called two and a half years of storage, only dare to be a security guard at the entrance of the hospital.

This is one of the most cherished games,

Because I never wanted to play.

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