Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 175 We will always meet on the moon, fool!

"Actually, when I was searching freely in his house just now, I saw a detail!" Yinzi looked at the bullet screen proudly, "I can guarantee that none of you have noticed this thing."

‘If you don’t believe me, tell me and I’ll listen to you. '

‘How can there be a game expert like me who doesn’t pay attention to something? '

'My eyes are rulers! '

‘Monkeys can see me but I can’t? '


"Humph!" Yinzi didn't continue to argue with the fans, "Just now there were four paintings on the wall, one of which was a stick figure of three people."

"It looks like an adult and two brothers." Yinzi rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

He thought of John lying on the bed alone. This elderly man was sleeping soundly on the bed. The grown-up next to him in the picture might have passed away long ago. What about his brother of the same age?

‘Believe it or not, the foreshadowing is definitely a foreshadowing. '

Yinzi continued the game in doubt. The decryption in this game is also very simple, without much time wasted.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this is really the simplest game the old thief has made.

It may also be because it was made by Zhou Peng. From the beginning of the game to the present, he has not felt anything special.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the music of the game is very nice. When he entered the door at the beginning of the game and heard two children playing a piece of music with four hands in the room, he felt very peaceful.

The anxious, cramped and restless heart of playing narrative games became quiet the moment the music sounded.

According to the plot, the songs played by the two children were taught to them by John.

Without saying a word, Yinzi controlled Dr. Neil to move forward along the old man's memory.

When the soft background music sounded again, the music was very light and slow, with a touch of loneliness and loneliness. John sat on the top floor, surrounded by emptiness.

He started folding rabbits from this time.

Neil thought of when he first came here, there were white paper rabbits all over the place.

Yinzi frowned. While playing the game, he and the fans in the live broadcast room had been analyzing the plot.

'He folded the rabbit probably because he wanted to try to understand the meaning of folding the rabbit by substituting his identity. '

'By the way, why does his wife keep breaking rabbits? Is there anything I can't say directly? '

'This charade feeling is really uncomfortable. In love, in the life of two people, isn't it just to express your thoughts clearly? '


And the story quickly told everyone the answer, Asperger's syndrome.

John's wife was suffering from this disease.

This disease is a kind of autism spectrum disorder, which has the typical performance of autism, that is, low social interaction and communication skills.

She can't express what she wants to say in words, and can communicate with people normally, but she can't express her thoughts directly.

She tried hard to express, but she could only confide what she wanted to say to one folded paper rabbit after another.

Especially the rabbit that only has two colors of yellow and blue. Xiaoxi attaches great importance to this paper rabbit. She wants to use it to express her own emotions, but she cannot dictate it.

Yinzi took a deep breath, he didn't know how to comment on the relationship between the two, because the ending of the game hadn't been solved yet, he just felt a little sad.

One desperately wants to express, one desperately wants to understand.

When he got here, he already had a slightly different feeling about the game.

Because he knows that the most difficult thing in love is not to express, but to understand.

In the reality of love, everyone keeps pouring out their feelings, but they get zero response.

Recently, when he watches short entertainment videos, he always comes across such a clip,

In the dark dormitory, a boy was lying on the bed. He was lying on his side looking at his mobile phone. Her face was reflected green in the green chat history of WeChat.

She was lying on the bed writing a "small composition", and her roommates were shaking their mobile phone flashlights around the bed, as if they were attending a concert, and everyone sang "Decent" in unison.

At that moment, Pure Love God of War fell to the ground.

There are everyone's umbrella tearing ridicule in the comment area,

‘Why doesn’t the one on the bed sing, is he unhappy? '

‘I hate this kind of roommate the most. Everyone is singing happily, but he is lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone. '

'He was just looking at his green code. '

'This kind of 'small composition' can only be read from the beginning to the end by the author. '


The last sentence is the most deadly but also the most defense-breaking, because others really don't read it.

And this kind of thing, no matter men or women, the moment they write a small composition, they have already lost.

Everyone is tearing up umbrellas, why not mocking the former self?

Everyone is watching the video, why not looking in the mirror?

So when Yinzi plays here, he can really feel that kind of pure love,

Even though I am not good at expressing, the people who love me are still desperately trying to understand.

The music sounded again, and the picture changed to John sitting by the piano. As the music sounded, the player couldn't help but feel ripples in his heart.

The time in my memory came to the year when John’s wife, Xiaoxi, was seriously ill. At that time, Xiaoxi was lying in bed, and there was a dispute with John over the construction of the house and medical expenses.

