When Tuanzi saw the black figure running away, he felt a chill down his back.

She knew that this mental hospital must not be simple, and there must be something unexpected in it.

Although she was on guard, when these things really appeared, she would still feel her hairs stand on end.

Walking to the gate and pushing the door, the main gate was closed.

"Hahahaha, the door is closed, we can go home." At the moment when the door was closed, Tuanzi smiled happily.

When she found that the door was closed, she felt a sense of gratitude and joy in her heart.

‘Go sideways, go sideways, there is a road beside it! '

‘Our progress is really slow. I went to see other anchors, and they have all climbed in. '

'My suggestion is to close the game and download it now to rest. '

'This weakling is super cautious and has too much courage. '


Players kept wandering around the live broadcast rooms of various anchors, just wanting to see the miserable conditions of the anchors during the game, so as to give themselves a mental buffer for playing.

Chun Hei is a small anchor of Ah B, who has accumulated a small number of fans by live broadcasting old thief's games before.

This time, after the release of the old thief's new game, he also downloaded the game as soon as possible to prepare for a horror game evaluation.

"Let's play this new game today." Pure Black drilled into the mental hospital without saying a word.

He took a deep breath, his hands shaking slightly.

After finding a ladder to climb upstairs, he looked at the window and hesitated for a long time between jumping in.

But in just a few seconds, he chose to jump into it.

Because he knows very well that if the current small anchor wants to make a name for himself, the old thief's game is the only way out for everyone.

As of today, many anchors have become famous by playing old thief games.

As soon as he climbed into the window, the electric light above his head made a hissing sound, then began to flicker at a high frequency and then went out.

"Hiss - Falk!" Pure Darkness cursed himself. He also felt it in the pt of Silent Hill. He found that the two games gave him a completely different sense of fear.

Now the fear that this game brings is too direct.

When the lights went out, he had no psychological buffer at all.

Following the game's instructions, he took out his DV and adjusted it to the night vision function.

The picture in the lens is still very dim, but under the searchlight of the night vision function, the surrounding environment begins to appear on the DV screen, and the visible area is very small and very unclear.

Fluorescent furniture exudes a strange light.

There are scattered furniture everywhere, and the ground is full of objects, some of which have been broken.

In addition, there are puddles of black marks on the ground. Under the night vision DV screen, it is impossible to see the use of the fluorescent things at all.

Holding the DV, he carefully explored the surrounding environment, looked at the half-hidden door, and after a long time of mental work for himself, he stretched out his hand to push it open.

In the background music there are only the protagonist's footsteps and the sound of him pushing the door. The picture in the DV is very messy, papers are scattered all over the floor, and the cabinets and furniture are even more messy.

Everything here seems out of order.

"Hoo-hiss-" The sound of pure black breathing is particularly obvious. In such a quiet environment, the sound of his breathing and speaking is the only background music in the game.

‘Hahahahaha, did the young master pee before the game? '

'You should ask if you have any water tonight. '

‘Even if he urinates before the game, I don’t believe he dares to go to the toilet by himself at night. '

‘Thank you for the reminder, I will prepare a few more mineral water bottles. '

'ah? You don't need to pulse? '


Pure Hei didn't care about the barrage jokes at all, he just felt that his hands were numb, and adrenaline was being secreted rapidly.

His rapid breathing has now deprived his brain of oxygen and his body has become numb.

The only good thing is that I gradually adapted to the night vision environment. Although the surrounding things are messy, fortunately there are no other frightening things.

Walking to another room, he was about to relax and explore what information was worth searching in the room.

In the next second, the lights in the room flicked on.

The thought of calling had just arisen in Pure Hei's heart, and the next second the light flickered again.

A tragic roar sounded in his ears, and there was a TV with snowflakes in front of him, and a tragic roar was coming out.

"Ahhh!" He couldn't help screaming.

After seeing that the thing making the sound was just a TV with snowflakes, he couldn't help but swear.

"Fake! Fake! Fake!" Pure black felt that the thinking in his brain began to solidify at that moment.

Hearing his scream, Danmaku felt even more happy.

As far as playing horror games is concerned, watching people play and playing by yourself are two completely different feelings.

‘Hahahahaha, damn it, the old thief just likes to play with these worthless things, look like it scares our young master like this. '

'The young master is quite brave, the anchors next door are still lingering in the security booth. '

‘I’m also happy, Sister Zhou is at the door, and said that she is going to guard until other anchors pass the game. She said that she will be a security guard in advance and save 40 years of detours. '

'You scared the young master into such a state with a mere yell, what are you going to do next! '


"Try it, it's really sudden." He rubbed his palms, which felt a little moist.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was nothing there but the scratchy TV.

Panting heavily, he explored the room, and then walked towards the concealed door.

Through the gap in the door, nothing can be seen. When the door is pushed open, there is a relatively narrow passage outside. The passage is blocked by the cabinet, leaving only a gap, enough for people to leave with their bodies sideways.

Chun Hei stood beside the cabinet, not daring to move forward.

Because it was on the wall behind the cabinet, the splashed blood, like splashed waves, was printed on the wall and the floor.

The blood that exploded on the wall has dried up, and the dark red blood is telling the story of this mental hospital's troubled past.

"Hiss—" he took a breath.

The aisle of this closet is like a watershed, as if as long as it passes, it will officially start to encounter danger.

Go and go!

Pure Hei closed his eyes and rushed towards that side, rushed to the corner of a room at the end and exited.


He breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, there was nothing.

Through the passage, the road ahead is blocked by tables and chairs, and there is a closed door next to it.

He looked at the door hesitantly, he must have entered.

As soon as he opened it, a corpse hanging upside down appeared in front of him so abruptly, dangling from side to side, like dried bacon.


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