Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 17 Multilingual version is online!

After that riot, the entire kingdom was on the verge of breaking apart.

The king hid in the castle with the collector and his entourage. They hoped that the collector could refine the panacea, but the materials they stored in the castle did not last until the day when the panacea was refined. .

In that hilltop castle, there is no princess, nor the former splendor and glory.

In the last "feast", they set their sights on their own people.

In this place where everyone was infected, the king was naturally not spared. In the end, he ordered the collector to come up with a solution, a panacea.

But the alchemist couldn't do it either. He proposed another solution-artificial humans.

Mix trees, red crystals, and special cells to make an artificial human container.

That is our protagonist, the green mass that looks like algae.

The king's soul was transplanted, and the Philosopher's Stone preserved the king's body.

But the separation of the soul and the body caused the king to lose his memory. Except for the collector, no one else knew about it.

And the Hand of the King has been protecting the King's body without knowing it.

This is also the scene we met at the end of Cell Zero at the beginning of the game. After defeating the Hand of the King, we killed the motionless king on the throne.

The red Philosopher's Stone was placed on the king's chest, but it was just a body without a soul.

The Guardians of Time kicked the King back into reincarnation again and again as he tried to save the country.

But the ridiculous thing is that his ability is limited, and he can only teleport the king back to the first day of the outbreak of the epidemic.

In a later reincarnation, the collector successfully refined the panacea, but was unfortunately drunk by the collector and the protagonist.

If the player hits cell five, he can find the alchemist on the observatory.

There is only one alchemist here in the observatory.

There are huge, state-of-the-art stargazing instruments, and you can see the blue sky and the moon from here.

Here, we can also meet the final boss, The Collector.

"It's a pity, the black star old thief ran too fast, and he didn't even have time to watch me beat the collector without injury." Brother Yin felt a little disappointed.

'Woundless collector, how many times have you played, and you still don't have a b number in your heart. '

'Collector: You are here again, you are really good~'

'Thank you for bringing the cells again! I happen to be a little hungry and thirsty! '

‘Tun Tun Tun~~’

‘The collector who grew up drinking the panacea. '

'Today is another extra thirsty day! '


Brother Yin ignored the barrage, the curse blade in his hand was slashing at Collector frantically.

Every cut spurts out red blood, and the collector always takes out the elixir just right, and drank it one gulp at a time.

His blood bar is constantly being filled up.

And this observatory was also rated as the "officially designated cemetery" by the players.

But it is very difficult for Brother Yin to challenge Wushang.

If you are not careful, there will be no injury, which means that the challenge has failed.

When the cell man was hit, he couldn't help but sighed.

The challenge failed again.

It is not difficult for him to beat the collector, but the difficult thing is how not to get hurt.

At the end of the game, after defeating the collector, the entire island was not saved.

The guardian of time can only kick the protagonist into the reincarnation of time again, hoping to get a way to save it.

But this solution will never be found, because various endings show that the island cannot be saved.

Even everyone, including the time guardian, will live in infinite reincarnation hell forever.

"This is the most exciting game I've seen in recent years." Brother Yin never hesitated to praise him, especially the ending of the game, which completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

The other games he has played all have a happy ending after clearing the level, just like other games, the end of the journey is to save the princess, and then live happily with the princess.

In the small island of dead cells, there is only reincarnation.

Your princess, in another castle.

After the ending of Dead Cells was fully revealed, the game unsurprisingly landed at the top of the monthly download list.

When many players don't know what game to play, they will go to see what popular games are on the leaderboard.

For many people, before playing this game, he cannot intuitively judge whether the game is fun or not.

But everyone can know the quality of this game from other people's mouths, so the remarks of some game reviewers are also one of the factors that affect whether players play this game.

In addition to friends' recommendations and reviewers' evaluations, there is another way to influence players' decisions, and that is the game download list.

Before Dead Cells, those games that dominated the charts would receive a lot of negative reviews after being in the first position for a long time.

There are many reasons. For example, after seeing the list, the players feel that this game should not be so popular after downloading and playing it.

Everyone is an independent thinking body,

Especially for a game, when the number of negative reviews gradually increases, it is difficult to maintain its number one position.

And now,

Many players clicked into the list again after the game drought, and they want to see what popular games are available recently.

The dead cells are still in the first position. When they saw the dead cells for the first time, they didn't think, 'Why is this thing still on it? '

It's very strange, obviously this game abuses everyone to death, and even most of the players are stuck in cell three or four and can no longer continue the following story.

But when seeing dead cells ranked first, there was only one word in everyone's mind - well deserved.


"Hello?" Ye Feng, who was screening recruitment resumes, received an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, is this Black Star from Germination Studio?" The man on the call was a man with a bit of a weird Mandarin. His voice was very hearty, but his tone of voice had a familiar tone exclusive to foreigners.

"I'm Black Star, are you?" Ye Feng glanced at the number suspiciously, who was looking for him.

"Hello, I am Carter, the regional director of the steam platform. Recently, the "Dead Cell" produced by your studio is very good. Do you have any ideas for adding more languages? We will put it on the steam platforms of other countries. "

Ye Feng's somewhat bewildered brain instantly sobered up when he heard the identity of the person coming.

He knew that someone might contact him to make language versions in other countries, but he didn't expect that the person in charge of the platform would contact him directly.

"Of course I have an idea, and I need your help in translating languages." Ye Feng readily agreed to the request to list other countries and regions.

He originally had few people in the studio, otherwise it would be impossible to only make one language version,

Now that the other party came up to mention this matter, Ye Feng agreed without thinking about it.

Free translation help, don't want it for nothing.

After a business exchange, the other party finally explained his intention for coming this time:

"I'm here this time, and there is one more thing I want to discuss with you, Mr. Black Star."

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