Because she was sick, but she was unwilling to use the money for treatment, and wanted to use the money to repair a house next to a lighthouse.

Then, Xiaoxi asked John about the appearance of the origami rabbit, and John replied puzzledly, "It has a yellow head and a blue body."

Seeing his wife lower her head in disappointment, it was obvious that this was not the answer Xiaoxi wanted, but Xiaoxi didn't say anything, just continued to do the origami work in her hand in silence.

John was the first to break the silence, "By the way, I wrote a song for you!"

Clear and melodious piano music sounded.

The song is called "For River"

[In the game version, River is translated as a creek]

Xiaoxi raised his eyes and said,

"...the name is so old-fashioned."

The music dispelled the silence, and Xiaoxi continued to make the origami rabbit in his hand.

Yinzi pushed the memory further forward, flashing back the time to the year they got married, and they got married at the edge of that lighthouse.

The moonlight is like practice, bright and warm.

The sound of "For River" poured out from the piano, the quiet moon, the little dark clouds in the sky, everything seemed very perfect here.

As for why John likes the creek?

He said it was because the creek was peaceful enough to always do everything alone, which looked cool.

But this incident was an accident that caused Xiaoxi's illness.

This 'accident' was actually just because John confessed to Xiaoxi about their 'first' meeting at school. He approached her for another reason, not because he liked her.

He likes such a 'cool' stream,

But after he told her why he likes Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi started to do strange things, she started to fold a bunch of paper rabbits, day after day, to an extreme and morbid level!

And repeatedly told him about the existence of the lighthouse, even if he was seriously ill, he insisted on completing the construction of the hut under the lighthouse instead of using the money for treatment.

Xiaoxi, who can't express his thoughts correctly, is the origami bunny who started going crazy from this moment.

After John's wife died, he tried hard to understand, but he couldn't understand why his wife did this until he died.

This game has different background music in different places.

The music was well integrated into the plot and involved everyone's emotions.

Just like in Yinzi's memory going back and forth, John accidentally threw a sandbag into the river, and the creek roared in despair,

Even if they don't know why Xiaoxi is so sad because of a sandbag, everyone understands that the sandbag is very important.

But now, it's gone.

People are also puzzled by John's mother. The year they got married, John's mother gave John a book as a wedding present, "Transformers".

John didn't feel anything when he read this book. He said, "Maybe I liked it when I was a child, but I don't like it anymore when I grow up."

"I still don't understand why you have to build a house next to the lighthouse if you don't treat the disease." Yinzi just felt aggrieved and couldn't vent, and he couldn't find an outlet for the overwhelming emotions that had accumulated with the plot.

In his opinion, life is always more important than a house.

What's more, there is a lover by my side.

They have only two options for that money, medical treatment or house repairs.

You can't repair the house after you cure the disease, and you can't cure the disease after repairing the house.

The barrage didn't speak either, not only Yinzi didn't understand, they didn't understand either.

What can be more important than life?

Soon, the game gave them an answer.

Because Xiaoxi is a dreamer.

She feels that there are more important things than her own life.

Yinzi controls the protagonist to move forward in John's memory when the two were younger. The two watched movies together, confessed their love, and secretly fell in love...

The acquaintance and love between the two were a bit nonsensical and funny, but in the end the two still walked together.

Xiaoxi found that John had amnesia, he had no memories of his childhood, and he thought it was the first time they met at school.

He forgot the previous agreement, but what Xiaoxi liked was the John who had an agreement with him back then, not the John who lost his memory later.

Amnesia is he still him?

Xiaoxi gave everyone the answer. She folded rabbits, looked at the lighthouse... She couldn't express herself, but she desperately wanted John to remember, even though these methods were incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Even if he dies with regret at the end of his illness, he will not regret it.

Xiaoxi left the world first, and John also came to the end of his life, but after Xiaoxi died, he had the idea of ​​"going to the moon" for the first time.

This kind of idea came very suddenly, very nonsensical, and there is no way to investigate any source, because John has never had such a dream since he was a child.

"Something's wrong, brothers." Yinzi touched his chest, feeling very uncomfortable.

Because love is responsibility.

John is just an ordinary person with amnesia. Facing the autistic creek, even if he can’t understand it, he will never leave him. If he loves her, he will take her away from the world, and build a house on the top of the mountain, next to the lighthouse and near the stars.

Also created "for river" for her, which can make people's hearts rippling just by playing the music

The memory a little further back was blank, but in the last memory, John's mother called him Joey.

