Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 146 Let those surviving kings fall to the gods and sacrifice to this raging fire!

And the appearance of Fireproof Girl is just the beginning.

The second piece of music is Wang Zha's CG holographic demonstration at the beginning of the game.

At that moment, when the salary king stepped into the music venue, the atmosphere of the entire venue instantly ignited.

The king of firewood looks down on all living beings, the fire will be extinguished, and the shadow of the king will not be seen.

They seem to have seen that those kings who forsaken and left turned a blind eye to the devastation of the world.

The ensemble reached its climax, and the profound and mysterious historical picture came to us,

Desolate, sad but magnificent at the same time.

Just like the lyrics sang, please bring the salary king Chai Guan back to the throne!

Inherit the throne without ashes! Let those living kings fall to the gods and sacrifice to this raging fire!

【pass! pass! I see who doesn't spread the fire! 】

【I'm so ruthless! Brother Yin TM is sitting at the scene, and the broadcast didn't start today! 】

[I really miss the way he used to open the live broadcast and regret not participating with us. 】

[This concert is the first collaboration between Old Thieves and the National Orchestra. I can imagine what kind of works he will bring to everyone again in the future. 】

[It's still the same sentence, you can always trust the black-hearted old thief. He has a hand in torturing players, but he is 100% sincere to players. 】


The entire concert covered all the BOSS in the game, and holographically projected their stories in the form of a special CG.

Until the end of the concert, when Lao Chen walked out of the venue, he felt the bright sky and the dazzling red sun. It was hard for him to imagine that he had just witnessed an epic, a dark age when the fire was about to go out.

At that moment, he actually wanted to understand this game a little bit.

Because all the characters are too real, flesh and blood, let him feel whether these things really existed?

Sun Tzu explained relevant information to him in a low voice beside him, and he was also able to understand the whole picture of the world through his analysis.

In the concert just now, what impressed him the most was at the end of time, in the ruined royal city.

There are no gods, no princes and generals, only an ashes and a slave fighting to the death.

Although his body is old, his skin is scorched, his bones are crooked, or his mind has long been lost, the road to battle still has no end.

The end of Dark Souls isn't about gods, nor heroes.

Just a slave and an ashes, marking the end of the Rhodeland continent.

The slave knight Gail, also known as Gai Yidao by the players, and his duel is also one of the most shocking bosses in the game.

If Teacher Guda is called a novice instructor by the players, then Grandpa Gail is the graduation exam for the players.

"In the future, you will also play this game called "Dark Soul" for me. I will play it." Old Chen looked at the bright red sky, the white was a bit dazzling.

"This... don't..." Xiao Chen's eyes widened when he heard this. This thing is not suitable for the elderly to play with.

"Huh?" Lao Chen lowered his voice, a little unhappy, "You brought me to understand this thing, and now I am willing to understand it, and you don't want me to play?"

He really wanted to meet the last slave knight.

"No, this designer's game is a bit special..." Xiao Chen opened his mouth, and said in a bit of embarrassment.

"Forget it, let me show you something directly..." Xiao Chen clicked on a Weibo post by Ye Feng not long ago without saying a word.

Inside is a little reflection after the release of "Dark Soul".

"Let me see." Lao Chen took the phone from his grandson.

[Black Star: It’s been so long since I’ve been making a game. Looking back now, I think it was a ‘lucky’ and ‘happy’ journey.

...Games like the "Soul" series that don't even have a map, can die miserably after walking a few steps, and don't even know what medicine is sold in the gourd, can be so loved by everyone,

Being able to spread word of mouth among everyone's love, I also feel that I am a very lucky person.

I am very glad that everyone likes my game, and I will bring you more excellent works in the future. 】

"You see, this game really hurts my heart and liver, especially after dying again and again."

"What's even more desperate is that every time I feel that if I can slash it again, it will definitely be slashed to death by me first."

"The boss has a trace of blood, I can kill him right away..."


When Xiao Chen said this, he smiled awkwardly, "It's all an illusion, as you can see from the comments."

Xiao Chen stretched out his finger and clicked on the comment at the bottom of this Weibo.

'Did you do it on purpose or by accident? '

'So you don't even have a map, you die miserably after walking a few steps, and you don't even know what medicine is sold in the gourd...'

"Other game designers: Let me take a look at the game production ideas of Black Star Old Thief. After reading it: 6"

'Although... I feel that the game is indeed as hateful as the old thief said. Sometimes I want to smash the keyboard and the screen is dry, but the old thief still taught me a lot in the game. There is only one kind of heroism in the world , is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life. '

‘You pay me three computer screens first, and I forgive you. '

'In the end, no one is the boss, and everyone is. Is the player the last salary king? I don't know who he is, but Salary King is certainly not one of those people who refund money before the first bonfire is lit. '

'The game really moved me a lot, especially when I saw the player's message, "There was a salary king before, but you." "There was the last enemy before." "There were tears before, but fearlessness." "Rush over! "'

'I just want to ask, who the hell wrote on the broken bridge: "Rush over."'


Although there will be many traces of messages saying "there is a treasure in front of you, jump down.\

,"But the most interesting thing is that the player once met a guy named Loser Wood in the Fire Passing Sacrificial Field.

There have been rumors on the Internet that if you kill him, you can get a baby.

He was very depressed when he spoke, and he looked very decadent. He sat on the steps next to the fire-passing sacrificial field, bowed his head and said nothing.

Players approach him and talk to him, and he will express endless emotion.

【...Oh, you are also a guy who can't die. 】

[I am the same kind as you, the ashes without fire can accomplish nothing, and I am still a half-baked person who can't even die. 】

[It's ridiculous. 】

[A group of guys who can't die actually want to find the king, and want to bring the king back to the moldy throne. 】

[The group of people are all heroes who spread the fire! How can we do it? 】

[You think so too, right? 】


After hearing the words of online players,

In order to get a treasure from him, countless people lighted up their long swords to this frustrated and discouraged person.

Player: After defeating Guda and killing Brother Xinxin, will it affect the subsequent missions?


Reply: No, by the way, kill an old hag who sells things in a turkey farm to add to the fun!

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