At that moment, he really wanted to escape, really wanted to leave this room.

In this scene, the illusory projection covered the original room scene, and he could no longer see where the original door was.

It's like being in a real environment.

For a moment, he really wanted to rush out, but his reason told him that the game had just begun and he couldn't leave.

Another test subject did not return to rewatch the alarm clock.

The lights in the narrow corridor were a little wobbly. When I turned my head, I found that the chandelier on the ceiling next to the radio was shaking constantly.

The radio has been chattering nonstop, the door at the end of the corridor has been opened, the scene behind the door is very dim, but it can be vaguely seen that it is a downward passage.

The broadcast was still going on, and the two of them stopped beside the broadcast, listening carefully to see if he broadcast any useful news.

But unfortunately, what was broadcast on the radio was only the two recent homicide cases. The only thing in common was that the murderers in these two cases played the roles of fathers in their respective families.

In the dim corridor, the chandelier above the head was dangling, and the place where the chandelier was connected to the hanging rope made continuous metal friction creaking sounds, sharp and ear-piercing.

The downward passage in front seems to lead to a more terrifying and hidden basement. This is just a narrow corridor, and there is no other place to go except forward.

Obviously there is nothing in this long corridor, but in the narrow and cramped environment, it is very uncomfortable to breathe.

‘Brothers, watching the live broadcast with headphones is really awesome. I just bought a ticket to Neon directly, and the game exhibition will be open to players tomorrow. I have to queue up to experience it in advance. '

‘These two brothers stood next to the radio and dared not move, hahahaha. '

'There must be a big horror ahead, and the basement is not a good thing. '

'I really want to play, I really want to play! I really want to play! (twisted scream)'

'Hurry up, both of you, go in and see what's behind you! '

‘Blindly guessing that there might be the bodies of the murderer’s dead wife and children in the ground, or the murderer was hiding inside. It was just said on the radio that the perpetrators were all fathers. '

'The door next to it can't be opened, what's in it? '


Players watching the live broadcast quickly sent barrages to guess the follow-up.

The two people on the field looked at the downward passage, and they came to the end only a few steps away. The narrow space, dim lights, and a familiar feeling came to their hearts, but they didn't remember what it was for a while.

Standing at the door at the end, they stopped and looked at the top of their heads again. When they saw it was a round lamp, the two couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The short light tube I saw when I woke up no matter what, I don't want to meet again.

Looking at the doorknob lock in front of them, the two reached out and pinched the doorknob virtually, with the image of the doorknob lock in their palms, twisted slightly, and the door opened.

The light behind the door instantly became brighter, and his eyes turned white for a moment.

The moment they saw the scene in front of them clearly, the two players who were playing the game stopped, and their expressions became uncontrollably terrified.

The players who watched the live broadcast did not speak anymore,

Because in front of everyone’s eyes, the familiar corridor and photo frame reappeared, and a few steps forward, there was the familiar 23:59 alarm clock displaying the time in the sunken wall on the right.

Fear welled up in their hearts again, and the two couldn't help walking forward, turning right!

Sure enough, it was still the familiar corridor, the familiar radio, the familiar wooden door at the end of the corridor.

Only this time, there was no voice coming from the radio.

The creaking sound of the chandelier became clear, and the sound of rain falling outside the room could also be heard.

The front door was closed tightly, and a bad premonition emerged in everyone's hearts. They wanted to leave here crazily, and wanted to verify whether the world behind this door was what they imagined.

At this moment, there was a banging sound from the door on the right wall that could not be opened before.

boom! boom! boom!

The door vibrated visibly with the naked eye, and there seemed to be an unimaginable monster inside, about to rush out!

They couldn't control the fear in their hearts, and they couldn't suppress the curiosity in their hearts. When they wanted to open the door, the impact behind the door suddenly stopped.

Turning his head to look at the position of the alarm clock when he came, the photo frame on the wall before was lying on the ground.

Strangeness and fear began to invade their respective brains. When they looked at the door at the end of the radio corridor, the two found that the closed door had been opened again, and it was the dark downward passage again. ,

He opened the door at the end of the passage again. Although he was mentally prepared, when he saw the long corridor appearing in front of his eyes again, his trembling hands could no longer continue the game.

The same corridor, the same photos, the reincarnation just happened was not an accident at all!

I am in a long corridor, endless reincarnation!

Walking to the location of the alarm clock again, the impact sound from behind the wall became more violent.

That thing is really coming out soon!


The two quickly walked towards the end of the corridor, hoping to quickly enter the next reincarnation.

The moment they passed the closed door, the impact became more violent, and the two of them fell to the ground in fright.

I don't know when many cockroaches appeared on the wall, shaking their tentacles, the banging sound behind the door stopped, and a man's voice came from inside, throat breathing sounded very hollow, with desperate sobs, crazy Make a strange cry.

go! go!

At this moment, the only thing the two of them thought about was to leave quickly. Although there was no place to hide here, the only destination was the corridor of the next reincarnation.

"I, I quit!" Hearing the urgent guttural voice behind the door, the first player finally raised his handle and paused the game.

He didn't know what the outside world would think of him.

But he really couldn't help it anymore. Only in this atmosphere can he truly feel the superimposed horror.

Although it's the same scene every time, every time it's like a new kind of horror.

The moment he announced his withdrawal from the game, the screen disappeared. Looking at the small door leading to the outside world and the cramped cubicle he was in, he had a strange illusion in his heart. This environment, like It's like just waking up at the beginning of the game.

Outside, is that corridor?

When he resisted the discomfort in his heart and came out of the cubicle, Ye Feng's staff quickly followed up to check his current physical condition.

When he reappeared in a bright environment, everyone saw that his back was already wet with sweat.

Before the game started, he had already informed the two that they had the right to stop at any time.

The man who came out of the cubicle was pale. He ignored the staff around him who checked his body, and his eyes stubbornly looked at the big screen behind him.

The remaining player was still playing, and he glanced at the game time.

Not even ten minutes.

Boss Little Dinosaur is too confused. Although I am a waste, I am not a person without a conscience. , Run away after a wave of money, no, no, I have already subscribed (thank you for your support), and the starting point is less than 1,000,000 subscriptions, how can I run away, right?

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