When they got here, the two could no longer move forward.

The time torrent of memory was shrouded in a cloud of white mist, and the thick fog blocked the two doctors of memory, preventing them from moving forward.

Unable to trace back earlier memories, the two had no choice but to let it go. In the time period that has been traced back, the desire of "I'm going to the moon" was injected into the memory of each stage.

They have injected into their memories how good it is to go to the moon, where human dreams can be realized, and it can become an object of everyone's respect...

But it failed. John did not go to the moon because of this strong desire. John, who was reinjected with a new desire to "go to the moon", became old and did not go to the moon, but he still had a strong desire to "go to the moon".

But when they reloaded John's old memories, the conversation was exactly the same as the first time. When asked why the old man wanted to go to the moon, his answer was still: "...I don't know."


The last time of John's life has become less and less, and the heartbeat rate displayed by the heart detector next to the hospital bed has become slow.

If the reason cannot be found, the dying wish of the elderly cannot be realized.

The two changed John's memory and gave him many hints.

For example: the education in elementary school is that the best wish of human beings is to go to the moon.

They changed John and Brook's date movie to To the Moon

Changed everything in his memory, but no matter what they did, when they went back again, they found that the old John still didn't have the slightest desire to go to the moon.

Going back to the school where John was young, Dr. Neil couldn't bear it anymore, he

Show up, stand on stage and speak.

"I am a member of NASA, and I stand here just to tell you that each of you has the same opportunity as me to explore another world, doesn't it? Children, go to the moon! Please join M NASA! It's you, it's you, or maybe." He stepped into the crowd, pointed at John and said, "It's you!"

Young John looked blank: "But I don't want to go to the moon at all."

Neil said, "What did you say? You don't want to go?"

"Why would I want to go? I'm happy on Earth."

"Not at all?"

"In no mood."

The two went to various points in time to change the surrounding environment and show up to persuade John, but the final result still didn't work.

"A person who has never thought of going to the moon? The last wish on his deathbed is to go to the moon?" Yinzi knocked on the table irritably.

He felt that this old man was a bit too stubborn. He never thought of going to the moon when he was young, but you didn't think of going to the moon until you were old?

But if you don't fulfill your dreams when you are young, what is the use of being a salted fish when you are old?

There is no way, no matter what you do, it will be in vain.

In the game, it was already dawn, and the old man was lying on the bed with a ventilator. His breath of life became weaker and weaker, and his dying wish could not be fulfilled.

'The problem must be in the childhood memories that I can't go to! '

'I'm really sad, two pure love war gods can't feel the best love. '

'Go on, boss! '

‘I really want to know why he is going to the moon! '


Yinzi took a deep breath, now, he also wants to know the final outcome.

Because he is very uncomfortable now, very uncomfortable.

He felt that "going to the moon" must not be a stubborn behavior of an old man in old age, he must have his own reasons!

Reported John's situation to the headquarters, and the headquarters gave Yinzi a message that John had taken a large amount of enhanced β-blockers, which were used to treat cardiovascular disease, but John did not have cardiovascular disease.

But this medicine has a side effect, that is, if you take a lot of it, you will forget some important things.

This is also the reason why Yinzi wanted to go to his early memory but it was blank.

Yinzi quickly obtained the frequency after his amnesia repair, and successfully entered the blank memory segment.

Only by synchronizing his childhood memories can his wish to go to the moon be fulfilled.

And now, John's life has reached the last moment.

The life detector can emit a long beep to stop the heartbeat at any time.

They entered that blank memory and entered that white-lit world.

Childhood memories shattered.

At the beginning of the screen, there was a rapid sound of brakes, as if in response to the sound of brakes that killed the squirrel at the beginning of the plot.

On the road, Little John is playing football.

no animals, no plants, no pedestrians

John's mother reversed the car.

The air solidifies like glue.

Somewhere far away, there is an ominous smell

A man like John was run over under the car.

"!!!!!!" Yinzi hammered his desk frantically, he couldn't understand the black screen in the game.

Reversing the car accidentally crushed another child to death, what kind of dark plot is this?

He remembered what he said at the beginning, "He really has a twin brother!"

The barrage at this time couldn't say any words of congratulations to the boss prophet, because the sky was dark, the memory was dark, and the world was also dark...

The protagonist, Dr. Neil, looked a little dazed: "At least Johnny has a beta-blocker to erase his memory."

