Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 137 Difficulty is very difficult, six points

Yinzi sent the game audio that he had sorted out to a friend in his live broadcast room.

I heard from this water friend that he is a student of the Conservatory of Music, so you can take the audio and ask his teacher about the level of the old thief's bgm in the music circle.

"Speaking of which, the old thief has been making games for so long, and this is the first time we have asked professionals to judge his game music." Yinzi thought gloatingly.

"When the results of the professionals' comments come out, I have to go to the comment area of ​​Germination Studio to give a sharp review."

"I originally wanted to record all the music of the previous games for people to comment on. After thinking about it, forget it. After all, the volume of those games is there."

"This time, the dark soul, the old thief, was completed as an escort masterpiece. If I was careless and perfunctory, I would definitely go to their comment area to follow the rhythm." Yinzi smiled and rubbed his hands. This year's players are talking about breaking the law. Don't do a single thing that is unethical, and never do a single thing that is immoral.

'It's too bad, but I like it. '

‘What I have to do every day is to find some stumbling blocks for the old thief. '

‘When I was trained by Mr. Gu Da, I had already figured out how to encourage the marketing account to attack the old thief. '

‘I’ve learned to be a marketing account for attacking old thieves, and I posted an article right away. The music of the Dark Soul game was severely criticized by experts in the music circle, and the old thief Black Star fell to the altar! '

'It turns turns out to be like this...I used to fight with the marketing account, but you just told me today, so it turns out that this fuck is my own? ! '


Yinzi looked at the barrage with a smile. He had heard about Xiao Heizi for a long time.

Sometimes when he reads the marketing articles of those black old thieves, the more he reads, the more something goes wrong.

There is true love in those blacks,

From the old thief's game until now, every article written by the black old thief reveals true love.

[So many people buy games, it really is too easy, the old thief has really fallen from the altar. 】

[The game score is only 9.5 points, so it is too simple to say that 0.5 is missing, right? 】

[First of all, I haven’t played the old thief’s game, but the plot of the old thief’s game looks very obscure and difficult to understand. Six points, the black star old thief fell to the altar. 】


When he saw the content of these marketing accounts, he really kept laughing, but couldn't help it.

In particular, the author of this marketing account also included a picture. The picture is an old thief-like emoticon pack that is almost crazy. There is also a series of dialogues on the picture. You say my game is very simple?

Anyone who knows the old thief will be stunned by the hacked content when seeing these marketing accounts for the first time.

But after reacting to it, it will follow the rhythm of the marketing account.

'That's right, the old thief really broke this time! '

The fans of the honest man retorted desperately below: Why do you say that, you have never really understood the old thief's game, you don't understand the length of the old thief's attention to the game at all!

Heizi: Slightly, slightly, he is broken, he has already fallen from the altar!

At first he didn't understand why the sunspots did this, but now, he already understood.

This time, there was another reason for asking an expert to sharply comment on Old Thief's music. Although he said that he wanted to ask an expert to sharply comment on it, he actually believed that Old Thief's game could shock those so-called experts.

In the past few years, I have played a lot of old thief games, and I have been tortured a lot. At that time, I didn't expect so much, but I just felt that his game music was very comfortable to listen to.

Many difficult levels in the game are passed with the company of the bgm full of emotion.

This time, he really wanted to know what level the old thief was, from an expert level.

And the fan who took away the video music also sent this audio to his teacher. He only sent pure music to his teacher, without the attached game video.

Because he thinks the teacher should not pay attention to the game video story.

[Teacher, I have three pieces of original music here, can you give me a score for these three pieces of music? 】

[Wait a moment, wait for me to listen. 】Speaking the chat dialog box shows that he accepted the audio file.

The fan replied to Yinzi, which meant that he had sent the music to his teacher.

"Is this your own original work?" As soon as the news was sent out, he immediately received a call from his teacher.

"Ah? No..." The fan quickly denied it. He originally wanted to say that it was the work of a friend of his, but he felt that it was inappropriate for him to say that the old thief was his friend.

"Very good, as long as it's not your composition, do you know whose composition it is?" The instructor's voice sounded sullen.

"Ah? Is this song very interesting?" The fans were stunned. Once their instructor said this, it meant that the song had a lot of background.

The tutor took a deep breath and began to fall into his own memories.

"I remember half a year ago, I went to find a music master in the industry, and after learning that the master was recording a song with the orchestra, I hurried over.

"That day, just after arriving at the recording site, I heard the music played by the orchestra reach its climax. At that time, I was standing at the door of the concert hall, and I only felt a wild, dark, desperate, and grand picture rushing towards my face.

"Maybe there was a place for public practice, so they didn't notice me as an outsider.

"They have been playing and practicing the first score you gave me, and I still remember it clearly!

"Because after that day, I checked the track under the band's name, and this song has not been released until now! I have searched everywhere for a long time but couldn't find the related track, but this time I heard it again from you."

When the instructor said this, his voice suddenly became serious.

"No matter who asked you to ask, I can only tell you this, cut off contact with him, this is a song that has not yet been released by the National Orchestra, I don't know where the person who asked you to ask stole it from, fortunately I was lucky enough to hear it once half a year ago, otherwise we would all be used this time!"

"Boy, don't be confused!"

Listening to the instructor's words, the fans were dumbfounded. Is this a song from the National Orchestra? Isn't this the exclusive song of the old thief game?

"Teacher, do you think it's possible... Is this piece given to someone else by the National Orchestra? Or someone bought it from the National Orchestra at a high price?"

"Impossible! It's impossible for such precious wealth to be traded." The instructor was about to hang up the phone.

"I'm going to tell the national band, you'd better hand over the 'producer' information of these songs, and let him prepare for a lawsuit!"


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