'It's not completely erased, it's just cut off. In the back of his mind, this ominous memory is still lingering, so we can stand here and witness everything. '

'What about their mother? '

'I don't think she was on beta-blockers either...'

'That's why she gave John his brother's favorite "Transfiguration Warrior" at John's wedding. '

‘The mother has been living with the grief of losing her child. '

'It turned out that John lost this sad memory because his mother gave him medicine, and he lost his first meeting with Xiaoxi at the same time. '


Looking at the game screen, everyone felt that sadness began to spread from the bottom of their hearts, covering their chests and overflowing their heads.

When John and Brook first met, it was at a party.

They met secretly on the top of the mountain, the silver moonlight spread over the quiet land, the fine waves of the sea beat the standing lighthouse, the boy and the girl sat side by side on a log.

"Is there a rabbit constellation in the sky?" Xiaoxi pointed to the sky.

"I don't know, but we can find it together."

"I've found it!" Liwa looked towards the middle of the sky. "Right there, it's bigger than the other stars!"

"I saw it! Look, there are two ears and a round head!" John said excitedly.

"That's right, is there any more?"

"And the moon! The moon is its bulging belly."

At this time, Yinzi suddenly remembered that in the previous memory, Xiaoxi had been repeatedly folding paper rabbits. She could not express her thoughts, so she could only use origami to describe them.

She repeatedly used origami to try to awaken John's memory,

—Tell me about it. describe it.

—'s yellow and kind of fat.

--anything else?

——…It’s just a paper rabbit. You're freaking out, bro, what happened?

In childhood memory, little John put down his hand, he looked at the starry sky, "What do you think the stars in the sky are?"

"I think they are lighthouses, thousands of lighthouses, shining brightly at the end of the world."

Yinzi read Xiaoxi's words with difficulty, this time, he really understood Xiaoxi's emotion.

The stars in the sky are like lighthouses, thousands of lighthouses, embedded in the distant sky.

They can see all the other lighthouses, and they want to talk to each other.

But they can't, because they are too far apart and can't hear the voices of other lighthouses. All they can do is to work hard to shine.

Yinzi was silent for a long time, and couldn't help but took a piece of toilet paper to wipe his moist eye sockets, "The wise don't fall in love, but the foolish are trapped by love."

Such a lonely genius, when faced with a lover who can't be awakened in front of him, probably all he can do is turn into a lighthouse and quietly shine on him.

She hopes that John can live next to the lighthouse, which she regards as herself.

At the time of parting in childhood,

Boys and girls waving goodbye.


Will you come again next year? -

Will do.


old time? old place? -



What if you forget, or get lost? -

Then we will always meet on the moon.

But he lost his memory, Yinzi couldn't control his tears, he couldn't imagine if that stubborn and awkward little girl sat on this log day after day on the same day in the second year, waiting for this year and waiting for next year .

So she was happy to meet John again later, and she was not angry that John said that she just liked the 'cool' her.

She was annoyed that John had forgotten their pact.

It wasn't just the dead brother whose memory was erased by the drug.

What is erased together is not only the painful past,


A brilliant starry sky, a bright full moon, a corner of a quiet night, an ugly platypus, two familiar but strange children, an innocent and romantic promise.

And what about the creek?

Later, she tried to use everything she could to overcome her language barriers, but, like an antenna sending a signal to an unmanned receiving station, what she received was always just a noisy piercing sound.

In the years when no one responded, Xiaoxi spent his life.

"Oh!" Yinzi finally burst into tears, he finally understood why John wanted to go to the moon even when he was old.

At that moment he understood.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Yinzi hammered on his desktop with each punch.

"The old thief tricked people into killing him, right?"

"I'll fucking send the knife to Germination Studio tomorrow!"

But even so, no one felt that Xiaoxi's love was regrettable or unwilling.

Xiaoxi frantically wanted John to understand, and John tried hard to understand, and the two were trying to rush to each other.

Because in those years when Xiaoxi was lying on the hospital bed, the breeze outside the window brought the coolness of the night, and in the soft piano sound of "for river", a kind of empty and satisfied emotion overflowed off the screen.

He couldn't understand Xiaoxi, but he was still willing to use clumsy efforts to maintain the silent embers in his heart.

Trying hard to love this lover who is destined to meet unexpectedly on a sunny afternoon on campus.

In "for river", he worked hard to interpret his lingering love.

Why is "for river" not "forever"?

In the countless nights of being tortured by illness, in the countless years when no one responded, she was accompanied by this song and spent her life.

Maybe this is why Xiaoxi wants to build a house next to the lighthouse instead of treating his illness. Although the light of the lighthouse is weak, it is enough to dispel the cold and illuminate the way home for John forever.

The audience watched as a monkey sat in front of the screen, sobbing silently, tearing toilet paper after toilet paper.

'MD, the old thief is to die! '

‘Hope the game has a happy ending! '

'I finally know why John didn't want to go to the moon after Brook died! '

'I also know, because the moon is where you are, he was on the moon when Xiaoxi was there, and he remembered the agreement when Xiaoxi was gone. '


Yinzi was silent, wiping his tears silently, because he recognized the barrage very much, where there is a stream, there is the moon.

Because Xiaoxi passed away, John wanted to go to the moon in his heart.

I want to go where the creek is.

But now we have to find a way to let him go to the place where the creek is.

Everyone knew the answer, but there was nothing they could do.

Difficult, too difficult.

Then, another doctor who was with Neil in the game gave a solution.

That is to delete the creek from Neil's memory, delete it and implant the desire to really go to the moon, then the real moon in his heart will no longer be the creek.

Even though the memory of his childhood has been blurred, the old man still kept this agreement throughout his life.

"Delete the hair! I won't delete it!" Yinzi let go of the keyboard with both hands.

He didn't want to continue the next operation, "I won't delete it, I won't delete it!"

The barrage is also angry,

‘Don’t delete Old John’s memory, he has forgotten about Xiaoxi in his childhood, and he can’t let Xiaoxi miss him all his life! '

'Stop playing, stop playing! Tomorrow I will go to Germination Studio to kill you old thief! '

'Brothers, stop playing, my house is in Germination Studio, tomorrow I will rush in with a knife, and I will put the knife on his neck to force him to change the ending. '

'I'm really good at cooking, I can't play a little thief game. '

'It's fine for the old thief to be a bad person, but now he's killing people! '




Not as the player wished, Neil refused to delete the memory, but another doctor of memory forcibly kicked Neil out of Old John's memory.

"Neil, we signed the contract."

"Fuck the contract!" Neil was furious. "I didn't accept this job to make him more miserable. I signed the contract to let this weird old man die happily. We Happier knowing John isn't going to the moon."

"Neil, we're not here to play God our job is to give him what he signed."

Another memory doctor forcibly completed the task of memory modification.

"This old thief really doesn't mean I'm going to die! It's too uncomfortable!" Yinzi covered his heart.

"Do we really need to complete the contract tasks?" Tuanzi was already crying.

"Fuck it!" Sister Zhou slammed the table angrily, and the camera kept shaking.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't delete it!" Bobo was already crying with his head up.

The game is still going on, and this time in memory, Joey came alive.

The two twins, and their best friend, laughed and ran to the cafeteria.

"You saved Joey," Neil said. "No, strictly speaking, you saved him in John's memory."

"Yes, only in this way, John will not take beta-blockers later, so that he may remember the promise to go to the moon."

Soon after, in class, the teacher was asking the following students: What do you want to be when you grow up?

writer! the scientist!

what about you johnny The teacher looked at Little John.

"Astronaut...I want to be an astronaut."

More than ten years later, in the reception building of NASA, John has become an astronaut, and will soon go to space and land on the moon.

"Hey, Neil, as I said, I'll make it up." Another memory doctor couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the door opened. Walk in alone.

"Ah, this is our new recruit." The NASA guide said to John.

"Her name is Xiaoxi."

"What? You didn't... Didn't you erase her?"

"I just transferred the timeline where she was."


In the NASA music room, John played the song with Xiaoxi again, but this time it was not called "for river"

This time it's called "To the Moon".

In the hall, John played the song that has already made people cry so many times,

A coincidence of fate, but also a doomed miracle.

Just like John forgot his original agreement in his previous life, but still fell in love with Xiaoxi in the end,

Meeting Xiaoxi again, he made this song for her again.

John and Brook were still married, but not at the lighthouse.

In the final moments of the rocket launch, John and Brook sat in the cockpit, staring at each other.

"Are you nervous?" John asked.

Xiaoxi didn't answer, but stretched out his hand and held John's hand tightly.

The rocket launch is counting down,

five four three two one.

In memory, the flames of the rocket launch rise, and the hot flames propel the rocket into the sky,

The burning flame was like the last firewood of John's life.

But both doctors know that this is not real, in the real world, John is lying in bed, dying.

"Di, di..." The sound of the life detector began to sound.

Before the last 20 days of his life, John took out his last savings and signed an agreement with Sigmund Company.

—What is your last hope?

——I want to go to the moon.

"Drip, drip..."

—Why are you going to the moon?

- I don't remember either...

In the rocket's cockpit, Xiaoxi and John finally held hands.


Vital monitors show vital sign arrest.

In the last picture, the two people sat on the log in memory again, looking at the starry sky at the same time, and they finally met on the moon.

John's doctor said that in fact, the old man's body could no longer hold on, but even so, in his consciousness, he was still waiting for them to fulfill their last wish.

Waiting for the final encounter with the creek.

At the last moment, the ECG detector emits an eternal line sound, the theme song comes from the earphones, and the picture freezes on the beautiful moon.

Yinzi was lying on the table, weeping uncontrollably. This man, who had played so many games of Old Thief, was now lying on the table, and his rough crying resounded throughout the live broadcast room.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." He wiped the snot bubbles from his nose and looked at the two holding hands, crying and laughing at the same time.

Looking at his shattered game buttons that had just been deactivated because of sadness, he giggled, listening to the last music, and pressing the keyboard buttons back one by one.



Every key of the music seems to be stuck in the rhythm of the music.

Amid the eternal beep of the ECG monitor at the end, John walked away with a smile.

Because in the end, he finally saw his lover again and fulfilled the agreement with his lover.

The barrage also cried silently,

‘Ahhhhh, the old thief can actually make such a touching work, I really thought he was not a human being! '

‘I’ve already bought a plane ticket, and I’m going to go to Germination Studio to kill the old thief, and I’m happy to cancel the plane ticket just now. '

‘I thought I took care of you who was autistic all my life, but in fact you spent your whole life trying to help me remember who I really am. '

‘I wanted to cure you all my life, only to find that I was the real patient. '

'I really cried to death, regretting the imperfect but complete life of the two of them. '

‘Is the ending necessarily more important than the process? Two people supporting each other and staying together forever is the greatest harvest and value of their love, isn't it? '

‘As the name suggests, games are the ninth art! '

'Its belly is in the shape of the moon, like a place where we will meet again in the future. '

'Although I have forgotten our agreement, when you are not here, I still want to go to the place where I can meet you in the agreement. '


At the end of the game, the players were crying and laughing,

This game has no gorgeous graphics, only 70M of BGM seems to be endowed with the soul of the game,

They said that Xiaoxi was stupid, for a promise that was not a pledge of eternal love, he would abide by it all his life.

Use folded rabbits to express my little girl's thoughts. She is suffering from autism, she is not noisy and full of energy, she can only shine on John in her own way, try to shine, and guard the fairy tale like a fairy tale princess common agreement.

John is also stupid, even if he doesn't understand, he doesn't understand Xiaoxi, but he still hugs her, takes her away from the strange eyes of the world, and builds a castle for her.

At the end of the story, John forgot that the creek got lost, and it didn't matter, because it was agreed that they would meet on the moon.

It didn't matter if it was just a dream of John's.

They knew the pure love essence of two people before they were alive or from the very beginning, going to the moon.

"And what if you forget...or get lost?"

"Then we shall meet on the moon, fool! . . . in the belly of the little rabbit!"

In this age where everything is dying, the love between John and Xiaoxi is unbelievably pure.

After cursing the old thief at the beginning, the player seemed to have changed his face.

‘The game is well done, Zhou Peng, you guys are also good, keep working hard next time. '

‘Sorry old thief, I spoke a little louder before. '

‘The old thief really understands the purest love! '

‘The old thief taught the pure love warrior a lesson! It turns out that there is nothing wrong with pure love! '


Song Shan had already run to Ye Feng's office at this time, he had a straight face, serious and serious.

When Zhou Peng made the game before, the content was hidden very well, and he just cleared the level not long ago.

"I blamed you wrong before, but now I admit it! The most beautiful love can only be made if you haven't been in love before!"

"Pure Love Warrior Sai Gao!"

It's like a review from a player for a game.

【Moon, I want to go to the moon! for what? wealth? Fame and fortune? There must be a why, right? I don't know, I just want to go! 】

【Tears come out】

[This game is very hot, because you can't see the screen through tears at all]

【(﹏)Suddenly understood why the belly of the paper rabbit is yellow】

[When I was getting started, I didn't feel anything when I heard the child playing four-handed repeatedly, but when I heard it later, I burst into tears]

[I don't want to go to the moon, but I want to go to a place with you. 】

today is a big chapter

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